View Full Version : Driveline Vibrations?

12-28-2013, 09:55 PM
Let me preface this thread with- Ive been searching google for about 2 hours now and nothing ive found identifies whats going on with my car...

Alright so,

My car within the past month or so has been giving me hell..
Today it got noticibly worse,
As I am going from a stop in 1st, I get bad vibrations somewhere in the trans/rear endish area, it almost feels like wheel hop, but its not...
Ive noticed in first from a stop when I let off the clutch to start driving the shifter will raise up a tad, and move to the right a little bit, which makes me think it could be a bad trans mount? Any ideas what else it could be? It bounces/vibrates like that bad in 1st/2nd, then lightly in 3rd, and is fine in 4th/5th.
Then while driving on the highway between 55ish- 75ish, it vibrates lightly ( I can feel it through the clutch pedal while my foot is just resting, and you can hear it also), if I left off the gas and coast its smooth, right as im accelerating again it makes the super fast vibration noise again for a second or two as im accelerating, and then goes back to just a slight vibration.. If I let of right before I go into a coast it will make the same noise... Any ideas?
Ive read TOB, but I replaced that when I did my clutch not even 50k miles ago, so I cant figure that would be the culprit... Only other thing I could think is the driveshaft carrier bearing?

If it matters the car is a 98 ka 138k miles. Stock everything with the exception of coilovers and adjustable control arms.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

12-29-2013, 11:50 AM
I would check tranny mount and check all your driveshaft bolts.

12-31-2013, 06:31 AM
^^Yup. Stock tranny mount is 60 bucks or so at Vatozone and has a lifetime warranty.

12-31-2013, 10:20 AM
Center carrier bearing could be bad if it still has the 2pc driveshaft as well.

12-31-2013, 10:41 AM
I would check tranny mount and check all your driveshaft bolts.

piggybacking off this guy, do this and while your at it you might as well do your engine mounts because those could be damaged and blown out as well(causing some of the vibrations)

12-31-2013, 10:47 AM
What about a clunky subframe bushings? If they aRe factory it could be moving slightly causing the subframe to shift slightly between shifts

01-02-2014, 01:43 PM
You changed the TOB which means that you pulled the transmission which means you pulled the drive shaft. Which now means that your drive shaft is now probably off balance if you didn't line it back up the way it was before you pulled shit apart.

01-08-2014, 11:40 PM
check your transmission and driveshaft mounts and rear subframe bushings. there were some pretty noticeable vibrations in my s13 too but i just learned to live with them and now that i have relatively solid poly-urethane motor/tranny mounts there is a quite a bit of vibration. a loud exhaust and music and hard driving make it less noticeable too haha

01-09-2014, 01:53 PM
Center carrier bearing could be bad if it still has the 2pc driveshaft as well.

What he said^