View Full Version : LA Clean 1995 240sx SE FS/FT

Grocery Cart
02-11-2014, 08:59 PM
I want to start this off by saying I love this car, but I'm selling because it's just not me. I need another coupe in my life. So if you have a coupe (preferably base1989 single cam coupe 5 speed) I'm open to trades + cash on your end or even a straight trade depending on the car. Since i have to post a cash price I will start at $4000 OBO

I'm located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

1995 240sx SE
Clear coat is fading on roof and black hood, paint is about a 6.5/10
188k Miles on stock ka24de
Runs well and doesn't miss a beat
Automatic (Have everything to do 5 speed swap)
No sunroof
All leather interior with crackless dash 9/10 as whole
A/c and heat work great
Momo wheel
NRG Quick release
Fortune Auto 500 Coilovers
All new aftermarket suspension arms (ebay stuff. Beefy nonetheless)
Q45 front brakes

5 speed parts:
Ka24de Tranny
OEM replacement clutch (Brand new in box)*
OEM replacement Slave cylinder
Clutch master
Isis SS clutch line*
Flywheel and flywheel bolts
Dust Plate
Extra set of pedals (5 speed)
Extra Open Diff with Pumpkin*
Extra Drive Shaft
Tranny Mount
Megan Tranny Mount
(* = can be thrown in for a little extra)

There may be a few things I'm forgetting, you guys know how this works we've seen it a million times.:hihi




https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31/1911924_738921576127133_1384557889_o.jpg (Ignotion was hanging because I just replaced the ignition switch after taking these pictures)




If interested TEXT ONLY (work/school get in the way of talking) 985-992-9528

Grocery Cart
02-14-2014, 05:52 PM
Bump. Lowered price and more pictures.