View Full Version : Zilvia acting funky

02-17-2014, 11:12 AM
Have any of you guys seen such problems:- New posts I make don't recognize line breaks & just run everything together like one HUGE paragragh.- Whenever I open a new topic and then click back, I see that a ton of random pages appear in my history.- When I click on a link to a specific Zilvia page, it takes me to the Home page instead. But the web address for the page I wanted is still in the address bar instead of the home page address...I was guessing maybe virus or malware, but this is happening of multiple PC's. Got any ideas?

02-17-2014, 01:11 PM
We removed vBSEO, so the links which were readable are not not readable.


Before this woudl be titled:

http://zilvia.net/f/ZilviaActingFunky, or something like that.

02-17-2014, 02:27 PM
Removed it just now?I wonder if that fixed things? Everyone elses line breaks seem to be accepted without problems.I'm just using this post to test... Hmm...
Nope. Still acting funky. No line breaks. And I see a code < p > & < / P > around all of my content...
There are a number of good build threads that are doing VE engines, that are definitely worth taking a look at. They offer a range of different parts, styles, purposes, and budgets. I'm sure I missed a few, but here are the threads I could think of.

rbs14kouki - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/535574-s14-kouki-sr20vet-cd009.html
Imarvin240 - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/420428-imarvin240-s-sr22ve-t-350z-time-attack-car-build.html
CaBS - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/447170-sxdevelopments-180sx-sxd180.html
CaBS - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/460493-sxds15-lets-try-go-pretty-fast-n-stuff-keep-street-registered.html
blackdragon328 - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/431001-ca-s14-zenki-vvl-super-build.html
jr_ss - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/453229-my-sr20vet.html
Lockiess - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/532438-s15-spec-r-vvl-kicked-yo.html
R4Race - http://zilvia.net/f/builds-builds-only/367161-s15-mazworx-sr23vet.html

Whenever I click any of the links (such as these from the 'SR20/SR22VET' thread) it just takes me back to the homepage.
All the crazy random pages in my history issue seems to be fixed though. I'm guessing my issues are connected to the Updates going on... Can you combine these threads?http://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=555347

02-17-2014, 08:23 PM
Whoever pulled the trigger on this decision just jumped the zilvia shark. All the ad revenue from google search traffic just left.

02-17-2014, 08:29 PM
Whoever pulled the trigger on this decision just jumped the zilvia shark. All the ad revenue from google search traffic just left.

I'm afraid you know little about google or vbseo, or vbulletin.

02-17-2014, 08:30 PM
If the URLs google has on file for search results go straight to the zilvia homepage people aren't going to keep clicking and right now that is exactly what is happening.

02-17-2014, 11:15 PM
Inbound links are fixed

06-05-2014, 06:39 PM
anybody else randomly getting send to a different site while in a thread? I havent even bothered to check the name of the websites since i immediately press the back button to exit it, but it looks like those online gaming sites. Out of nowhere, im just reading a thread, the next second im on another site. It already did it on me once on my laptop and once on my cellphone. Oh yeah, and the audio ads are back, even worse this time.

06-05-2014, 10:48 PM
Yup. Getting it with my cell. Yahoo ads and what not. This kinda happened a month or two ago but it had constant pop banners. It never automatically sent you to another site like now. Don't worry, the guys at Zilvia will narrow it down and fix the site again. Give em a few days.