View Full Version : 2014 h20 weekend

01-11-2014, 02:54 PM
So this year me and my buddies are planning on doing a small little cruise down to ocean city Maryland for the h20 weekend. Since I'm fairly new to the forum here I wasn't sure if any of you go down for a day or the weekend. If anyone would be interested in going and doing a cruise I think it would be pretty awesome. Im located in south jersey but this is an invite to anyone who would like to go.

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01-11-2014, 03:07 PM
If you're gonna go down there with a bunch of friends, get a place and spend atleast 3 days out there. Show up Thursday and head back Sunday. Get a place close to the Taphouse on 44th St. Also, dont drive something stupid loud and has excessive camber. Cops were cracking down this year pretty hard.

01-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Yeah I saw videos from last year with cops ticketing everyone. We were thinking of going down for the whole weekend just cause it seems like the entire weekend is car meets all over the place.

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01-11-2014, 03:45 PM
Yeah I saw videos from last year with cops ticketing everyone. We were thinking of going down for the whole weekend just cause it seems like the entire weekend is car meets all over the place.

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Pretty much is. If you have a buddy with a truck, bring that truck down. Roll in the bed of the truck all day up and down the strip and get shit faced. Dont have to worry about getting harassed by cops.

01-11-2014, 03:58 PM
Sounds like your speaking from experience.

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