View Full Version : Texas Speeding ticket

01-02-2014, 09:54 AM
So I got a ticket for 91 in a 65 the other day and I haven't really been able to find anything on what is going to happen. I know I can't take defensive driving or do deferred adjudication, but it's my first ticket so is there a chance they'll give me a break?

Do I HAVE to go to the court date or can I just pay the fine and get on with life?

Anybody got some insight here?

01-02-2014, 10:07 AM
Going to court and pleading for lenience might help you. Especially if the judge lowers the fine and allows you to go to traffic court which would take a point off of your license.

Usually going 25mph above the posted speed limit counts as a felony in some states.

So you might want to look into that...

01-02-2014, 10:11 AM
Usually when you are going that much over its considered reckless and you HAVE to go to court.

If you got a summons from the office then you have to go to court.

Sometimes the officer will be cool and just write a ticket.

Since its your first time, they will most likely drop it to a simple speeding and make you pay a fine.

I recommend showing up a little early in a suit and using proper manners.

01-02-2014, 10:22 AM
^^^Ditto. You're lucky you didn't get arrested. I really doubt they'll be lenient when you see the judge. You already got off the hook when the officer decided not to take you in. But cross your fingers and hope for the best.

You'll probably have to take both the fine and the point. Paying the fine amounts to an admission of guilt and will result on a point on your license. Getting points is serious shit, man. You get 6 of them and your license is suspended. Get pulled over one more time after that and you're going to jail for sure. And thats just the start.

01-02-2014, 10:38 AM
Yes go to court well prepared, I was in court not to long ago for a car that i had just parked outside with no insurance. They wanted to suspend my license for 1 yr. I think i was the only one besides the lawyers that were dressed up since I had to go to work after and I wear suits to work.

This was a ghetto town I m talking about everyone sagging their pants and one bitches weave fell out waiting on the line wtf.

Get a lawyer also if u can, this is what helped me a lot even though my lawyer sucked i had to prove to them i never drove it and i just bought it

01-02-2014, 10:46 AM
Yes go to court well prepared, I was in court not to long ago for a car that i had just parked outside with no insurance. They wanted to suspend my license for 1 yr. I think i was the only one besides the lawyers that were dressed up since I had to go to work after and I wear suits to work.

This was a ghetto town I m talking about everyone sagging their pants and one bitches weave fell out waiting on the line wtf.

Get a lawyer also if u can, this is what helped me a lot even though my lawyer sucked i had to prove to them i never drove it and i just bought it

Holy shit the courts\cops must be jerks in your area.

In my state they would just make you get insurance and you'd be good.

Worst case they would tow it.

01-02-2014, 10:53 AM
I'm ok with paying a fine and taking points I guess, it was a once in a blue moon thing. I never speed.
Would it be best to just say no contest, pay the fine, and go on?
What are the chances of jail time or community service or anything along those lines?

01-02-2014, 12:41 PM
If they were gonna jail you, they would have done it when they caught you speeding. They're not gonna wait till you show up in court to toss you in the pin. For all they know, you could pay your fine over the phone and they'd never see you.

I never heard of anyone getting community service for something like this.

01-02-2014, 01:02 PM
Every state is different. I got a ticket in GA for doing 95, paid the ticket for less than $200 and took traffic school online for FL since I was licensed there.

01-02-2014, 03:37 PM
Ok cool, that definitely takes a lot off my mind. I'd rather be out a couple hundred bucks than be someones ass slave for a few days. My 110 pound lily white ass wouldn't do to well in the clink.

01-02-2014, 03:53 PM
You wont go to jail but certain states suspend ur license 3 months

01-02-2014, 04:03 PM
Lol @ ass slave... Increase your protein intake and hit the weights, bro!

01-02-2014, 04:08 PM
I think I may be able to get some sort of break on it since it's my first offense, and the judge is sort of a family friend. Hopefully.

01-02-2014, 06:47 PM
Yes you can just pay the fine get the points etc and get on with life. I recently got a 96 in a 75 but cop saw incident in one city but didnt pull me over until I was in another city, claiming I was doing 120, and couldn't catch me. Im going to court in February got the ticket in November in Carrollton tx, pulled over in Irving all in the turnpike

01-02-2014, 06:59 PM
Get a lawyer

word sux
01-02-2014, 08:24 PM
I guess they don't plea bargain in tx???

I got pulled over and the dick cop put me down for doing 75 in a 35 (it was a 55...) and a reckless driving and like 5 equipment violations...

I had a good lawyer and they plea bargained it down to 45 in a 35 and they dropped everything else =)