01-19-2014, 10:03 PM
All prices are OBO and available for local pick up in socal pomona. Feel free to contact me at 6266763608
S13 SR20det redtop 5 speed ECU, SOLD
3 month old S13 a-b pillar weather stripping. I bought these new from the dealer. 120$ shipped
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t210/stpdaznfob/photo88_zps710fead4.jpg (http://s161.photobucket.com/user/stpdaznfob/media/photo88_zps710fead4.jpg.html)
Cluster Bezel with all buttons 35$ pick up
3 month old Infinity Reference Speakers 6402 cfx. These are over 120$ retail for the pair. 80$ pick up
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t210/stpdaznfob/photo86_zpsf2f14c83.jpg (http://s161.photobucket.com/user/stpdaznfob/media/photo86_zpsf2f14c83.jpg.html)
S13 SR20det redtop 5 speed ECU, SOLD
3 month old S13 a-b pillar weather stripping. I bought these new from the dealer. 120$ shipped
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t210/stpdaznfob/photo88_zps710fead4.jpg (http://s161.photobucket.com/user/stpdaznfob/media/photo88_zps710fead4.jpg.html)
Cluster Bezel with all buttons 35$ pick up
3 month old Infinity Reference Speakers 6402 cfx. These are over 120$ retail for the pair. 80$ pick up
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t210/stpdaznfob/photo86_zpsf2f14c83.jpg (http://s161.photobucket.com/user/stpdaznfob/media/photo86_zpsf2f14c83.jpg.html)