View Full Version : Your opinon please

06-07-2004, 02:18 PM
Just wanting to know your opinons on this. I'm almost got enuff $$ for the rb26 swap and all parts needed to swap it in. Hopefully if any part I need I will be able to get in Japan when I visit later this year. (and setup an agreement with family I have there, to send parts here. Fingers crossed) But anyway, since my 240 is a 1997 SE model auto, reading up on most threads I've searched, its not that difficult electrical wise to swap it to manuel. Besides drilling holes for the clutch master and slave cylinders, cutting down the brake pedal, removing the tranny should be the most hardest part.
So, is it better to just wait till I have the rb26dett front clip so I can swap both the engine and swap to 5speed (rb25 tranny)? And just order/buy what ever parts that will still be needed from a 240 for the 5 speed swap?
Or will it be less headaches to just swap in a 5speed now from any KA24DE, and all the parts so it will already be in place for the RB26 swap?

I have no problem working extra on the car to get everything right, even if its tedious.

06-07-2004, 03:15 PM
gettin the 5spd swap isnt hard @ all..wuts so hard bout changin the tranny...im not sure bout the stock base kouki models but my car was auto and theres a hole already drilled in for the clutch...i was also told most autos are liek that

06-07-2004, 05:18 PM
there is a hole imprinted at least on the s13, you have to cut it out though, also I did my shit before the engine swap, it makes it easier or at least for me it was. donno

06-09-2004, 12:42 AM
there is a hole imprinted at least on the s13, you have to cut it out though, also I did my shit before the engine swap, it makes it easier or at least for me it was. donno

You mean like the wiring, electrical, cutting, part?

06-09-2004, 01:15 PM
donno what ur asking but im talking about where you mount the master cylindar, the main hole is imprinted and the 2 bolt holes also.