View Full Version : No 240.. No id - Hassan Shaker

01-03-2014, 01:05 PM
*****To Zilvia/Hassan - I will remove this and give you positive, proper feedback if you simply ship my wheels out and hold your end of the bargain up! Until then, Zilvia, enjoy the frustration I've been going through dealing with this guy for the past 2 weeks.*****

READ/VIEW THE PM's/TEXTS HERE: Danny Allegrezza - Greensboro, NC Programmer, Web Developer, and Wanna-be Drifter (http://dannyallegrezza.com/trade/)

1. I post my Gramlight 57D's up for sale or trade on Zilvia (here: http://zilvia.net/f/wheels-tires/547121-fs-gramlight-57d-17x9-12-5x114-3-ceramic-white-matt-powers-old-wheels.html#post5520893) and shortly after receive a text from Hassan Shaker aka No 240.. No id. Everything starts out great, he even calls me and tells me lots of details about his wheels he wants to trade, they are a set of Wed's 18X8.5 +6, 18X9.5 +3, 5X114.3 Cerberus.

He tells me they are in good shape, no bends, and no real rash. OK decent description.
He proceeds to send me multiple photos of the wheels, on the car, and off the car. GREAT!
He tells me they will come with 4 tires, but 2 are spent. Okay, thats fine...
He tries to tell me he has shipped other wheels and it is "No problem"
I asked him about his negative feedback and he said "oh the guy and I didn't agree upon things" and doesn't give me a lot of details.
I guess I was naive, so I agreed to trade with him. I have a flawless trader feedback, and always try to be 100% clear and concise when trading someone, and dealing with $1500 dollar wheels.
Hassan becomes increasing hard to respond to texts, says he is very busy, and has not picked up any of my calls at this point.
I ask him to please confirm or decline the trade, as I am about to send my wheels his way. He responds with "No problem, OK I will get yours out ASAP"
My wheels go out on Tuesday, December 31st. Neatly packaged, cleaned, with ALL 4 tires on them.
Hassan is becoming more distant, still 0 phone calls answered, and he tells me he will ship on Thursday.
This is where things start to get sketchy and I start to get worried. Thursday AM he PM's me and tells me his cousin has been in a car accident, in Houston, TX and he has had to leave town, but conveniently forgot his phone and is on an iPad (his friends) and on his way to the hospital. I asked him for anyones contact info, he still won't provide any ones. Now, you tell me, you would think an honest seller would provide his friends # that he's with, his fathers, someones? I Google his employer (family owned business I believe) and tried to call them multiple times, the line just rings and rings (more on this later).
I will let the PM's and the text messages to the talking.


FRIDAY 1/3/13 [CURRENT]: I call his shop and finally get someone on the phone. It's a girl, who tells me Hassan is "on a service call". Here is what I PM'd him, to which he DID NOT RESPOND.

"Just spoke to the girl at your work. She said you were out on a service call. I asked when you'd be back and she said soon. Once I told her my name, she said "oh I've been hearing Hassan and his dad talk about the wheels" and when I asked her if you were in Texas, her tone changed. Look man, if you're lying about being out of town to deal with a family car accident, you have bigger problems.. but that is aside the point. All you need to do is simply ship the wheels out. You've agreed upon the trade and it's not hard to follow through with. I know your place of work, I've got more contact info from other people who have dealt with you, I just want the Weds. PS. Still not 1 phone call answered or call back from you or your father."

He obviously did not respond to that.

So to summarize:
1. I agree upon a trade with this guy, Hassan Shaker, for my Gram Lights for his Weds.
2. I ship my wheels, hold my end of the bargain up, and then wait on him
3. He pretty much goes AWOL and answers 0 phone calls, tells me he has to go out of town for a family emergency, which I don't know to be true or not (see where girl at his shop tells me he is out on a service call).
4. He now is trying to tell me he wants to give me my wheels back, yet won't answer a simple phone call. Nor will his father or anyone related to him that can QUICKLY AND EASILY resolve this by shipping his wheels.

Hassan, PLEASE SHIP MY WHEELS or I will be seeking legal action against you. This is seriously so easy to fix, and you are acting cowardly and sketchy by not returning any calls, or following up on any promises that have been made to me.

I will remove this once the issue is resolved, if it is. I have a set of $1500 wheels MIA now and my car stuck up on jackstands waiting on wheels. Thanks a lot dude.

01-03-2014, 02:20 PM
Vouch for my man Dan, definitely a stand up guy. Have personally dealt with Danny a few times on my local forum and he has always been straightforward. Hope you get everything resolved bro. (this is Alex from CN btw)

01-03-2014, 02:22 PM
I'll also vouch for Danny. Known him for quite a few years now.

01-03-2014, 02:34 PM
Wow that's extremely naive of you to send out a set of wheels to someone with bad trader rating. I don't understand why people don't do a double buy when they want to trade wheels. Protects both sides.

01-03-2014, 02:39 PM
Agreed, it was naive of me. I spoke with him on the phone and he assured me everything would be fine. He wanted to meet since we are 8 hours apart. Live and learn, I guess.

I've given Hassan an ultimatum.
1. If he really wants to back out of the trade this bad, I will cancel my shipment which is due to him on Monday, and have FedEx return my wheels back to me. He can follow through with his offers to refund my shipping. I want him to send me $100.00 for shipping and wasting my time.
2. He can follow through and be a man and ship the Weds out by TOMORROW (Saturday) and provide me photos of the packaging and tracking numbers and we will be all set.

I am leaning more towards just going ahead and canceling the shipment because it seems like this guy is a waste of time. Feel free to chime in Hassan, I'm really dying to know what you make of all of this.

01-03-2014, 02:40 PM
+1 here too on vouching for Danny. Stand up guy, easy to deal with.

Sucks you're getting played like this. Hopefully he ships the Weds to you or at least reimburses you for your shipping costs.

01-03-2014, 03:02 PM
Agreed, it was naive of me. I spoke with him on the phone and he assured me everything would be fine. He wanted to meet since we are 8 hours apart. Live and learn, I guess.

I've given Hassan an ultimatum.
1. If he really wants to back out of the trade this bad, I will cancel my shipment which is due to him on Monday, and have FedEx return my wheels back to me. He can follow through with his offers to refund my shipping. I want him to send me $100.00 for shipping and wasting my time.
2. He can follow through and be a man and ship the Weds out by TOMORROW (Saturday) and provide me photos of the packaging and tracking numbers and we will be all set.

I am leaning more towards just going ahead and canceling the shipment because it seems like this guy is a waste of time. Feel free to chime in Hassan, I'm really dying to know what you make of all of this.

so your wheel hasn't even got their, i would just cancel the shipment how much was it to ship your wheels. dude seems sketch with that much run around i wouldnt even want his wheels.

No 240.. No id
01-03-2014, 05:17 PM
Really? This thread is very unnecessary. I sent you a pm.

And just heads up, if i wanted to scam you, then i could of had some taken the wheels from the fedex person they came at they were delivered.

Just because i didn't reply to your pm, doesn't mean you got to call the place i work at 10x, My cell 20x not including txt's when i told you i have an emergency and have to be out of town.

Be reasonable and act like a 25 year old.

I suppose to ship my wheels FIRST then you ship your wheels. I did not say i shipped my wheels. What i had told you is that I WILL TRY TO HAVE THEM SHIPPED OUT.

You decide to go to fedex and ship your wheels out and you think that will rush me to ship mine?

I'll get back to town later tomorrow and I can call you or call me if that make you feel better.

I even told you that i will pay for the Shipping and the trouble that you had to go to.

No 240.. No id
01-03-2014, 05:23 PM
Also to prove you that my intentions wasn't to scam or w.e. I wanted to meet in person and 1/2 way rather than shipping and even TOLD you that i had traded wheels before and The person didn't like them, therefore i wanted you too see them your self but my schedule didn't match yours and couldn't meet up.

01-03-2014, 05:34 PM
What a mess.... I do suggest you remove the full names, addresses and phone numbers in a majority of your images.

Life happens sometimes and people get busy, it's only been a couple days since you've shipped your wheels to the guy but you're blowing up his phone like an ex, I think it's safe to assume you're not helping the situation by calling his workplace either. I think you're blowing this way out of proportion and need to calm down a bit on the calling/PMs/texts....it's only been three days....

01-03-2014, 06:10 PM
1) Don't ship wheels to someone who you KNOW hasn't even arranged nor had time to handle shipping for you.
2) Dont post you Name, number, address, on the inernet for the public to see. Just from this post everyone can see plain as day where you live, what you look like, and what you own. Even Children get tought this stuff to avoid predators.....

01-03-2014, 06:13 PM
Funny how he said when I get back in town after the girl at his work said he's on a service call that makes sense

01-03-2014, 07:05 PM
Really? This thread is very unnecessary. I sent you a pm.

And just heads up, if i wanted to scam you, then i could of had some taken the wheels from the fedex person they came at they were delivered.

Just because i didn't reply to your pm, doesn't mean you got to call the place i work at 10x, My cell 20x not including txt's when i told you i have an emergency and have to be out of town.

Be reasonable and act like a 25 year old.
I am, it's had to resort to this because you cannot simply follow something you agreed to.
I suppose to ship my wheels FIRST then you ship your wheels. I did not say i shipped my wheels. What i had told you is that I WILL TRY TO HAVE THEM SHIPPED OUT.
What? Read what you wrote in our texts. I told you multiple times I was getting ready to ship the wheels, and to tell me if you weren't prepared to ship them. You wrote back to go ahead and ship them.

You decide to go to fedex and ship your wheels out and you think that will rush me to ship mine?
Again, what?? We had an agreement to ship on the same day. You try and pull this bullshit and say I shipped my items on time to rush you? :blah:
I'll get back to town later tomorrow and I can call you or call me if that make you feel better.
No need, I don't want to deal with you or your shitty business ethics. I am canceling the shipment and keeping my wheels.
I even told you that i will pay for the Shipping and the trouble that you had to go to.
Great, paypal me the $100.00 I had to spent on shipping you wheels and for wasting my time. Oh wait, in private messages, you have a different attitude?

The latest from Hassan is that one of the wheels had a crack, which he "just found out about" yet did not disclose until I created this thread.. OK.. why wait until now? Sounds like BS to me. Oh, and he doesn't post that here for everyone to see, he sends it through PM:


Hassan, you are shady as hell. Just PayPal me the $100.00. I'll drop this thread, and the negative feedback. [email protected]

A word of advice, if you are going to promise someone something, follow through with it.

-First, you stated multiple times it was OK for me to ship my wheels, and you would get yours out ASAP.
-Then, it was a family emergency and you had to go out of town (yet this dude is on zilvia 24/7 apparently on an iPad in a hospital... which btw I called his work and he was supposedly out on a service call not out of state, the girl wouldn't confirm it though she got sketchy)
-NOW you are trying to blame a crack in the wheel, which you LITERALLY just told me about an hour ago..

Seriously? I hope anyone who plans on dealing with this guy sees how he conducts business.

01-03-2014, 07:12 PM
Danny is a really reliable guy.
I've known him for a while.
I'd stake my drift car on him.
He's done numerous trades and did mmore on his side all the time.

I can vouch for everything on his end

Stop being butt hurt about this so fast.

01-03-2014, 07:26 PM
I'm honestly just blown away about how much someone can lie so much, over and over and can't make a simple phone call.. yet his "father" keeps texting me from his number, but can't call me? Oh any to anyone else, you can see he has another shitty rating, right here:

well this rating was when Hassan was sourcing the Weds from another prominent Zilvia member sokodu. Both of us have perfect trader feedback, minus one negative review from this prick... I decided to PM him and you can see his experience was almost IDENTICAL to mine (the run around, the BS, tries to freak out about tracking numbers.. see a pattern? Might as well ban this guy from the market place)


I decided to do a little more digging on this guy, and he is conveniently banned from TennSpeed forums. I suggest we do the same here.

As for hobbs and whoever else saying I'm blowing shit of our proportion.. waiting on this jerk off now has my car up in the air on jack stands, with no wheels.. not to mention if you are going to say you will do something, simply follow through.

He states multiple times that he will call me, then his father at 12pm, then 3pm, and even the secretary at his job tells me they will call me... which they never did. I've literally had 0 calls from him since we first spoke on the phone. You ask this guy a yes or no question.. ie: Will you be able to ship the wheels out tomorrow? he answers "will try, am sorry"

It's not that hard to be a decent seller, but obviously this guy has a track record of being shady, poor communication, and will probably do this again to someone else. I hope others avoid him and don't have to deal with this.

01-03-2014, 07:33 PM
Danny is a really reliable guy.
I've known him for a while.
I'd stake my drift car on him.
He's done numerous trades and did mmore on his side all the time.

I can vouch for everything on his end

Stop being butt hurt about this so fast.
Thank you for the positive reps. I just hate being lied to man, this has been a waste of my time and $$ shipping my wheels.

Funny how he said when I get back in town after the girl at his work said he's on a service call that makes sense
Agreed, it's probably a lie... a shitty thing to lie about if he did.

+1 here too on vouching for Danny. Stand up guy, easy to deal with.

Sucks you're getting played like this. Hopefully he ships the Weds to you or at least reimburses you for your shipping costs.
Funny how he says he will refund me, now he is trying to back out of it.

Vouch for my man Dan, definitely a stand up guy. Have personally dealt with Danny a few times on my local forum and he has always been straightforward. Hope you get everything resolved bro. (this is Alex from CN btw)
Hey Alex, thanks for the positive feedback!

I'll also vouch for Danny. Known him for quite a few years now.
Thank you!

Obviously, I've dealt with plenty of people with no issues, and it's easy to do Hassan, you just be honest and open with communication. Still waiting on you to refund my shipping for wasting my time and $$ like you said you would.:nono:

01-03-2014, 07:44 PM
I bought a set of MB Battles from Danny like a year and half ago. He gave me a killer deal and was super easy to work with. Plus threw in some free tires. Hes a legit seller.

01-03-2014, 07:54 PM
wow I was about to buy a set of coils off this Hassan guy, good thing I didnt

01-03-2014, 08:19 PM

01-03-2014, 09:56 PM
I met Danny before he or I got into a schassis years ago. He's a stand up guy and doesnt deserve this. Danny...I'm working on rebuilding my weds I'll cut you a deal on em if need be.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

01-04-2014, 03:04 AM
Had a similar experience with this guy. Highly NOT recommended. Thanks for the free window regulators NO 240 NO ID ;) Paypal FTW

01-04-2014, 04:41 AM
take a road trip dan? <3

01-05-2014, 06:46 PM
No trip necessary, not worth wasting my time or gas over this loser with some potentially jacked up wheels.

To update everyone, here is Hassan's latest responses to me. To this day, I still have not received any kind of call from him, or his "father". He now refuses to pay me back the money I spent on shipping fees and for wasting my time. Not only that, but he likes to show a different side while he is PM'ing me.

I will indeed leave this thread online regardless because the community needs to see what kind of a sketchy business person he is. Maybe he is OK if he is buying something, but selling? BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK! He obviously has issues with telling the truth and owning up to his own mistakes, which is all I wanted him to do. Now, he will not respond to paying me back, but instead attempts to blackmail ME to remove his feedback! Good luck in life Hassan, you will need.


BTW, I have PLENTY of friends that are from your area, and a few in town that know of you in person. They all offered me help and agreed you were "shady as hell", so obviously the outreach of your personality and business antics are much deeper than just on Zilvia.

01-05-2014, 11:09 PM
That is brutal bro, get your friends to take yours wheels back from that dude and leave his car up on blocks ftw

01-10-2014, 09:13 AM
Drive down there, Be all like "Hey Hassan..."


No 240.. No id
01-10-2014, 10:18 AM
Had a similar experience with this guy. Highly NOT recommended. Thanks for the free window regulators NO 240 NO ID ;) Paypal FTW

Lol, paypal decided to settle this case, and take their lose after you lied to them and say that i didn't ship the parts. Sent them tracking info and THEY decide to pay you for your tears. My money was not touched. So you basically lied to Paypal.

BTW, I have PLENTY of friends that are from your area, and a few in town that know of you in person. They all offered me help and agreed you were "shady as hell", so obviously the outreach of your personality and business antics are much deeper than just on Zilvia.[/QUOTE]

Am not sure if this is a reply after telling you i have family in Greensboro or what? But ok.

Again you expecting a call from my dad after you called and txt'd my phone more than 20x and called his business from diff phone about the same amount and expect him to talk to you?

I would of had refunded you not only shipping but for your troubles too, but you decided to post crap about me and upload pics of PART of the conversation, and expect me to pay you too? OK....

That is brutal bro, get your friends to take yours wheels back from that dude and leave his car up on blocks ftw

His wheels was NOT received or taken from Fedex, they sent it back to him. Read before you start drama and post.
[QUOTE=STL240SXDRIFT;5527851]Drive down there, Be all like "Hey Hassan..."

Am not sure if that will be a good idea, I carry my registered 9 as a daily and i get pissed of easy, So no that's not a good choice.

Again for everyone that love drama read, before you post.

01-10-2014, 11:22 AM
Am not sure if that will be a good idea

Can we just get this clear:

The proper way to use "am" is to precede it with a pronoun. In this case, it is I AM.

Like Jesus, just read through all of this and its:

am so upset you made a thread making
am sorry, my father will call you
am going to paypal you refund money but am not happy
am am motherfucking am

However in the world you were able to get a job that allows you to converse with clients without your god awful grammar is beyond me.

01-10-2014, 11:58 AM
Am not sure if that will be a good idea, I carry my registered 9 as a daily and i get pissed of easy, So no that's not a good choice.
You're dumb. #georgezimmerman

01-10-2014, 12:23 PM
Lol, paypal decided to settle this case, and take their lose after you lied to them and say that i didn't ship the parts. Sent them tracking info and THEY decide to pay you for your tears. My money was not touched. So you basically lied to Paypal.

BTW, I have PLENTY of friends that are from your area, and a few in town that know of you in person. They all offered me help and agreed you were "shady as hell", so obviously the outreach of your personality and business antics are much deeper than just on Zilvia.

Am not sure if this is a reply after telling you i have family in Greensboro or what? But ok.

Again you expecting a call from my dad after you called and txt'd my phone more than 20x and called his business from diff phone about the same amount and expect him to talk to you?

I would of had refunded you not only shipping but for your troubles too, but you decided to post crap about me and upload pics of PART of the conversation, and expect me to pay you too? OK....

His wheels was NOT received or taken from Fedex, they sent it back to him. Read before you start drama and post.

Am not sure if that will be a good idea, I carry my registered 9 as a daily and i get pissed of easy, So no that's not a good choice.
Again for everyone that love drama read, before you post.

To update everyone, I DID cancel my shipment last Saturday, and had my wheels returned to me. They never made it to Hassan, just to clear this up. They showed up on Wednesday, so all is well. I still have received no refund from Hassan for wasting my time and wasting my own money to ship my wheels to him.

To Hassan,

You keep saying, "Oh, I would have refunded you the money if you didn't go write a thread about me!" -- I already told you I'd remove the thread AND your negative feedback if you paid me the money I wasted on shipping my wheels to you. $100.00 - [email protected] when ever you are ready. My goal here isn't to try and tarnish your name or reputation, but your failure to communicate and lack of willingness to refund me is enough right there to prove you obviously have no moral standards. You're now saying that I haven't shared the entire conversation with the Zilvia community.. I posted almost the entire text message conversation, PLUS every single PM in our conversation. Don't try and avoid the fact that you're shady and have horrible business skills.

Again you expecting a call from my dad after you called and txt'd my phone more than 20x and called his business from diff phone about the same amount and expect him to talk to you?

Yeah, I did expect a phone call because you told me he would call me, and that you would call me. The reason I called and attempted to text a whole bunch was because your story quickly got very shady, your responses completely stopped, and I waited for someone to contact me (at 12 and 3) and no one ever called. Thats why I called your phone number, your place of work, and tried to text/pm you. The fact you STILL have never called back shows you really just don't give a fuck about the situation.

God, you're a f***ing idiot and a liar man. Read back to where you told me that your "father" would call me multiple times, and where YOU told me that YOU would get in contact with me.

Look, Iif from the beginning of our engagement in the trade you realized you wouldn't be able to ship your wheels the same date as me, you should have TOLD me. Or that one of the wheels had a repaired crack, you should have TOLD me. Before I shipped my wheels out, I asked you multiple times and tried to call to confirm that you would be able to keep your end of our deal up, and ship your wheels out the same or next day. You failed to do so. Simply answering your phone or being upfront and honest would have saved this whole situation, this thread, and the fact your reputation is in the gutter.

This whole situation is dumb because you are a shitty person and can't keep your word. End of story.

P.S. It's "I am sorry" not "am sorry".

01-12-2014, 03:57 PM
im glad you got your wheels back

01-12-2014, 05:52 PM
Am not sure if that will be a good idea, I carry my registered 9 as a daily and i get pissed of easy, So no that's not a good choice.

Did you get made fun of in school? Only pussies carry guns

01-12-2014, 08:25 PM
^Not true, smart people carry guns. He's just an idiot for acting like he would do something with it in an offensive position.

People carry guns for self defense, not to threaten people or act cool.

This is why I meet face to face or buy new when it comes to things that are worth decent money.

EDIT: This is also one of the reasons people stray away from the car scene, it seems like the car scenes are where most of the shady people hang out. There will always be people trying to rip you off no matter where you go. It's sad really.

01-13-2014, 01:04 PM
Lol, paypal decided to settle this case, and take their lose after you lied to them and say that i didn't ship the parts. Sent them tracking info and THEY decide to pay you for your tears. My money was not touched. So you basically lied to Paypal.

BTW, I have PLENTY of friends that are from your area, and a few in town that know of you in person. They all offered me help and agreed you were "shady as hell", so obviously the outreach of your personality and business antics are much deeper than just on Zilvia.

Am not sure if this is a reply after telling you i have family in Greensboro or what? But ok.

Again you expecting a call from my dad after you called and txt'd my phone more than 20x and called his business from diff phone about the same amount and expect him to talk to you?

I would of had refunded you not only shipping but for your troubles too, but you decided to post crap about me and upload pics of PART of the conversation, and expect me to pay you too? OK....

His wheels was NOT received or taken from Fedex, they sent it back to him. Read before you start drama and post.
Drive down there, Be all like "Hey Hassan..."

Am not sure if that will be a good idea, I carry my registered 9 as a daily and i get pissed of easy, So no that's not a good choice.

Again for everyone that love drama read, before you post.

get mad bro

01-18-2014, 08:42 AM
What a dushbag. Glad u were able to cancel the order n get u r wheels back. Idk u can cancel a order like that....good to know.....#guncontrol lol

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

No 240.. No id
01-18-2014, 09:39 AM
I actually got the wheels shipped to my shop. I wasn't there, but called my office to NOT sign for the wheels. Lol

Danny, you already know i got the wheels shipped, but once again i called and told the worker to not to sign for them. As of matter of fact, the fedex person left a copy at the office lol. I did not ship the wheels for you for your own good. You wouldn't be happy getting a wheel thats been welded, but you having problem understand that.

Now like i said once again, i was trying to refund you money for the shipping cost AND for your time, BUT you decide that this thread will be helpful?? Ok.

As far as the weapon thing, i did not say i will do anything with it lol, all i said is icary a daily with me to avoids dealing with people that looking for problems.

I am done with this thread, but i will leave it for the low lifes that got nothing to do but stay on Zilvia.

01-18-2014, 10:44 AM
Ive delt with Hassan, though i cant say it worked out perfect for me. I lost 25 dollars for delivering wheels. I was supposed to get the 25 as a delivery fee. Well i was buying a car with the money, although i didnt get my 25 (as promised) i still had enough for the vehicle.
He only commented that "i didnt have to take it" blah blah blah. Whatever 25 dollars to find out who he really is was worth it imo.

Cliffnotes: he penny pinches, and fails to take responsibility...

01-18-2014, 04:40 PM
Soo in leu of all the shit that went down are the 57d's for sale?

01-18-2014, 10:45 PM
They're sold now.

Funny how Hassan tries to make his side of the story sound better.. In regards to my wheels, they never made it to his shop, he may have told his employee not to sign, but they never made it there.. Regardless, I'll take your offer for a refund a remove the thread and the negative feedback -- are you going to follow through with that or not?

Almighty So
02-26-2015, 11:40 PM
are you going to follow through with that or not?

he'll let you know on tuesday.

..maybe thursday.

03-03-2015, 01:42 PM
^^^^^ boooooooooooom