View Full Version : Anybody have satellite radio?

06-11-2004, 10:43 PM
I was thinking about getting it since my head unit is "Sirrus Ready" :ugh: Not to keen on paying for radio but if it's that much better than FM, maybe. I don't know anyone who has it. Anyway.....anybody have Sirrus, or XM or something? Pro's/con's?

06-12-2004, 07:12 AM
i sell both XM and SIRIUS, i personally have SIRIUS in my 240. And i love it, i NEVER use FM again not to mention i only use CD's for custom mixed music that i find elsewhere.

PROS : Gread music selection(s) for almost every genre, commercial free music. XM good for R&B, Hiphop, Rock music, Sirius has good Dance, Euro dance, club mix, Pop, and some alternative.

CONS : Sometimes easy to lose reception (i.e. under bridges, wooded areas, dead spots, etc). Usually it only bugs out for a second.

hope that helps


06-12-2004, 03:35 PM
don't forget near CD quality music, no static, and the commercial free channels. Oh yeah, and I love the fact that your stations don't change on a far drive.