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View Full Version : Ross pistons?

02-11-2014, 03:21 PM
My CA has bad rings and when I pull the engine I'm going forged, spool imports sells a rebuild kit with Ross racing pistons for $1250 Nissan CA18DET Rebuild Kit with Ross Forged Pistons (http://www.spoolimports.com/spool-engine-rebuild-kits/nissan/ca18det-rebuild-kit-1/nissan-ca18det-rebuild-kit-with-ross-forged-pistons) and a kit with cp pistons for $1450 CA18DET Rebuild Kit (http://www.spoolimports.com/spool-engine-rebuild-kits/nissan/ca18det-rebuild-kit-1/ca18det-rebuild-kit)
Are the CPs really that much better than Ross? My car will be daily'd and see some track use, I'm shooting for 300 rwhp for now, think the ross ones are any good?

Tom N
02-11-2014, 03:31 PM
CP is a good piston. It just has become a fanboy piston in the S chassis world.
Ross is also a very good piston but you don't need any brand forged pistons for just 300hp.

02-11-2014, 04:07 PM
Ross pistons are a pretty quality brand. I wouldn't worry too much about em. Maybe it's just me but I've never heard of "spool" con rods.
I highly recommend getting your new bearings (and possibly the crank) wpc treated before you throw it together.