View Full Version : Theft at Altamont.

06-08-2004, 02:56 AM
On Fri. along with the drilling I got, the manager told me their utility shop was broken into on May 30th and some of the supply and tools were stolen. I was just in shock and other then appology I had nothing to say. The track got ripped off on top of everything that was happening, it is like fuel on fire. The manager told me for years there are never problems but with drifting things start to appear negative in month. All the stuff that was happening in the past two weeks just makes the image of drifters look really bad to the track, and it is just too bad there are just that few assholes commiting petty theft to make the rest of us have a bad image. :-/ I just want to say guys keep an eye out for your stuff and if you know of any suspicious activity report to officials.

06-08-2004, 03:59 AM
Not to make excuses but it makes sense that the thefts wouldnt be committed by drifters but by spectators, as the drifters were participating in the event.

06-08-2004, 09:30 AM
Mofo WORD!

06-08-2004, 11:18 AM
still... GODDAMN JUVENILLE DELINQUENTS (SPELLING)... Why is it that Roundy Round guys and their kids don't steal but these "Drifting spectators" do? EH?

06-08-2004, 12:05 PM
Maybe the manager at Altamont is lying and trying to give drifters a bad image? :bite:

06-08-2004, 12:15 PM
Mofo WORD!

06-08-2004, 12:32 PM
Whatever the case may be, The one track in nor cal that would be perfect for these events is starting to hate us. Soon there will be no events there.
And it doesnt matter whether it is the drifters or the spectators, because its all about association.


06-08-2004, 12:44 PM
yea that sucks. my friend got his jack stolen at the may 30 event also..

06-08-2004, 04:49 PM
That's kinda jacked up. Don't people realize that if they do something stupid it's gonna create a bad name for all of us. So is Altamont pulling away from drifting? Or they gonna give us another chance?

06-08-2004, 05:22 PM
That's kinda jacked up. Don't people realize that if they do something stupid it's gonna create a bad name for all of us. So is Altamont pulling away from drifting? Or they gonna give us another chance?
Well the long talk on Fri. mainly involved me appologizing for things and promise it won't happen. Now it pretty much comes down to how people behave. I can not control what people do, so if problems keep coming up it is the general public of the drifter that get victimized at the end. The utility shop was the big metal shed inside the pit, so naturally the assumption is that it was some one from with in the pit not out side who broke in and stole stuff.

06-08-2004, 05:41 PM
Maybe the manager at Altamont is lying and trying to give drifters a bad image? :bite:

I really don't see that. If the track don't want us they can just say no to proposed events. He is trying to make drifting happen, but just think how would you feel if all this shit is happening in the past week at a place that you have been running smooth for a long time? His equipment gets ripped off, he gets busi. threats, the turn out and support was not as big as he thought, I mean wouldn't you have doubts about all this if you were him? (oh plus he is expecting a baby soon so even more stress.)Greg Roayl is a very nice guy, I assure you that.


06-08-2004, 06:30 PM
guys.. Just get it done... Stop being a-Holes... Ya Know.. If ppl did steal.. Cut it out.. If you see some sheisty stuff then let someone know..

06-08-2004, 07:10 PM
Maybe we should keep spectators out of the pit areas. Have it be just drivers and their friends. That's whack that assholes have to steal shit. I left all my tools out.

06-08-2004, 09:52 PM
yea, just keep spectators out of the pits! I don't wanna have to worry about my tools when I'm out on the track. Or keep spectators to a minimum, Drift Day kept spectators to the friends of the drifters, each driver could take 2 people into the pits. IMO there were too many people in the pits at Altamont. And I know it was for the smaller S turn course, but more people will allow for more shit to happen, like fights too. it sucks this had to happen.

06-08-2004, 11:30 PM
ppl are stupid.. that really sucks... there are always gonna be retards out there espicially in the import scene. i just hope it wasnt someone thats on this forums were all a community who loves to drive loves nissans and love to drift and if some retard is tryign to ruin it for us... we should beat his ass!

06-09-2004, 12:15 AM
Yet another reason to ban spectators from the pits & limit access to drivers & their posse.

06-09-2004, 01:05 AM
im part of the posse!

06-09-2004, 01:45 AM
Im Mad And Now Everyone Should Be Mad With Me! Give Back My Fuckin Jack U Ass Wipe!

06-09-2004, 09:26 AM
Mofo WORD!

Andrew Bohan
06-09-2004, 10:41 AM
whose idea was it to allow spectators in the pits in the first place? that's stupid.

06-09-2004, 11:08 AM
Actually you guys are right. We should limit the pits to the drivers and 1 or 2 guests. And keep it at that. There are enough of us driving so that most of the people that should be there and are wanted there can be there. This way we can keep all the asses out. We really don't need a bad name, and if this is the only way to keep the events going then so be it.

Lets make sure that at the next event only drivers and a Max of 2 guests are allowed in the pits.

Krazy Bunta
06-09-2004, 01:41 PM
Thats still 225 + staff. Thats actually about the same as the pit attendance numbers for May 30th.

We are working toward some possible solutions.

We really appreciate the feedback, we will keep you posted as to the progress.


06-09-2004, 01:57 PM
Than just keep it to drivers and one friend/passanger or whatsoever. What ever it takes. People will be willing in order to keep drifting a reality. That would only be 140 + staff... that should be good cause I'm hopeing that we don't have to worry about staff. Shoot if you really want I'll vonlunter to park next to the thier work shed so that we can keep an eye on it if that's what it take.

Most people know me if not by name or face, by my car. I'm sure people know that I would never steal anything and if I say I'm going to watch out for things I will.

Don, Tod, if you guys need anything or extra help just let me know. Josh knows how to get ahold of me.

06-09-2004, 02:16 PM
Mofo WORD!

(im just whoring.)

06-09-2004, 02:49 PM
people are allowed into the pits cause ncda makes 5 bucks extra per person

06-09-2004, 03:27 PM
Yeah I know.

And Al, what's new.

06-09-2004, 03:33 PM
people are allowed into the pits cause ncda makes 5 bucks extra per person

They dont make any money off of the spectators, just the drivers entry fee. And just so you guys know the ncda organizers lost money on this event just to make it a good event.


06-09-2004, 05:25 PM
They should have recieved 6000 dollars from the drivers fees. Another grand or more from spectators. So at least 7 g's. If you lose money at a bullshit track like Altamont after collecting 7 grand, the track overcharged you. The track should be between 1500 and 2 grand, another couple grand for insurance and another grand for the ambulance...

It was overcrowded and you really dont get your money's worth with that setup(run for a minute, wait for 20 minutes). That's why i'm not gonna sign up for freedom drift. they are charging the same or more and want more drivers on the same track

Krazy Bunta
06-09-2004, 05:53 PM

NCDA here. Add to that marketing, staff, security, and all the manhours Todd and I put in.

I'm a little saddened by the lack of appreciation, this year is a write off, we're working hard to build a foundation, iron out event details and pricing, for a better drifting experience for all in the future. I'll move on.

By your numbers you recieved only 12 runs total on May 30th? Four 1hr sessions, at 20min wait per run, 3 runs per session times 4 = 12 runs? Wow I'd be really upset too.

I calculated approximately 6-8 runs per driver in each morning session, and in the afternoon, we were able to speed things up, by my estimation over 10 runs per driver/per run session, I would've expected up to 40 runs that day (more for those who competed), am I way off base?

By comparison, for those of you who autocross, cost $25-30 to participate, 3-4 runs. Almost $10 a 60 second lap. Some of you may try to compare this to a private event, not a fair comparison. Staff, medical emergency costs, available instructors, tow services, insurance are all real costs that do add up, and are a necessity for a large weekend event. Large events will help grow the sport, and make it more readily available to all.

As for Freedom drift, Todd and I will be making track improvements with or without the help of the track. We did feel the groups could handle additional drivers (we've only added 5 per rungroup), but you'll notice that the hours the track is hot has also extended. Freedom drift is designed for even MORE track time. Don't forget we have a passion for the sport as well, we're not doing this for fame or fortune (although, look out for some of our drivers, they're getting pretty damn good - in the FC's - Todd Ho, head instructor and Henry Ahn, staff instructor) .

06-09-2004, 06:06 PM
Mofo Word.

(Don't mind me.. Im just whoring around)

06-09-2004, 06:15 PM

I calculated approximately 6-8 runs per driver in each morning session, and in the afternoon, we were able to speed things up, by my estimation over 10 runs per driver/per run session, I would've expected up to 40 runs that day (more for those who competed), am I way off base?


there is NO WAY IN HELL i got to do 40 runs on the racetrack, and in all fairness, you CANNOT count runs on the skidpad or "mini-course". those were a waste of time, tires and gas and they last like 20 seconds. then you get to do 2 donuts around a cone *yay*.

and if you wouldnt mind sharing, how much does it cost to hold an event like may 30th?

edit: i'll give it up to you guys for trying and by no means am i saying i got ripped off,and even though i crashed my car i would do the whole day again, except i would just keep running on the track until i got kicked out. and the competition took away from everyone's track time, everyone would have got to race for like 90 more seconds.!!

edit again: am i being unreasonable for expecting so much? i guess i'm just thinking of buttonwillow..it's 4 hours away but for 120-150 bucks you can race on a real racetrack(not oval) and people say by the time noon rolls around you are tired of driving. And there are only 20 people or less. We need events like this closer to the bay..

06-09-2004, 06:25 PM
if ncda could squeeze 3 outings (each group run big & small course 3x) that would be awesome!

Krazy Bunta
06-09-2004, 06:33 PM
westboroughpimp, I'd like to keep things on a positive level, and therefore feel I cannot continue this discussion. You seem to be extremely upset about something we did.

I'm not skating your question regarding price, rather, its more complicated than a single figure, and it would be unfair to us and others in the industry to reveal the cost of an individual event, as it is a highly dynamic number.

westboroughpimp, I do appreciate your feedback and hope we can improve our events to a level at which you'd like to participate again.

I'll leave this conversation on this last note. We have heard your suggestions/complaints and feedback, and will react to them. Just as we did others after the Thunderhill event. I was very pleased about our May 30th event, having experienced other events that were not as fun or valuable. But that's not good enough, I agree, we will work to continue to improve.

NCDA Staff

06-09-2004, 06:38 PM
westboroughpimp, I'd like to keep things on a positive level, and therefore feel I cannot continue this discussion. You seem to be extremely upset about something we did.

it's not something you did. it's not your fault...and i'm not even really that upset. It's just the way things turned out ..there were simply too many people on the track. Like i said even though i crashed a car that i had only owned for a week! i would still not change anything about that day.

as for not revealing the costs...fine. But i find it hard to believe you guys "took a loss" on this one. I will contact Altamont myself and find out how much the track costs. unless they charged like 5 grand for the track rental alone you shouldnt have lost money. unless you count blowing up someone's engine in the costs.

and just to recap. i think it's fair to say one should get at least half an hour worth of actual driving time on the racetrack. if there are 60 people divided by half an hour each, there needs to be 30 hours of track time total assuming one run takes a minute and there is only one person on the track at a time.

06-09-2004, 07:14 PM
Wtf is wrong with you? Take this into consideration.
Track cost.
Advertising and fliers.
Track cleanup.
Medical support.

And how could you flame down the best event to ever be held in the south bay? You are really just trying to fuck everyone here. Dont you realize that if we want to have events in the bay area it has to start somewhere. And a run is a run. You didnt see me wasting my tires on the skid pad, but it is still a run.

Go flame someone else because all you do is talk shit about everything anyway.

06-09-2004, 07:40 PM

-What other drift events have you been to other than Button Willow?

-If there are $120 all day 20 cars event near the bay don't you think it
would happen already?

-Cost of track rental, why don't you ask the expert Crabdrifting?

-May be Altamont and NCDA events are just not your thing?

-Why pay $120 @ Button Willow when you can drift for hours by yourself on
highway 9?

-Why don't you put an event together?

06-09-2004, 08:18 PM
-What other drift events have you been to other than Button Willow?


If there are $120 all day 20 cars event near the bay don't you think it
would happen already?

Drifting hasnt been big enough in norcal yet. that's the whole point of ncda and crabdrifting. i'm sure we will find a reasonably priced piece of land, racetrack or not where we can get good track time for a reasonable price.

Cost of track rental, why don't you ask the expert Crabdrifting?

Maybe i will. Thanks for your cynical suggestion. it is appreciated

-May be Altamont and NCDA events are just not your thing?
did you figure that out all by yourself?

-Why pay $120 @ Button Willow when you can drift for hours by yourself on
highway 9?

Not everyone is expert mountain drifter like you. that's why i want track time so i can drift more

-Why don't you put an event together?
i work 60 hours a week. i dont have the connections or the recources. believe me i wish i could

06-09-2004, 08:23 PM
Wtf is wrong with you? Take this into consideration.
Track cost.
Advertising and fliers.
Track cleanup.
Medical support.

And how could you flame down the best event to ever be held in the south bay? You are really just trying to fuck everyone here. Dont you realize that if we want to have events in the bay area it has to start somewhere. And a run is a run. You didnt see me wasting my tires on the skid pad, but it is still a run.

Go flame someone else because all you do is talk shit about everything anyway.

oops i didnt see this post. sorry for being so respectful in my last response.

let me start over

-What other drift events have you been to other than Button Willow?

none. i've never been to a drift event. buttonwillow was a practice day and ncda was a car show

If there are $120 all day 20 cars event near the bay don't you think it
would happen already?

not when people look at drifting as the next cash crop.

Cost of track rental, why don't you ask the expert Crabdrifting?

talking shit? can't tell

-May be Altamont and NCDA events are just not your thing?

i have nothing against altamont or ncda. go read my last post. just so happens on may 30th, the way ncda organized the event wasnt to my liking. and the way we ran altamont one at a time was somewhat anti-educational. you gotta keep attacking the track to learn shit. especially for us beginners.

-Why pay $120 @ Button Willow when you can drift for hours by yourself on
highway 9?

i wish i was a rich white guy so i could afford to crash cars in the mountains all day long

-Why don't you put an event together?

if i was a rich white guy i would just rent out the track for all my friends to use

Andrew Bohan
06-09-2004, 08:42 PM

06-09-2004, 11:38 PM
if ncda could squeeze 3 outings (each group run big & small course 3x) that would be awesome!

The way things were laid out the groups were suppose to rotate 3 times with a toatl of 9 sessions. However the decision to do the competition was not made by NCDA, it was made by the drivers. Remember there was the poll to vote wether or not to have 1-1.5 hours of extra track time or to have a competition? The vote was on NCDA's forum and majority of the drivers who voted wanted competiton. Now if you guys want to have more track time instead of competition that is ok too. I understand NCDA's events are not up to certain peoples' standard or satisfaction, but every thing will get straightend out soon. We are trying to give the drivers a lot of atonomy and room to adjust so at the end the event is what the drivers want. I appologize if things are not as good as it can be, but we will continue to make improvements and progress.

I have mentioned before about Button Willow. Well here is my thought and opinion..... I have seen cars flip, caught on fire, stuck together after collision, driver dies, driver not breathing, driver cut so bad blood was dripping out the floor hole on to the asphalt, driver injured and can not get out of car by himself, driver passed out, heart attack, and a car literally flipped across the track end over end 30 feet infront of me and landed upside down. If I was 30 feet ahead the back bumper would have come through my wind shield. (Remember there was a little confusion about convertible cars for the Thunderhill event? that was because a few weeks prior to Jan. 17th a S2000 flipped and the driver was air lifted out. I think he was paralized or seriously injured, and Thunderhill was or is going through legal issues with that.) I have not been to one of those 15 car event at Button Willow in a while so things might be different now than what I know, but event with out medical and tow crew is just too great of a risk to take in my opinion. Some of you might think it is a good deal out there, but you are taking a much higher risk with your lives, you just have not seen the consequences infront of you yet. My point is not to scare people. High performance driving is dangerous and there are a lot of consideration and issues that need to be addressed, it is much more dynamic and complex than it appears.

06-10-2004, 12:46 AM
You can't please everybody. I had fun at the event and I learned a lot. I missed part of the morning session and I still got at least 15 runs in on the big track for the whole day. And another 11 runs during the competition. I've been to 3 or 4 events at Buttonwillow. It's definetaly the best event to go to as far as track time. But what I liked about Altamont was that there were walls close by that you could hit if you were careless. It really motivated you to keep a proper line. Fuck, I'm rambling. NCDA is still learning what works and what doesn't in regards to putting on drift events. Anyone who would rather focus on track drifting then parking lot cone drifting is OK in my book.

06-10-2004, 01:47 AM
yea :redxd:

06-10-2004, 03:46 AM
You can't please everybody. I had fun at the event and I learned a lot. I missed part of the morning session and I still got at least 15 runs in on the big track for the whole day. And another 11 runs during the competition. I've been to 3 or 4 events at Buttonwillow. It's definetaly the best event to go to as far as track time. But what I liked about Altamont was that there were walls close by that you could hit if you were careless. It really motivated you to keep a proper line. Fuck, I'm rambling. NCDA is still learning what works and what doesn't in regards to putting on drift events. Anyone who would rather focus on track drifting then parking lot cone drifting is OK in my book.

Thanks Mike. In my book you won the Best Improved Award for the day.

06-10-2004, 04:19 AM
Going back to the topic, I was nervous when I seen suvs and other cars that were going in and out of the pit area. Especially when my gear and my spare rims were unattended.

Going off topic, I'm glad that the NCDA staff are here to take the complaints and complements. It shows that they respect and try to understand the community to bring us better events. If I am correct, this is their 2nd event. NCDA is growing as we are developing better skills in drifting. If you don't like it, you don't have to attend. Try one of those NASA events. You'll see a difference.

Next to renting a track, we tried to rent thunderhill on a weekday, they wanted about 4 grand for no more than 15 drivers. Minimum staff and ambulance. There is more than it seems.

06-10-2004, 06:33 AM
The way things were laid out the groups were suppose to rotate 3 times with a toatl of 9 sessions. However the decision to do the competition was not made by NCDA, it was made by the drivers. Remember there was the poll to vote wether or not to have 1-1.5 hours of extra track time or to have a competition? The vote was on NCDA's forum and majority of the drivers who voted wanted competiton. Now if you guys want to have more track time instead of competition that is ok too. I understand NCDA's events are not up to certain peoples' standard or satisfaction, but every thing will get straightend out soon. We are trying to give the drivers a lot of atonomy and room to adjust so at the end the event is what the drivers want. I appologize if things are not as good as it can be, but we will continue to make improvements and progress.

I have mentioned before about Button Willow. Well here is my thought and opinion..... I have seen cars flip, caught on fire, stuck together after collision, driver dies, driver not breathing, driver cut so bad blood was dripping out the floor hole on to the asphalt, driver injured and can not get out of car by himself, driver passed out, heart attack, and a car literally flipped across the track end over end 30 feet infront of me and landed upside down. If I was 30 feet ahead the back bumper would have come through my wind shield. (Remember there was a little confusion about convertible cars for the Thunderhill event? that was because a few weeks prior to Jan. 17th a S2000 flipped and the driver was air lifted out. I think he was paralized or seriously injured, and Thunderhill was or is going through legal issues with that.) I have not been to one of those 15 car event at Button Willow in a while so things might be different now than what I know, but event with out medical and tow crew is just too great of a risk to take in my opinion. Some of you might think it is a good deal out there, but you are taking a much higher risk with your lives, you just have not seen the consequences infront of you yet. My point is not to scare people. High performance driving is dangerous and there are a lot of consideration and issues that need to be addressed, it is much more dynamic and complex than it appears.

that is very true, i kinna overlooked the fact that a comp. will also take time. i for one voted for a cometition and was very pleased with the may 30 event.

06-10-2004, 10:05 AM
I wasn't able to drive at the event, but I have been to many events. Just to let you guys know if you guys have that much of an issue. There are tracks that will allow individuals to run on the track the whole day for about 350 dollars. That is by yourself most of the time. That is only on their off days when they have nothing else booked and you have have to call on a daily basis to see if there is anything going on.

I think these are great events, and I do give NCDA thumbs up on this. Their events aren't perfect, but they are learning and trying to adjust. It takes time since drifting is kinda new in the states. It's harder to get tracks to open up to us and allow drifters to go.

It also really doesn't help when idiots are doing stupid things like stealing from the Track. What we need to do is support people like NCDA, but NCDA also has to understand that in order for us to support them they have to support other groups that are attempting to bring drifting around. They can't try to corner the market on Northern California. I don't know all the details, actually nobody knows because neither NCDA nor CrabDrifting want to speak the truth about what's going on.

I aplaud NCDA for bringing track drifting to Norhtern California and I do believe that we need to support them and anyone else that is trying to make drifting more acceptable on the track.

I also thank Altamont Raceway for allowing us to continue drifting on their track even with all the bullshit that's been thrown their way because of it.

Lastly, NCDA needs to advertise better. We need to get people there to watch the events. We need the public to see exactly what goes on. It's the only way we are going to get public acceptability for drifters on the track.

I know there is a profit being made. I don't know how much because nobody is going to disclose that, but you should be using some of that profit to advertise these events a little better.

Thats my 2 cents.

06-10-2004, 10:52 AM
Mofo Word.

(I wanted to put my 2 cents, but it will be ugly. So Im not.)

06-10-2004, 10:53 AM
on a lighter note..have you blown your shocks on PM yet?

06-10-2004, 11:22 AM
on a lighter note..have you blown your shocks on PM yet?

I don't purchase POS shocks. So no.

I have the TRD rally shocks.

Btw: Wanna come out this weekend with that POS Pink Car. Im heading out to PM.

Fruity ass mofo, riding around with a pink car. Nigga Please.

06-10-2004, 11:47 AM
westboroughpimp. Sorry for being an ass. But you pissed me off. Im just tired of all your shit talking, You do have some good points, and i agree with most of them, lets just put this out to pasture, because all this bikering does is make people in nor cal look like crybaby bitches like you. Anyways, where the fuck do you come off saying im a rich whiteboy? I have built all of my cars myself, built all my own motors, everything. And im so not rich that im usually stuck eating cup of noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Just becuase im a white guy with a nice car doesnt mean that i just paid someone to build it for me, or just bought it at the S14.5 car dealership in never never land.

+ How in the fuck can you say that? when your the one who just goes out and buys a car thats allready built, You didnt do a goddam thing to that car and you overpaid for it. I would never buy a car thats allready built, or atleast if i did i would change everything about it, to make it my car. I hate people like you who give the sport and the sceen a bad name, Ohh and remember when i helped you over the phone with your boost controller?
I didnt need to do that, i just did to be nice to georgia. I spent alot of time on the phone with you, and assuming that thing was installed properly i told you accurate tuning information, The only thing in fact that made me not like you was what georgia told me you said about me after i tried to help you.
she said that you said " That guy Luke isnt very helpful and doesnt really know anything, he was just a big waste of time." thats what made me not like you. YOU ARE THE DUMBASS WHO COULDNT FIGURE OUT THE FREAKING VACUME LINES WERE BACKWARDS.

And I have NEVER crashed ANY of my drift cars, unlike you.
Now lets stop this fucking bickering before it gets ugly.
Peace :mrmeph:

06-10-2004, 12:20 PM
Mofo Word!

(Oh Var, You ain't going to let him talk to you like that...are you? What up Lukestar.)

Mofo Word!

06-10-2004, 12:52 PM
Al, some people just a little too full of themselves aren't they?

You know like you are. haha.

You know, I've been to alot of meets and events, and the majority of people there are hella kewl, but I just have to say this. A very very select few of the people that i've come accross, think way to highly of themselves.

Come on. This is suppose to be fun, and everyone is suppose to kick back. I love the way that most people can just kick back and help each other out, but why the fuck can't some people just stop acting like assholes and stop thinking their better than everyone else.

Dude I know my driving skill kinda sucks. I actually have to ask for pointers most of the time. My knowledge of supsension is so so, I get alot of my Advise from Josh at Auto RND. My strong point is engines, tranny's and electrical.

I'm not better than anyone else on this forum. But some people that I won't mention names unless it to their face. I don't care to deal with on a regular basis cause they are stuck up, wanna be hard ass, assholes.

Again My 2 P h u K i n G sents

06-10-2004, 12:53 PM
someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? sheesh looks like half of you did...

06-10-2004, 12:55 PM
Al, :mrmeph:

I just read my last post, and even though it looks like it I didn't direct that at you. The first part was a joke at your expense I guess. I just wanted to clear that up. :mrmeph:

I've met you and I even think I knew you in highschool for like a semester or something and you are an ass, but you're only an ass In fun. Atleast that's what I get from it. I don't think you really mean anything by it, atleast I hope not. :mrmeph:


Oh and just in case you didn't catch it :mrmeph:

06-10-2004, 12:58 PM
i hope that u guys are at ur computers laughing when u guys are typing this and having fun cuz thats what were supposed to be doing is having fun!

06-10-2004, 01:16 PM
Im just playing around. Its all fun anyways. Besides i dont hate westboroughpimp, hes a cool guy, just pisses me off somtimes. lol. When it all comes down to it, i dont think anyone is a bad driver unless they are not trying to learn at all. You can suck ass, and go out there and learn more than a pro would in one day, now thats what its all about.

yeaaar. :rawk:

06-10-2004, 01:18 PM
Im full of myself. Ssshiitttt...

I just love me. Too bad I don't love you.

Al aka Asshole.

(Oh yeah, I've known you since Hoover. lol)

06-10-2004, 01:19 PM
knghtryde. Where in campbell are you? I also live in campbell next to san thomas and hamilton.


06-10-2004, 01:20 PM
Hey Al. any word on that motor. lol :bigok:

06-10-2004, 02:12 PM
Imma call those bastards right now.


06-10-2004, 02:15 PM
westboroughpimp. Sorry for being an ass. But you pissed me off. Im just tired of all your shit talking, You do have some good points, and i agree with most of them, lets just put this out to pasture, because all this bikering does is make people in nor cal look like crybaby bitches like you. Anyways, where the fuck do you come off saying im a rich whiteboy? I have built all of my cars myself, built all my own motors, everything. And im so not rich that im usually stuck eating cup of noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Just becuase im a white guy with a nice car doesnt mean that i just paid someone to build it for me, or just bought it at the S14.5 car dealership in never never land.

+ How in the fuck can you say that? when your the one who just goes out and buys a car thats allready built, You didnt do a goddam thing to that car and you overpaid for it. I would never buy a car thats allready built, or atleast if i did i would change everything about it, to make it my car. I hate people like you who give the sport and the sceen a bad name, Ohh and remember when i helped you over the phone with your boost controller?
I didnt need to do that, i just did to be nice to georgia. I spent alot of time on the phone with you, and assuming that thing was installed properly i told you accurate tuning information, The only thing in fact that made me not like you was what georgia told me you said about me after i tried to help you.
she said that you said " That guy Luke isnt very helpful and doesnt really know anything, he was just a big waste of time." thats what made me not like you. YOU ARE THE DUMBASS WHO COULDNT FIGURE OUT THE FREAKING VACUME LINES WERE BACKWARDS.

And I have NEVER crashed ANY of my drift cars, unlike you.
Now lets stop this fucking bickering before it gets ugly.
Peace :mrmeph:

alright dude. thanks for personally attacking me you fuckin jackass. Calling me a crybaby bitch. And you tell me to stop bickering after you post that. rrright.

O and i do remember when you spent all of 5 minutes with me on the phone. No you didnt help with with a damn thing. You just brushed me off like an asshole and if you call that being nice you're hella stuck up. You said turn the gain up and call me back. That's the only help you gave me. thanks a lot. And i NEVER told Georgia you didnt know anything OR it was a big waste of time. I just told her i felt like your were brushing me off. So you were fed false information. Sorry.

And overpaying for the car...yeah i did. And i knew it before i bought it. And i told Georgia i was giving her more for it than it was worth, but i trusted her and i payed for peace of mind.I didnt want to haggle with her over it, i just told her to throw in the c/f hood. And calling me a dumbass cause i "couldnt figure out the vacuum lines were backwards" Are you serious? didnt i tell you that i figured out the vacuum lines were wrong? As soon as i got a hold of the instruction manual i could tell it was incorrect. I wasnt the one that installed it. i just fixed it. I will PM you about this one cause i have to get it off my chest but i wont do it on a public forum.

So i thought you were rich.. it was just your attitude. Most rich whiteboys i know act like you. I guess you are just snobby. And so what? I called you "rich" ooooo. you fuckin came out swingin you stupid pretty boy bitch. see talking shit is easy, but disprove anything i said in my posts. i just post the truth. you are the shit talker.

And i dont know why i'm about to say this..i shouldnt compliment you cause it will stick your head even further up your ass..so far that you may never be able to pull it back out. But you were the best drifter out there..how come you didnt win the competition...i dont even remember seeing your car towards the end. . o and let's stop the bickering before it gets ugly.. lol. dumbass

06-10-2004, 02:24 PM
Oh luke... You going to let him talk to you like that... OHHHHH

BTW: Var. He didn't compete. LOL I don't think he did. Not sure.

06-10-2004, 02:26 PM
1. Al who could love an ugly mug such as yourself besides yourself... lolz...

2. Yes I think most of us are sitting here cracking up as we type. I know that when I crack jokes or make bad comments usually I'm just messing around.

3. Blu808... I live on Campbell and Union really close to the Pruneyard... Hit me up...

4. Varr... I told you when you told me that something was wrong that mostly likely they hooked the vacum lines wrong.

5. Everyone stop your damn bickering before I have to start regulating on all your arses... lolz...

6. those are my several cents.... and I think that covers all the questions and comments... lolz.

06-10-2004, 02:28 PM
i'm a fag

it's cool i know. pm me your number cause i lost it AGAIN. i'm down to go out this weekend but pinky is broken.. i will take the black POS.

06-10-2004, 02:41 PM
save the drama for your momma.

06-10-2004, 02:51 PM
cuz all i want is a hoochi mama!

06-10-2004, 03:00 PM
Yo, pms sent. And ask anyone, i dont have my head up my ass, all i do is help people and fix other peoples cars, its fun. I didnt compete that day because i was an instructor that day, I was just giving others rides to help them out. It was really fun to see them doing soo much better later that day.

I actually left the event early do to some car problems, i was just allowing more time to make it home incase i would have to tow it.
Anyways, i hope all this is resolved, and dont forget, im the oposite of rich, Cars are my life and i often sacrifice: Food, blood, sleep, relationships, and myself for the love of hte sport. Rps13sh knows this as well, he has known me since i was 16.

Allright guys. :blah:

06-10-2004, 03:06 PM
I wasn't able to drive at the event, but I have been to many events. Just to let you guys know if you guys have that much of an issue. There are tracks that will allow individuals to run on the track the whole day for about 350 dollars. That is by yourself most of the time. That is only on their off days when they have nothing else booked and you have have to call on a daily basis to see if there is anything going on.

I think these are great events, and I do give NCDA thumbs up on this. Their events aren't perfect, but they are learning and trying to adjust. It takes time since drifting is kinda new in the states. It's harder to get tracks to open up to us and allow drifters to go.

It also really doesn't help when idiots are doing stupid things like stealing from the Track. What we need to do is support people like NCDA, but NCDA also has to understand that in order for us to support them they have to support other groups that are attempting to bring drifting around. They can't try to corner the market on Northern California. I don't know all the details, actually nobody knows because neither NCDA nor CrabDrifting want to speak the truth about what's going on.

I aplaud NCDA for bringing track drifting to Norhtern California and I do believe that we need to support them and anyone else that is trying to make drifting more acceptable on the track.

I also thank Altamont Raceway for allowing us to continue drifting on their track even with all the bullshit that's been thrown their way because of it.

Lastly, NCDA needs to advertise better. We need to get people there to watch the events. We need the public to see exactly what goes on. It's the only way we are going to get public acceptability for drifters on the track.

I know there is a profit being made. I don't know how much because nobody is going to disclose that, but you should be using some of that profit to advertise these events a little better.

Thats my 2 cents.
Thanks for educating the people David. Well I think by contacting Altamont for track rental you learned now it absolutely is not as straight cut as most people think. I know it sounds like NCDA is try to coner the market and not support other drift related group, but that is not true. We had a few long meetings with NASA about U.S. Drift, and I give them support and thumbs up for what they are doing. I like NASA's attitude and infact I helped and managed the U.S. Drift in Fontana along with Calvin and Hubert for NASA. We can not control who goes where and does what event and we don't. The mission is to "dynamicly and positively promote drifting" and we support anything that helps the mission. However there is a problem when there are confusion and manupulating actions that puts negativity and offense in the scene. Oh as for advertising, well we did our best and I have to admit it was disappointing. We went around every place we can think where there will be people interested in drifting and let them know. Any advice on advertising is welcome guys.

06-10-2004, 03:23 PM
Thanks for educating the people David. Well I think by contacting Altamont for track rental you learned now it absolutely is not as straight cut as most people think. I know it sounds like NCDA is try to coner the market and not support other drift related group, but that is not true. We had a few long meetings with NASA about U.S. Drift, and I give them support and thumbs up for what they are doing. I like NASA's attitude and infact I helped and managed the U.S. Drift in Fontana along with Calvin and Hubert for NASA. We can not control who goes where and does what event and we don't. The mission is to "dynamicly and positively promote drifting" and we support anything that helps the mission. However there is a problem when there are confusion and manupulating actions that puts negativity and offense in the scene. Oh as for advertising, well we did our best and I have to admit it was disappointing. We went around every place we can think where there will be people interested in drifting and let them know. Any advice on advertising is welcome guys.

I'm sorry, Josh lauqhs. I never get your names strait so I don't know if this is Tod or Don.

Anyways, which ever I'm responding to, I've been involved in cars and drifting scene for a very long time. I like driving independantly so I'm knowledgeable about the engine then I am of actually drifting a car. But I do get caught up in the behind the scenes stuff. I do know what it takes and I will never say nor have I said that you guys are ripping anyone off because I do understand what it takes.

You do hinder on your advertising, and I do understand it's not easy. I'm just really deeply involved with a larger variety of groups. There are alot of Camaro guys, Mustang guys, and other domestic guys that are kinda upset and offended cause they feel that they are purposely not being invited to these events.

Camaro runers in San Jose, have several really good drifters in their Camaro crew and I was talking to them the other day and they honestly think that NCDA (Quoting) "Are really fucked up for leaving domestics out of their events" they personally told me that they believe that you guys are purposely not inviting them, and they are upset that just because they don't drive imports they aren't allowed to participate... I understand that this isn't true but it is the message that we are sending out.

I know that when ever a domestic shows up at a DD event they are ripped one end and out the other. We need to open this up and show the domestic groups that interested in drift that they are welcome....

If you have any questions or wanna talk directly, PM me or Ask someone at AutoRND for my cell number. My names David.

06-10-2004, 03:24 PM
Going back to the topic, I was nervous when I seen suvs and other cars that were going in and out of the pit area. Especially when my gear and my spare rims were unattended.

Going off topic, I'm glad that the NCDA staff are here to take the complaints and complements. It shows that they respect and try to understand the community to bring us better events. If I am correct, this is their 2nd event. NCDA is growing as we are developing better skills in drifting. If you don't like it, you don't have to attend. Try one of those NASA events. You'll see a difference.

Next to renting a track, we tried to rent thunderhill on a weekday, they wanted about 4 grand for no more than 15 drivers. Minimum staff and ambulance. There is more than it seems.

Thank you Monkey. I think most people are not that exposed to track events yet and they perhaps don't know how involved it is. I have been to SCCA, NASA, BMW Club, Porsche Club, Speed Trail, TrackMaster, U.S. Drift National, ThunderHill test day, VIRA events personally and some more than once. Now please correct me if I am wrong but I think NCDA is taking the consideration of the drivers more than any of those organizers and allowing alternatives for what the drivers want more as well. Oh how was your experience with Mr. Voden? :p

06-10-2004, 03:25 PM
blu808, I hate to say this dude. When I first met you I got the impression that you where a little stuck on yourself. I didn't talk to you long enough to make a final decission so I'm not gonna say I know you or that I know your an ass or snobby. I'll wait till I get the oportunity to talk to you some more. I do think your driving skills on the drift are great. I don't know how your grip or touge is cause I've never driven on the passes with you.

Hopefully we get a chance to talk. Later.

06-10-2004, 03:35 PM
I'm sorry, Josh lauqhs. I never get your names strait so I don't know if this is Tod or Don.

Anyways, which ever I'm responding to, I've been involved in cars and drifting scene for a very long time. I like driving independantly so I'm knowledgeable about the engine then I am of actually drifting a car. But I do get caught up in the behind the scenes stuff. I do know what it takes and I will never say nor have I said that you guys are ripping anyone off because I do understand what it takes.

You do hinder on your advertising, and I do understand it's not easy. I'm just really deeply involved with a larger variety of groups. There are alot of Camaro guys, Mustang guys, and other domestic guys that are kinda upset and offended cause they feel that they are purposely not being invited to these events.

Camaro runers in San Jose, have several really good drifters in their Camaro crew and I was talking to them the other day and they honestly think that NCDA (Quoting) "Are really fucked up for leaving domestics out of their events" they personally told me that they believe that you guys are purposely not inviting them, and they are upset that just because they don't drive imports they aren't allowed to participate... I understand that this isn't true but it is the message that we are sending out.

I know that when ever a domestic shows up at a DD event they are ripped one end and out the other. We need to open this up and show the domestic groups that interested in drift that they are welcome....

If you have any questions or wanna talk directly, PM me or Ask someone at AutoRND for my cell number. My names David.

OMG!! :eek3: You don't konw how many times up late night me and Don are drinking coffee trying to figure out how to get the demostic guys involved!! We would love to have them there. All the domestic places we went to all seem to have this drifting is stupid and we grip and we are elite of an attitude. DUDE I grew up around V8s and actually I am saving up for a C5 vette. I always plug Camaros and C5 Vettes for good at drifitng every where I go. Infact Stir TV is going to air a NCDA segment and I plugged Camaroes, Vettes, E30, and E36 BMWs. Oh my God there is no way NCDA would purposely keep them out, I just don't know where to find domestic guys that are interested. Tell those guys to mail me please. Come on Don has a Mustang and I am a C5 lover. Ooops I hope the import guys won't hate me
now. :ugh:

06-10-2004, 03:59 PM
Like I said. I'm involved with a bunch of domestic guys who enjoy drifting. I drive with a few of them on passes at night. They have a really bad image of NCDA and most drift organizations right now but I'll talk to them anywayz. Maybe I can convince some of them to go with me to Freedom Drift, the problem is your advertising and stuff. It's usually nothing but pictures of imports and stuff. Dude, email me directly. [email protected], or call me I don't like giving my number openly so get it from Josh or someone. I know Josh can usually get a hold of night or day.

06-10-2004, 04:26 PM
What I see, it is not that domestics are left out. It is that they don't know about the events. Drifting doesn't me just imports, its a different way to enjoy driving. I believe NCDA lacked advertising. NCDA is trying to serve the invironment which most attends. Which is the strong nissan group. But they are improving very fast.

With more intrest and money, they can lure Dale Earnhardt Jr. to do some tandum drifts with Taniguchi in some demos which will attract more spectators. hee hee hee... But do you understand my approach? They are starting to do that with that crazy bikers. Now that was cool.

If you look at driftday, they have a strong following. Cause they have backers and include well known drifters at the events.

But in time NCDA will also grow stronger. Its a given.

06-10-2004, 04:26 PM

Im better than Luke on my black car...

Im hoping I get to paint my cage by this weekend. If not then you won't get to see my friend, Takumi.

edit. I make money on my events. HAHAAHHAHHAHAHAH.


06-10-2004, 04:39 PM
What I see, it is not that domestics are left out. It is that they don't know about the events. Drifting doesn't me just imports, its a different way to enjoy driving. I believe NCDA lacked advertising. NCDA is trying to serve the invironment which most attends. Which is the strong nissan group. But they are improving very fast.

With more intrest and money, they can lure Dale Earnhardt Jr. to do some tandum drifts with Taniguchi in some demos which will attract more spectators. hee hee hee... But do you understand my approach? They are starting to do that with that crazy bikers. Now that was cool.

If you look at driftday, they have a strong following. Cause they have backers and include well known drifters at the events.

But in time NCDA will also grow stronger. Its a given.

And I don't doubt it. I'm just trying to give advise and let them know different opinions. Imput never hindered improvement only helps speed it along.

06-10-2004, 05:27 PM
Well i dont see why you guys think im snobby or whatever. Thats your deal though.

As for driving, Im way better at grip than drift. Drifting is just way fun for me becuase when i was growing up racing shifter karts drifting was frowned upon.

Anyways, Lets do a touge run some night, pm me your #.

Laters. Luke

06-10-2004, 05:52 PM

It was just your attitude the night I met you, and the fact that you where trying to push me and tell me that my KA with turbo sets where crappy and I didn't know what I was talking about. It was the night at Starbucks with Georgia. I had a red S13. You kept talking about how superior the SR was to the KA and that I was gonna blow my motor like everyone else. You even told me to my face that I didn't know what I was talking about even though I was working on KA's even before people knew was the S13 was.

06-10-2004, 05:53 PM
I never said you where snobby or stuck up. I said that was my first impression but I didn't know enough about you or spent enough time talking to you find out what kinda person you where...

But yeah. I'll definately go for a drive with you.

06-10-2004, 05:56 PM
A Song Comes To Mind.

RPS13SH sings; Its A Thin Line....between Love And Hate...

06-10-2004, 05:58 PM
Ohh, well pm sent.

06-10-2004, 07:14 PM
I make money on my events. HAHAAHHAHHAHAHAH.

Yeah, Al makes a ton of money from events. We were laughing about it over our steak dinners after the last event.

06-10-2004, 11:39 PM

Oh yeah, you owe me dinner fucker.

I was tired ass hell. I can't believed you guys went straight home.

06-11-2004, 11:35 AM
Damn i miss out on zilvia like for 2 days and all hell breaks loose... I want some shit talking about me too =) Luke, you a dirty dirty guy... Pssshh.. Oh yeah and cocky... hehehe... Also David.. The flyers for the may 30th event were at the shop.. we still didnt get the new flyers for july 4th yet. And All is such a lil punk...

man.. i suck at this shit talking..

anyways.. YOU ALL SUCK ==) EAST COAST OwNZ JOO hehehe... did i do it right?

06-11-2004, 11:50 AM
Damn i miss out on zilvia like for 2 days and all hell breaks loose... I want some shit talking about me too =) Luke, you a dirty dirty guy... Pssshh.. Oh yeah and cocky... hehehe... Also David.. The flyers for the may 30th event were at the shop.. we still didnt get the new flyers for july 4th yet. And All is such a lil punk...

man.. i suck at this shit talking..

anyways.. YOU ALL SUCK ==) EAST COAST OwNZ JOO hehehe... did i do it right?

ShUt Up, YoU GoDdAmn MuTt.
-AoL OwnZ

06-11-2004, 12:29 PM
are you bringing me that manifold today???
Ohhh, and or zeal shipment came in, you should come check them out.

06-11-2004, 03:13 PM
Since when is Luke with AutoRND.

I'm confused. lolz.

We all know that Josh is a little sorry ass pothetic looser with no life. Go back to your cave child.

06-11-2004, 06:41 PM
I started working here this week. Ive known the guys here for quite some time.

Good People.

Andrew Bohan
06-11-2004, 11:33 PM
Since when is Luke with AutoRND.

I was thinkin the same thing

06-12-2004, 12:03 AM
Im with Auto RND also.

-Al < roll eyes >

06-12-2004, 01:35 PM
I used to be with strictly z. However the owner wanted to take some time off to reorganize his company. So i decided to team up with Rnd.

Yea for auto RND.