View Full Version : Projection TV

06-02-2004, 02:55 PM
I have a projection TV that I got from someone for like 100 bux a while ago.
It works fine except for one problem.
The color on the screen is kinda greenish... every week/month, it has gotten worst. I dont know what the problem is but im pretty sure its something inside.
I've heard somewhere than a projection TV has somekind of like a video card inside. and the video card tends to be faulty (just like my 370cc injectors) after a while. Is this true?
Have you guys fix this kind of TV before?
I need to fix this TV so my GF will love me all over again :hahano: She loves watching movies.. especially on a 50 inch TV.

06-02-2004, 03:06 PM
damn u got urself a deal, just a suggestion im guessing isnt ur problem but could be, mine turned green from having a speaker on top of it, the magnetic waves and shit screwed it up, prolly not ur prob but worth a guess.

06-02-2004, 03:25 PM
yeah my old sony did that once (luckily it wa under warrenty) one of the color cards died (right before the superbowl too dammit) it can be repaired.

06-02-2004, 03:29 PM
so it is the card... hmm.. maybe i should go to best buy and ask for their help...
Its just that this TV weights eleventybillion lbs and I live on the second floor + I drive an s13 coupe. There's no way I can transport my TV anywhere. I HAVE to fix this by myself.

06-02-2004, 04:21 PM
Best Buy has an In-home repair service that they use for warranty claims, it is usually an outside company though so they could point you in the right direction or get the phone book out.. there are pkenty of in home repair services.. Cause there is no way in hell I'm lugging my 56" Mitsubishi down three flights of stairs unless I am moving....