View Full Version : Freedom Drift

06-02-2004, 01:33 AM
Alright, NCDA is in the works for another driving event at Altamont raceway for 4th of July weekend. More details will be released very soon. Please visit www.NCDA.net for the latest information and update.

Thank you all for a great event on May 30th.

06-02-2004, 09:03 AM
so is it up to the drivers discresion, what category they should compete: beg, int, adv?

06-02-2004, 10:29 AM
i thought july 3rd and 4th was a Crabdrifting event. are you guys running it together?


06-02-2004, 11:53 AM
so is it up to the drivers discresion, what category they should compete: beg, int, adv?
The competition is not divided into different group, but that may not be a bad ideal to consider. All competition will involve tandem and will be heads up elimination. Once again the drivers will have to vote if the competition will happen or you guys perfer more track time.

06-02-2004, 12:03 PM
i thought july 3rd and 4th was a Crabdrifting event. are you guys running it together?


NCDA is not officially affiliated with Crabdrifting. NCDA has an official agreement with Altamont raceway for either an one day or two day event on 4th of July weekend. The interest for NCDA to host an event on 4th of July weekend 2004 was expressed to and acknowledged by Altamont raceway during mid March 2004. Wether or not NCDA will have a TWO day event heavily depends on the support and participation of the drivers. Due to popular demand from May 30th event Freedom Drift will accomedate 75 driver entries per day.

06-02-2004, 07:28 PM
Hmm i was under the impression that Tsutomu already rented out the track for the whole weekend. I'll just have to ask him myself. Hopefully there are no misunderstandings..but while i'm here i'd just like to say that 60 people @ Altamont is already waaaayy too crowded. you want to do 75 and crabdrifting wants 100. I spent most of the trackday in my car waiting in line. Reminds me of Great America. Plus running one lap then exiting doesnt really give you any time to try to fix mistakes cause by the time it's your turn again, you've forgotten what you did...Hope to see a 15-25 person private event sometime soon. PEACE

06-03-2004, 02:02 AM
Hmm i was under the impression that Tsutomu already rented out the track for the whole weekend. I'll just have to ask him myself. Hopefully there are no misunderstandings..but while i'm here i'd just like to say that 60 people @ Altamont is already waaaayy too crowded. you want to do 75 and crabdrifting wants 100. I spent most of the trackday in my car waiting in line. Reminds me of Great America. Plus running one lap then exiting doesnt really give you any time to try to fix mistakes cause by the time it's your turn again, you've forgotten what you did...Hope to see a 15-25 person private event sometime soon. PEACE

I would actually love to do private event with 15-20 drivers so I don't have to have a headache dehydration for 3 days every time after an event. Like I have mentioned there were confusion in the line from people waiting in the wrong line and getting confused about where they are suppose to be even after I explained it in the driver's meeting. Some people were getting as much as 10 runs per session which was more than the 7-8 I estimated. Hey you know what on the 4th of July weekend I will suggest to all drivers to see if you all just want to do open track session where 25+ cars will all go on the track at the same time and don't have to stop any where. 15-20 people private event would be good as longs as every one pays about $ 300-$ 350 per person. If you can round up 15-20 drivers @ $350 per person I will arrange a private event for you.

06-03-2004, 11:14 AM
wow i didnt know Altamont was so expensive. Would it be any cheaper on a weekday? Buttonwillow on a weekday for 15 ppl only costs 120 per person. Then again no one is making money on those. So how much for a weekday event with 30 ppl?.

Also it seems like there was also confusion in another thread about crabdrifting vs ncda ..you're saying you have the track so i guess crabdrifting is cancelled? As an organizer i think you have a resposibility to get to the bottom of it and post so anyone who is interested in signing up for either event doesnt waste their time.

06-03-2004, 12:28 PM
I want competition.


06-03-2004, 04:29 PM
wow i didnt know Altamont was so expensive. Would it be any cheaper on a weekday? Buttonwillow on a weekday for 15 ppl only costs 120 per person. Then again no one is making money on those. So how much for a weekday event with 30 ppl?.

Also it seems like there was also confusion in another thread about crabdrifting vs ncda ..you're saying you have the track so i guess crabdrifting is cancelled? As an organizer i think you have a resposibility to get to the bottom of it and post so anyone who is interested in signing up for either event doesnt waste their time.

Well the biggest factor is insurance and medical staff. Notice the 15-20 driver deal at Button Willow there never is an ambulance...... You guys are out there with no insurance and emergency response. If there is an negligence and you got hurt I hope you got your own coverage. BW may call some one if shit goes down but I think that has to come from Bakersfield or else where while you are bleeding to death. Average insurance is $2,000 per day, average medical is $1,000 per day. You do the math. I don't know what Crabdrifting is doing and for liability reasons I can only announce what I know and the facts I know. I understand there is confusion, but like I said I can only provide the facts I know. NCDA has an official agreement with Altamont Raceway to host event on 4th of July weekend. It may be a 1 day event or a 2 day event. This notion wast acknowledged by Altamont's management in late Mar. 04 NCDA was not aware of CrabDrifting's anounncement of its event until the last week of May. NCDA's organizational operation is not affiliated with CrabDrifting. No official discussion was taken place between NCDA and CrabDrifting nor NCDA and Altamont Raceway was officially notified by CrabDrifting regarding its publicly anounnced event. Basically I don't know what CrabDrifting is doing.

06-03-2004, 04:48 PM
mazdized... were you the one driving the white FC?? one of the instructors? well anyways... i'm defnitely in on this event as well. Keep us posted. Been to a few drift events, and this is BY FAR the best learning and practice experience. You guys rock, but I didnt get a NCDA sticker!!! WTH??

Krazy Bunta
06-03-2004, 05:48 PM
Send us a self addressed stamped envelope, and we'll send you a few stickers.

Bob's Donuts
attn: Donald Ahn
1621 Polk St. suite K
San Francisco, Ca 94109

06-03-2004, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the reponse Todd

06-03-2004, 07:26 PM
mazdized... were you the one driving the white FC?? one of the instructors? well anyways... i'm defnitely in on this event as well. Keep us posted. Been to a few drift events, and this is BY FAR the best learning and practice experience. You guys rock, but I didnt get a NCDA sticker!!! WTH??

Yes I have always been drifting FCs. I hope every one remembered what I said at the drivers meeting "that after one day on Altamont you will have more confidence in drifting than anyother event you have been to..." I am not dissing parking lots at all I mean we all have to start some where, but track drifting is where it is at. Notice all NCDA events are on the track but also with parking lot style course available. I just hope you guys realize NCDA and my approch to drift practice is effective, I know sometimes it is intimidating but to step up you have to take the challenge. TJ who won the competiton actually was so intimidated at first he said he was going to give up if he makes into elimination, however he ended up winning. The point is that every one of you has what it takes to improve beyond your own belief, you all just have to belive me and in what I am doing to bring it out of you. I personally promise you as long as NCDA get the support from the drivers we will put on the best event in Norcal region for the drivers.


Oops I am at ARD so my user name is different.

06-03-2004, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the reponse Todd

No problem. Thanks for asking critical thinking questions.


06-03-2004, 07:38 PM
Todd is there any other up comming events on any other dates other than july 4th. Everyone wants those days off at my work and I got the shaft. I'l be the 1st one on the list for the next one. Great drifting on Sunday too. I heard a Rumor from my friend Mack that that FC is open diff?!? Any truth to that?


06-03-2004, 08:51 PM
Todd is there any other up comming events on any other dates other than july 4th. Everyone wants those days off at my work and I got the shaft. I'l be the 1st one on the list for the next one. Great drifting on Sunday too. I heard a Rumor from my friend Mack that that FC is open diff?!? Any truth to that?


Next one on schedule is Labor day weekend, but that is purely tentative for now. The FC I have has a worn out VLSD that does not work. Until March of this year that car always had a factory open diff. In fact I think I like open diff. better for better off throttle control.

06-04-2004, 03:08 AM
yea I'm learning this off throttle you speak of. Its so much more fun than power over. It just seems to be more "drifting" than power over that I started out at. I was dissapointed that I didnt advance in the competition though. I went first and besides a few "spin out" where I stalled out a bit I thought it was pretty bad ass. Pulling 4th gear slide though the oval. Some feedback on my perfromance if you rember anything would be cool. Just trying to imporve. Thanks! Todd your a bad ass drifter.


06-04-2004, 04:07 AM
Deng thats messed up...Crab Drifting set up an event and people signed up...then 1 week later you post to say that your having an event that same weekend at Altamont? WTH is that? Why are you hating? Competition? I dont mean to sound messed up or anything but you kind of screwed CrabDrifting over with this event...and $300-350 for a private event? DAM THATS CRAZY!!!

06-04-2004, 09:14 AM
If crabdrifting had already rented before ncda did, then it's Altamont's fault for double booking it. If not, then Todd stated a couple of times that he rented out the track mid-March. Whoever rented it out first should have dibs on it. I assume crabdrifting rented out the track also or else they shouldnt even be taking sign ups for it. shieet..what a mess. i was gonna go to crabdrifting just to support Tsutomu..i wasnt even planning on driving really. I was just gonna sign up and go chill there. but let's see how this mess unfolds.

06-04-2004, 10:25 AM
whats this off throttle you are talking about... i heard you talking about it, but there was no explanation about it, or at least i didnt hear one. Maybe a quicky run down would be nice.... and damn.. if that white fc had open diff basically... then damn.... Mr. TH is one fucking badass driver..........

06-04-2004, 01:48 PM
whats this off throttle you are talking about... i heard you talking about it, but there was no explanation about it, or at least i didnt hear one. Maybe a quicky run down would be nice.... and damn.. if that white fc had open diff basically... then damn.... Mr. TH is one fucking badass driver..........

I believe off throttle is when you redline it and when you get to the apex of the turn you left off the gas. That shift the weight to the front of the car and gets your rear slideing. Then you gas it. Im not sure but i think thats what is. If im wrong im sorry. Just wanted to throw my .02.

06-04-2004, 02:25 PM
Deng thats messed up...Crab Drifting set up an event and people signed up...then 1 week later you post to say that your having an event that same weekend at Altamont? WTH is that? Why are you hating? Competition? I dont mean to sound messed up or anything but you kind of screwed CrabDrifting over with this event...and $300-350 for a private event? DAM THATS CRAZY!!!

foreals...i also sense some hating...seems like you are trying to subtlety discredit crabdrifting...

06-04-2004, 03:51 PM
I believe off throttle is when you redline it and when you get to the apex of the turn you left off the gas. That shift the weight to the front of the car and gets your rear slideing. Then you gas it. Im not sure but i think thats what is. If im wrong im sorry. Just wanted to throw my .02.

that cant be right. You want to be sliding WAY before the apex . I noticed on a couple of turns you had to be off throttle ie: slowing down mid drift so you can transition into the low speed j-turn but keep sliding.

Krazy Bunta
06-04-2004, 04:59 PM
Hi guys,

Don here, NCDA event organizer.

There's really nothing subtle about it to be perfectly honest with you. Crabdrifting does not have an agreement with Altamont Raceway. If they have been accepting registrations and or even worse accepting money you have been deceived.

How do we know I know this? We have a good relationship with Altamont, and have been planning a Fourth of July weekend event now for months. Also in the works is Labor Day weekend, and Thanksgiving weekend, for those of you planning ahead.

Naturally Altamont is ultimately a business first and foremost, and they talk business with all who wish. They've spoken to Crabdrifting, and declined their request to host an event. Very straightforward.

We are NOT the bad guys in this situation.

I would love to field questions on this subject on this open forum. I really enjoyed having you guys at our Memorial Day event, and hope we can continue to serve the Northern California drift community well.

We are not looking for any conflicts. Crabdrifting has brought this air of negativity into this community and I sincerely hope we can get this straightened out.

Thank you again for your support.

Donald Ahn
Nor-Cal Drift Academy
[email protected]

or you can reach Todd
[email protected]

06-04-2004, 05:53 PM
Deng thats messed up...Crab Drifting set up an event and people signed up...then 1 week later you post to say that your having an event that same weekend at Altamont? WTH is that? Why are you hating? Competition? I dont mean to sound messed up or anything but you kind of screwed CrabDrifting over with this event...and $300-350 for a private event? DAM THATS CRAZY!!!

Dan get the facts straight before you make opinion with out correct information. Nice ethics with taking people's money for an event that there was never an agreement to began with. The facts will speak for itself and people will see it. Crabdrifting has offended, confused, mislead a lot of people in the past weeks, NCDA's Freedom Drift is the one that got screwed. The announcement had to be delayed because of this confusion created by Crabdrifting. It took a while for me to get things straighten out. I had another long talk with the general manager of Altamont today and he personally expressed to me he did not appreciate the threats Crabdrifting made to him for keeping his agreement with NCDA from March. Bottom line the facts will speak for itself. If Crabdrifting has the proper agreement for 4th of July how can NCDA publicly announced Freedom Drift at Altamont raceway with their own PA system on May 30th????....... The Norcal scene is a frgile one and the negativity, deception, confusion and offense Crabdrifiting brought in the past 2 week has about fuc$$#@%^ it all up and ruined years of hard work. The hating thing... why don't you get off behind the monitor and give a ring in person????? (916) 743-7007

06-04-2004, 07:36 PM
that cant be right. You want to be sliding WAY before the apex . I noticed on a couple of turns you had to be off throttle ie: slowing down mid drift so you can transition into the low speed j-turn but keep sliding.

Okay so turn in earlier and release the gas but you probably have to be going really fast to pull this off. Again if im wrong nevermind! :duh:

I know that i used off throttle to after the little sweaper on the small course. I would be slideing throughout the turn and along the little straight. Then i would let off the throttle to get the weight to turn me the other way and rdy for the skid pad.

06-04-2004, 07:57 PM
whats this off throttle you are talking about... i heard you talking about it, but there was no explanation about it, or at least i didnt hear one. Maybe a quicky run down would be nice.... and damn.. if that white fc had open diff basically... then damn.... Mr. TH is one fucking badass driver..........

The off throttle I was taking about in the drivers meeting is that to hold the drift with no throttle and holding it with steering and may be some braking. Most people can hold a drift on throttle coming out a turn, but that is only half the deal. Off throttle allows you to drift going in a turn so you drift going in, drift through the apex, and drift out under throttle. That way you drift through all parts of a corner. I am not a bad ass, I literally don't know how to drift until about 1 year ago. My first event ever was Ikatan last Feb. I just spend a lot of years gripping and had a decent undrstanding of what cars do under and over the limit of traction. It was after D-day 6 I started to get the hang of drifting. When I was drifting the whole track of Infinion it was not all because I know how to drift, it was mainly because I been to that track SO many times I know that place just too well, and have drifted unintentionally through all of the corners there separately while road racing, that day I just decided to link all the turns and drifts together.

Todd Ho

06-04-2004, 08:13 PM
The off throttle I was taking about in the drivers meeting is that to hold the drift with no throttle and holding it with steering and may be some braking. Most people can hold a drift on throttle coming out a turn, but that is only half the deal. Off throttle allows you to drift going in a turn so you drift going in, drift through the apex, and drift out under throttle. That way you drift through all parts of a corner. I am not a bad ass, I literally don't know how to drift until about 1 year ago. My first event ever was Ikatan last Feb. I just spend a lot of years gripping and had a decent undrstanding of what cars do under and over the limit of traction. It was after D-day 6 I started to get the hang of drifting. When I was drifting the whole track of Infinion it was not all because I know how to drift, it was mainly because I been to that track SO many times I know that place just too well, and have drifted unintentionally through all of the corners there separately while road racing, that day I just decided to link all the turns and drifts together.

Todd Ho

Rule number 1. Not admitting you're a bad ass makes you more of a bad ass.... lol.... well.. I still think you are way good todd. keep up the good work, a positive contribution to the Drift scene!!

06-05-2004, 02:23 AM
Deng thats messed up...Crab Drifting set up an event and people signed up...then 1 week later you post to say that your having an event that same weekend at Altamont? WTH is that? Why are you hating? Competition? I dont mean to sound messed up or anything but you kind of screwed CrabDrifting over with this event...and $300-350 for a private event? DAM THATS CRAZY!!!

So no one from Crabdrifitng care to explain anything at all?????? or you all are waiting for your next event that you don't have a rental agreement with the track to happen and to collect money from people???????????

06-05-2004, 03:09 AM
So no one from Crabdrifitng care to explain anything at all?????? or you all are waiting for your next event that you don't have a rental agreement with the track to happen and to collect money from people???????????

by you saying that, it makes it look like crabdrifting is doing this on purpose...there are going to be refunds given to the people that already paid...(which is only 2) im pretty sure it was a misunderstanding between altamont and crabdrifting. Crab did not intentionally do this so we can get a bad name(why would we?)

06-05-2004, 03:19 AM
So no one from Crabdrifitng care to explain anything at all?????? or you all are waiting for your next event that you don't have a rental agreement with the track to happen and to collect money from people???????????

Well you know what todd? People have lives and you cant expect them to be on the forums all day clicking the refresh button for new updates.

CrabDrifting did make a mistake not fully making a CONTRACT but there WAS talk about it with Altamont Raceway and they said it was okay. Just never got the official OK. As for the "Crabdrifting taking peoples money", (which were infact only 2 people besides some friends) WILL get their money back. CrabDrifting will find another place for an event so lookout in the future. We're truely sorry for the MISTAKE and CONFUSION that have mislead some people.

Now carry on with your conversation people about Freedom Drift so its back on topic. Have fun out there guys.

06-05-2004, 04:40 AM
Well you know what todd? People have lives and you cant expect them to be on the forums all day clicking the refresh button for new updates.

CrabDrifting did make a mistake not fully making a CONTRACT but there WAS talk about it with Altamont Raceway and they said it was okay. Just never got the official OK. As for the "Crabdrifting taking peoples money", (which were infact only 2 people besides some friends) WILL get their money back. CrabDrifting will find another place for an event so lookout in the future. We're truely sorry for the MISTAKE and CONFUSION that have mislead some people.

Now carry on with your conversation people about Freedom Drift so its back on topic. Have fun out there guys.

You are right I have no life. But I thank you for clearing things up more.


06-05-2004, 10:49 AM
i have no life too!

06-06-2004, 12:29 AM
are there any NCDA tee shirts for sale. I was thinkin about that and I kinda want one. Let me know.


06-06-2004, 12:29 AM
also would the labor day event be only a sunday or both days. Let me know so I can get the days off ans start stock pileing tires now.


06-06-2004, 02:12 AM
I appologize to every one. I have lost my temper and over reacted because the track was about to say no to all you import guys and forget drifting all together. I was frustrated because no one was willing to clear it up and say anything, and all I hear is complaint from the track.

06-08-2004, 12:34 AM

I saw you on Polk St. today parked on the side of the road near Brownie's Hardware. You were yappin' away on the phone so I didn't want to bother you.

Then I was standing in line at the bank and you spun 'em around California and smashed up the street. I laughed.


06-08-2004, 12:59 AM
i can get you some ncda shirts. they were selling em at the last event. i dont know how much they were but ill find out and get back to you.

Krazy Bunta
06-08-2004, 01:25 AM

I feel like I was there too! Since I was on the phone with him, lol. Do you live near there? Thats where I grew up.


The track is pushing for 2day events, so plan on a 2-day.


Freedom drift registration is OPEN!

Event details and registration (http://www.myautoevents.com/pls/mae/frmEventDetail.Show?psevent_id=1927&psrnd=.94360219321589755461928886221934020652)

06-08-2004, 02:15 AM

I saw you on Polk St. today parked on the side of the road near Brownie's Hardware. You were yappin' away on the phone so I didn't want to bother you.

Then I was standing in line at the bank and you spun 'em around California and smashed up the street. I laughed.

Well sometimes you just got to light them up and get around foolz in S.F. You know how it is.

06-08-2004, 02:36 AM
I hope my car gets out of the shop by then. If not, junk...

06-09-2004, 12:26 AM
Bunta (Don?): I grew up nearby, not exactly in the area but I'm familiar with it. I grew up in the ghetto part way down the street (the L's :P)

Todd: Yeah except there were no cars! It was funny cus when I heard it, I assumed it was you and I turned around and there you were. :P :D

Question regarding Freedom Drift: If I can only make it on one day, can I sign up for both and have my friend go in my place the second day?


06-09-2004, 11:49 AM
Daym it. This is the first I heard about this. I've been out of the loop for a while because of surgery.

Josh, you're car should be ready by this event, but because of you car and my brothers lagging, my car won't be. I can't get started on mine until your car comes out.


Krazy Bunta
06-09-2004, 01:56 PM
Sorry Art,

No can do, its an administrative nightmare to have to accomodate driver changes.

06-09-2004, 09:45 PM
Hey NCDA people, if you need marketing, I can get you the people you need! As you probably know Tracy is infamous for street racing. I used to frequent it alot, but not anymore. During Fridays/Saturdays this one area is PACKED with streetracers. It's not the street race area, it's the "spot" as it is called. It's too bad no one can take advantage. It's the audience you need! Email me if you want me to distribute flyers or something. Most of the people are local (I also live in Tracy) so it's almost certain they'll check it out. So let me know if you want to do it, no charge. We'll just make them watch, cuz I was really expecting more people watching on May 30.

06-10-2004, 09:50 AM
We need to get the word out. The reason there where no spectators, well not many, was because not many people know about these things. There is only the Website, and then the forums. Someone needs to go to the spots. In and out in San Jose weekends, and other and leaveing flyers and different shops and stuff.

06-10-2004, 12:23 PM
If you bought a NCDA shirt for $6 from the website you got about 20 flyers with it. I gave all my flyers out to friends and quite a few showed up. If they'd send me a black NCDA shirt I would gladly pass out 50 more.

06-10-2004, 12:41 PM
Yeah... but we are paying $180 to participte, and $6 dollars for the shirt for them to get profit for US TO DO ALL THE WORK and getting word out... I don't mind, but I don't see the NCDA guys out there passing out flyers and advertising OFF THE WEB for these events... the ones that stand to profit should be doing some work...

That's my opinion and I know alot of people will agree.

Andrew Bohan
06-10-2004, 01:43 PM
do people besides the participants' friends actually wanna go watch people learn to drift?

06-10-2004, 02:22 PM
FYI: we made and printed 10,000 flyers and passed out 8,000 one by one. even passed them out in socal and left them at many performance shops.

06-10-2004, 02:34 PM
I've talked to alot of people that didn't even know about May 30ths event. I'm sorry if I'm wrong and I don't wanna offend anyone. I've met Tod and Don in person and I think they are both kewl and very knowledgeable.

But like I was saying. Nobody I knew (that isn't an internet junkie) new anything about the event. Most of them didn't even know that there was any drifting going on at Altamont Raceway. And I know alot of people. They didn't find out until I mentioned it after the fact.

Dude I didn't even find out about Freedom Drift until this week, that's saying something since everyone considers me a freaking internet hog. Especially the way Zilvia is set up now. Most people do not want to take the time to go through the thousands of links it takes to get to the events page.

I don't know where you are passing out flyers cause I've never ever seen an NCDA flyer.

I haven't even seen them at AutoRND and I know they know you guys. Unless AutoRND is hidding them in the back somewhere.

06-10-2004, 03:12 PM
do people besides the participants' friends actually wanna go watch people learn to drift?
If I wasn't on the east coast I would, but then again if I wasn't on the east coast I'd be a competitor myself. NY sucks. :wtc:

06-10-2004, 04:06 PM
I've talked to alot of people that didn't even know about May 30ths event. I'm sorry if I'm wrong and I don't wanna offend anyone. I've met Tod and Don in person and I think they are both kewl and very knowledgeable.

But like I was saying. Nobody I knew (that isn't an internet junkie) new anything about the event. Most of them didn't even know that there was any drifting going on at Altamont Raceway. And I know alot of people. They didn't find out until I mentioned it after the fact.

Dude I didn't even find out about Freedom Drift until this week, that's saying something since everyone considers me a freaking internet hog. Especially the way Zilvia is set up now. Most people do not want to take the time to go through the thousands of links it takes to get to the events page.

I don't know where you are passing out flyers cause I've never ever seen an NCDA flyer.

I haven't even seen them at AutoRND and I know they know you guys. Unless AutoRND is hidding them in the back somewhere.

??? I gave Rishie about 250 flyers at least for Drifting. Freedom Drift's release is jacked and delayed mainly because of CD. I thought as far as the drift community pretty much all knows about it. I can be very wrong. I personally went to a lot of rice shops and hang out spots to pass them out. At HIN Don and I personally passed out about 1,500 I think. Oh interesting point every where we pass out flyers I see Formula D flyers, may be I need to find the person and have him or her do NCDA too. hehehe

06-10-2004, 04:15 PM
Dude who ever does the Formula D flyers is every where. There is a Mustang crew I hang around with cause a few of them live in my complex, and those fools had formula D flyers.

06-10-2004, 04:19 PM
Dude, Call me or Email me Seriously. Lets talk about me getting the some of your flyers into the hands of the domestic guys I know. As long as we can turn a few of them to not thinking that we wanna keep them outta your events, I know they can help me turn the rest, but I'm not a promotor and I don't have any Ties to NCDA so they might listen to me. Cause even as a friend they are reluctant, cause they say that it's nothing but import lovers.

And I've noticed, that all Domestic Guys think that import owners hate them, and Import owners think that all Domestic guys hate them.

06-10-2004, 04:54 PM
That's not how it is? :angel:

06-13-2004, 02:42 AM
well there all pretty much ass holes with nothing more than twice the cylinders and 1/2 the brains.

Andrew Bohan
06-13-2004, 02:55 AM
Dude I didn't even find out about Freedom Drift until this week
Dude who ever does the Formula D flyers is every where
Dude, Call me or Email me Seriously.
Dude, lol @ david

anyway, i got some money so now i can go.
will there be a tire machine there this time?

06-14-2004, 09:18 AM
there was a tire machine last time. Dont worry though, you probably wont waste em. You will prolly be able to drive there drifff and drive home on the same set.

06-15-2004, 10:49 AM
Well, I don't know exactly how they do it, but there are a few people who really mess up the side wall on the tires so they can't use them after the events. It is always safer to have a few tires there.

06-21-2004, 04:58 PM
It depends if you are just drifting, or really drifting, I would at least bring an extra set. I only went through a couple sets at the last event.

yay, for a 2 day event

06-21-2004, 06:03 PM
Yeah but some people are saying that you really don't need an extra set cause you won't go through them.

06-21-2004, 06:27 PM
I agree but what if you hit the dirt and your tire de beads, that happened to that e30 at altamont the day before the event

:doh: :wackit:

06-21-2004, 07:38 PM
Yeah but some people are saying that you really don't need an extra set cause you won't go through them.

david i only said that for ncda because i dont think you'd get enough track time to burn up a set but it's always good take be prepared like luke said

06-21-2004, 07:46 PM
It sucks towing your car home, just because of a flat tire. :werd:

06-21-2004, 07:51 PM
freal...i brought 9 extra rims/tires i felt stupid but o well

06-22-2004, 01:29 AM
Chris managed to smoke a set at the Thunderhill event, and that had more cars than the Altamont event.

He literally ran 'em down to the wires and he was poppin' sparks everywhere.. :P

So ya it can be done. If you're paranoid bring an extra set, just in case.

06-22-2004, 11:27 AM
Dude, without naming names. I know of 3 different people already who have been able to strip a set of tires in 1 lap. Now that's serious driving.

06-22-2004, 04:41 PM
especially if you use cheap tires. The day before the altamont event todd, some other peeps and i were out there setting up the course. One lap of drifting the banking in my car and the tires tread just fell off.

06-22-2004, 05:16 PM
You talking about the tires in your Garage?

06-22-2004, 06:13 PM
naa, all the dead tires are burried in the back yard.

06-23-2004, 09:18 AM

06-23-2004, 01:04 PM
:drool: So anyways, Back on topic.
I will be there without my car. Just hangin out and working my corner.
Come on peoples spread the word. Lets make this happen.

:bowdown: :w00t:

06-23-2004, 02:20 PM
Yeah lets get the NorCal people to represent up in this biatch....

06-23-2004, 02:37 PM
I registered for the 3rd, I will be there ripping some shit up!!! My car is about ready to roll I am just going to flush my power steering fluid with some fresh Redline synthetic stuff, makes a big difference from the old ATF that most people are running. Plus how many people do you know that change their P/S fluid! :doh:

I am rolling there on a new set of rear tires as well as one new spare set which should be good as well as one of each suspension part, t/c rod,control arm, ruca, toe rod, and a few other parts.
At Buttonwillow I bent a right rear control arm and had to go on a trek to Louies Auto wrecking in bakersfield to find that thing,It took their guy over an hour to pull that arm!!!!:madfawk: but I got it back on and was ripping again!

06-23-2004, 02:42 PM
jackdrift,. awsome, if we get more people out there like you with all those parts we could just build a car at the track. lol
hope to see you out there, and spread the word. ill be the skinny white guy out there with the ncda shirt on

06-23-2004, 03:41 PM
Ill be there for the 3rd as well look for the guy in the Black FD :) . Last event there my tires were missing big chunks in them. I hope the track is fixed by then.

Drunk Bastard
06-23-2004, 04:24 PM
I will be there both days. Driving on the 3rd and spectating on the 4th. Hey Blue808, I saw you at the last event. I must say you have some skills. I was the guy askin you about your roll cage/climate control/custom gauge pod. I have another question for you though. Does the cage hinder you from opening the glove box, or using the controls for the sunroof? Any feedback would be appreciated, becuase I want that cage, but I still need my glovebox and sunroof.


06-23-2004, 06:25 PM
jackdrift,. awsome, if we get more people out there like you with all those parts we could just build a car at the track. lol
hope to see you out there, and spread the word. ill be the skinny white guy out there with the ncda shirt on

I will be the tall white guy ripping the gunmetal s13 hatchback with the hyperblack FNO1RC's and Koukie tail lights and red sparco seats with Crow 5pt. harnesses, I will also be taking a bunch of people for rides, I love it when the girls grab the roof and the inner door handle like a cat over water!!!!!!!!

hey.......are they going to be serving BUDWIESER at the track this time!!!!!

Andrew Bohan
06-24-2004, 12:15 AM
i hope they have lots of DRIFTAHOLTM

06-24-2004, 12:04 PM
The cage fits way better than the auto power i had in my s13, anyways, it doesnt hinder vision, and still allows the gb to open, im not sure on the sun roof because i dont have one, hope this helps.

Yea, add another white boy to the list.


Drunk Bastard
06-24-2004, 01:43 PM
The cage fits way better than the auto power i had in my s13, anyways, it doesnt hinder vision, and still allows the gb to open, im not sure on the sun roof because i dont have one, hope this helps.

Yea, add another white boy to the list.


awesome, thats the response I was hoping for. Somebody who DOESNT have the cage told me that it hinders the Glove Box, but I wanted to hear it first hand from someone that actually has the cage. Thanks. I will be at the Freedom drift both days and driving on the 3rd. Do you think you could give me some pointers?

06-24-2004, 03:32 PM
Yea no problem, the cage doesnt allow you to open it all the way. but allmost all the way. I wont have my car out there most likely, so i would like to take a ride with you, ill just be a lowely instructor that day. lol


Drunk Bastard
06-24-2004, 05:02 PM
Yea no problem, the cage doesnt allow you to open it all the way. but allmost all the way. I wont have my car out there most likely, so i would like to take a ride with you, ill just be a lowely instructor that day. lol


Yea, that'll be cool. I can always use more tips/advice. Btw, my name is Joe. I met you at the last NCDA event, just didnt catch your name.

06-24-2004, 05:24 PM
Joe. Yea i remember ya. anyways my name is luke.

Also Todd wanted me to let everyone know that there may or may not be concessions open for the event. So Bring a shit load of water, and food.

No BBQ will be allowed at the track.

Bring sun screen, and money to give me because im cool.

06-24-2004, 06:59 PM
I'll be there too. I'll be the white guy out there trying to drift.

06-24-2004, 07:26 PM
Awsome, More white boys for everyone to laugh at. Anyways, Should be a super fun event, we will have an unexpected course change as well, just to screw everyone and make them learn new lines.
ha ha ha ha ha evil laugh.


tew photy
06-25-2004, 02:06 AM
the only day its possible for me to go is the 4th, but only as a spectator. you guys think the event will still be in full swing on the 4th, or is it gonna be a lot better the 3rd? cuz its a long drive from union city up there, making sure itll be a good show :) . does anybody else from the east/south bay want to caravan up there the morning of the 4th?

06-25-2004, 09:51 AM
tew photy, I'm down.

06-25-2004, 01:35 PM
Yea, sunday should be awsome as well.
yum. :yum:

06-25-2004, 01:55 PM
I won't be able to do both days, on the 4th I will be drunk as hell and blowing stuff up after I go tubing down the American River!
The 3rd will be sick though!!!!!

Andrew Bohan
06-25-2004, 02:11 PM
Awsome, More white boys for everyone to laugh at. Anyways, Should be a super fun event, we will have an unexpected course change as well, just to screw everyone and make them learn new lines.
ha ha ha ha ha evil laugh.


hey i'm white too w00t

course change? like what? left hairpins?

06-25-2004, 02:19 PM
You guys will see. HA HA HA HA!!!! :whip:

06-25-2004, 02:28 PM
What's up with you white dudes saying you need more white dudes. I'm Mexican, whenever I'm with you guys I'm surrounded by White Dudes and Asians. Where's all da mexican driftas, what do they not exist.


06-25-2004, 02:29 PM
Well besides me of coarse

06-25-2004, 02:30 PM
I'm da Mexican DwiftMashta....

Bwaaaahahaha... if anyone believes that line they should just turn their computers off now and take a nap.... lolz

I drift like a 3 year old in a powerwheel...

06-25-2004, 03:06 PM
There all in Jail getting their ass drifted.

06-25-2004, 04:06 PM
Whuuh? Anyways. now that were back off topic again, who likes Tub Girl besides Al?

06-25-2004, 06:22 PM
I like fat girls!
they don't fit in my seats very well, do you think Bride makes a double wide?? :faint:

tew photy
06-26-2004, 01:21 AM
knight, i think we met at that barbeque a few weeks back. i have the red 240 on some enkei meshs. anyways, yea, ill caravan. when it gets closer to the 4th, whoever wants to join just post in here

06-26-2004, 04:41 PM
Where's all da mexican driftas, what do they not exist.


You dont know Dan Pina? he towed my ass back from the racetrack..he's half mexican and everyone says he's a damn good driver, one of the best in the area. And he's an instructor. So there. There is your mexican drifter hero.


06-26-2004, 05:29 PM
hahaha mexican drifter hero..

06-26-2004, 10:35 PM
went to altamont tonight, they had some oval racing going on, first thing I noticed was the HUGE space where the cone-track was on 5/30. it's almost double what it was! and paved! the inner oval looked smaller, and narrower, and the divider between the outside and inside oval was modified, the barrier was moved inward and there seemed to be more room than last time for the hairpin drifts.

so there's something to look forward to, i'm just happy it's finally paved! I'll be driving on the 4th, still rockin open diff.

06-26-2004, 11:25 PM
man... i wanna enter but only half of the front of my VLSD is bolted on >: ( Any ideas to make it sturdy enough to drift [besides new subframe]? Ill go eventually...

scroll to bottom:

06-27-2004, 02:41 AM
wadda ya MEAN, i drift everything on an open diff thats welded, im going to be the first person to do d1 on an open diff. :naughtyd:

06-28-2004, 10:48 AM
i'm surprised the event isnt cancelled yet

06-28-2004, 12:32 PM
i'm surprised the event isnt cancelled yet


I hope they don't cancel it!! :cry:

Hell yea, they repaved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no more gravel drifting!!! :Ownedd:

06-28-2004, 02:11 PM
Dammit westboroughpimp dont start this again. lol

The event will not be canceled. And it has been repaved, the track is now larger and better overall.

Krazy Bunta
06-28-2004, 02:13 PM
There will be NO cancellation! We have the track for 10hours on Saturday. Less participants = more track time!

06-28-2004, 03:23 PM
Wooo hooo, Lets hear it for people starting roomours. YAY !! :jerkit: :jerkit: :jerkit: :naughty: :naughty:

Boo Ya :w00t:

06-28-2004, 05:44 PM
i'm surprised the event isnt cancelled yet

Well NCDA will continue to have nice surprises for every one. I was judging at D-day at Fontana parking lot and most of you know D-day reqires full racing suit now to run tandem in any session, and for the last D-day there was no tandem competition. I am not saying D-day is less fun or anything but just want you all to know how open NCDA is for the events and allowing tandem runs with just helmet. For things to get better and stronger we need active input on and off the track. In order for the Norcal scene to grow we need active and positive support.

06-28-2004, 05:45 PM
Well NCDA will continue to have nice surprises for every one. I was judging at D-day at Fontana parking lot and most of you know D-day reqires full racing suit now to run tandem in any session, and for the last D-day there was no tandem competition. I am not saying D-day is less fun or anything but just want you all to know how open NCDA is for the events and allowing tandem runs with just helmet. For things to get better and stronger we need active input on and off the track. In order for the Norcal scene to grow we need active and positive support.
Oh this is Todd Ho mazdized

06-28-2004, 07:56 PM
Need tire sponsors. hehehe.... Burnt them all out 2 weeks ago at Buttonwillows. Hope to see you all there!

tew photy
06-29-2004, 12:40 AM
so is this event still gonna be a big thing, or is it sorta tapering down? i hope its big :w00t:

06-29-2004, 09:44 AM
Some one needs to post pics of the new infield!!!!!!!!

I can wait to rip it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rawk:

My roomate and my friend Darius might come out and do another stunt show during the break, he is calling Todd today.

06-29-2004, 10:18 AM
Dammit westboroughpimp dont start this again. lol

The event will not be canceled. And it has been repaved, the track is now larger and better overall.

I never started a rumor first off..i just said i'm surprised it isnt cancelled yet since Todd was complaining about losing money last time. This time he rented out the track for 2 full days but he only has half the drivers with probably less spectators. That's the only reason i said that.

06-29-2004, 05:21 PM
Anyone wanna lend me a helmet?

Cause of some issues I had to take care of I'm a little broke right now so I can't afford one.

You think they'll let me sign up at the event. I won't have money till then.

06-29-2004, 07:00 PM
Need tire sponsors. hehehe.... Burnt them all out 2 weeks ago at Buttonwillows. Hope to see you all there!

was that your tire tossed out all over sunrise turn?

06-29-2004, 10:18 PM
was that your tire tossed out all over sunrise turn?

Jeff, Erik's was pissed about all those tires at the track. hahahahha

Next time, We'll stop the track and clean it. I didn't want to stop it since we had hella people that day.

If you need tires, Hit me up.


06-29-2004, 11:10 PM

Jeff, Erik's was pissed about all those tires at the track. hahahahha

Next time, We'll stop the track and clean it. I didn't want to stop it since we had hella people that day.

If you need tires, Hit me up.


Yep those tires were mine at sunrise turn. Sorry about that, but my freaking tires dont last me 5 min. I gotta stop going to used tire shops. :)

Al, that would be good plan to take a break to clean off any debris. Ill hit u up for sure with tires on the next event.

Andrew Bohan
06-30-2004, 01:01 AM
Anyone wanna lend me a helmet?

You think they'll let me sign up at the event. I won't have money till then.

Late registration is $125 at the gate

Krazy Bunta
06-30-2004, 01:35 PM
What size helmet do you need? I'll lend you one.

07-01-2004, 08:43 AM
Yep those tires were mine at sunrise turn. Sorry about that, but my freaking tires dont last me 5 min. I gotta stop going to used tire shops. :)

lol, next time we're gonna charge you for illegal dumping. I couldn't tell if that was one tire or 4 spread out all over the place. =)

I know a good place for tires at Buttonwillow- you don't mind if they have a little red and white paint on them do you?

07-01-2004, 02:12 PM
What size helmet do you need? I'll lend you one.

I honestly have no Idea. I've never checked to see what size helmets fit me. :duh: . Do you have different sizes. And who's this Tod or Don or etc. You guys are always uses different peoples zilvia names. LoLz.

07-01-2004, 03:27 PM
Just tell them that you used to ride in short yellow buses. It shouldn't be too hard to find your size.

07-01-2004, 04:53 PM
Dammit Al, I thought we weren't suppose to talk about the short yellow buses anymore. I see they are still giving you nightmares huh?

It's okay Al, we can always get you therapy.

Krazy Bunta
07-01-2004, 09:28 PM
I have an extra, Large helmet to lend out. Let me know David.

See you there!


07-02-2004, 12:15 PM

*dont mind me. Im just whoring and testing my sig.*

07-02-2004, 12:30 PM
Al your sig is hella too big and it makes me dizzy. i just fell off my chair.

07-02-2004, 02:52 PM
var, you going to this drift event?

07-02-2004, 03:23 PM
Nay on that good sir. I wouldn't mind going but i work on Saturday and i'm going to a barbecue on Sunday . Actually i really want to go since there are practically no drivers this time but i cant get anyone to cover for me at work. :(

07-02-2004, 07:30 PM
So what's the deal? Is this still a 2 day event or is it just Saturday now? I keep hearing it's only Sat. now but nothing official has been posted.

07-02-2004, 07:38 PM
dont start rumors maing! someone call and post back tonite for the people that are going.

Krazy Bunta
07-03-2004, 12:16 AM
Neevosh, come out tomorrow if you can. We'll have a spot for you, if we can't boost reg for Sunday. We're still on the fence, the track is the ultimate decision maker. I'm sorry it comes down to the wire, but all will be announced at the drivers meeting (we are really pushing for Sat, but based on Sunday's numbers, the track may give us a thumbs down).

If you cannot make it, and for any reason Sunday does not happen, a full refund will be issued, of course.

07-03-2004, 01:09 AM
You dont like my sig Var?

Too bad.

Drunk Bastard
07-03-2004, 01:11 AM
alright, I'll see everyone there tomorrow. Looks like there are only 40 drivers which means we should get lots of track time! I'll be in my black S14, if you see me come say wassup!

07-03-2004, 07:23 AM
Ill see whoever is signed up for today in a few.

07-03-2004, 08:00 AM
have fun peeps!

07-03-2004, 09:28 AM
No i dont like your sig you advertising whore. why dont you just put a Preperation H ad ..maybe coca-cola?

07-03-2004, 09:55 AM

You're just jealous fuckface.

When you going to take that POS Pink cars of yours?

07-03-2004, 11:20 AM
when i buy a truck and a trailer, a hot pipe, BOV, master cylinder rebuild kit, get the fender fixed, fix my exhuast leaks and take out my headlights for better flow to the radiator. Then i'll bring it out to the track. This car wasn't trackworthy when i purchased it.

07-03-2004, 11:35 AM
HAHAHAHA You puss.

G used to track that car all the time. She used to drive it there and track it for 6 hours then go home.

You are just a puss.

-Pussy Police

07-03-2004, 11:36 AM
Enough chit chat. I gotta head out to Altamont. Picked up all my free parts.

07-03-2004, 11:40 AM
ya i'm a pussy. real men drive cars that overheat and leak fluid out of the master cylinder every time you step on the brakes.

07-03-2004, 04:20 PM
The mc is leaking? Is it over filled?

You could try building a duct for the radiator too, air pressure is highest at the middle of the car and not at the sides where the lights are. It might be more effective than removing the lights, and you also keep high speed aero intact as well as streetability in case you need it.

07-03-2004, 08:05 PM

07-04-2004, 12:14 AM
Fuck fixing the fender doo.. that shit is GANGSTA!

I'll help you fix the car in exchange for free lunch & dinner & tapioca. :)

Andrew Bohan
07-04-2004, 12:16 AM
i blew up my motor!!! yay!!!
i didn't need tires to drive home on after all.
thanks, tow truck guy :eek3d:

Mr. Badlose
07-04-2004, 12:21 AM
It was a pretty fun day, until you suffered engine blow. WE'LL GET THEM NEXT TIME, NEXT TIME!

For all the new people I met, you guys are really cool. Good times!

07-04-2004, 12:36 AM
hey mr badlose it was nice meeting you as well. DAMN, my EZ up tent got torn to shreds today due to the crazy stong gusts of wind. And yeah UP with Blowing motors. :bigok: Who the hell need oil. :p ::cough:: driftaholic :: cough:: hahaha.

Andrew Bohan
07-04-2004, 12:52 AM
you guys like my new user status? ahahah
man, i was so pissed that i wouldn't be able to run, yet already paid for tomorrow.
glad it's cancelled now! ahahahh works for me.
those tents wouldn't last another day out there anyway

07-04-2004, 01:31 AM
you guys like my new user status? ahahah
man, i was so pissed that i wouldn't be able to run, yet already paid for tomorrow.
glad it's cancelled now! ahahahh works for me.
those tents wouldn't last another day out there anyway

its canceled tomorrow?

Mr. Badlose
07-04-2004, 01:40 AM

Spread the word so nobody drives way the hell out there! I feel bad for the promotors though....track wasnt making enough money to have everyone out there again.

07-04-2004, 01:41 AM

Spread the word so nobody drives way the hell out there! I feel bad for the promotors though....track wasnt making enough money to have everyone out there again.


.................................................. ........

07-04-2004, 01:52 AM
Thanks to everyone for attending. As you can tell this was a very laid back event with tooooooo much track time. What else could you ask for, lol. Anyways. Thanks to bobby with the red s13 for letting me drift his car today until the tires fell apart. That thing has madd understeer... I miss my car and hope we can get it done soon. Sorry to the peeps who blew shit up, thats how drifting is. If its not one thing major its a bunch of little things.

As for tomorrow. The event on the 4th is cancelled. This is realitive info told to me by todd the director of ncda. I hope fellow drifters can understand this and know it will help us in future dates to bring a competitive series to norcal on a monthly basis.

Hope this sheds some light. Luke

ps. I was the skinny white guy.

07-04-2004, 02:06 AM
Thanks to everyone for attending. As you can tell this was a very laid back event with tooooooo much track time. What else could you ask for, lol. Anyways. Thanks to bobby with the red s13 for letting me drift his car today until the tires fell apart. That thing has madd understeer... I miss my car and hope we can get it done soon. Sorry to the peeps who blew shit up, thats how drifting is. If its not one thing major its a bunch of little things.

As for tomorrow. The event on the 4th is cancelled. This is realitive info told to me by todd the director of ncda. I hope fellow drifters can understand this and know it will help us in future dates to bring a competitive series to norcal on a monthly basis.

Hope this sheds some light. Luke

ps. I was the skinny white guy.

There will be NO Sun. I truely appologize for the confusion. I know we said there was a Sun. through out the day, but the track changes their mind on hourly based. Full details will be announced and we will explain what happend.

Drunk Bastard
07-04-2004, 02:07 AM
"toooooo much track time"???? Ya...sure. I had a great time today, sorry to hear that the sunday event is cancelled. Hope to see you all out there at the next one!

07-04-2004, 02:32 AM
Hey Al Sorry I could not talk to you today I was just tripped out on the track's decision.

07-04-2004, 03:13 AM
I guess the track decided to cancel the event tomorrow at the very last minute today when everyone has already left.

Sorry for the organizers because this is a major headache for them. People will likely show up tomorrow for the event and that will suck.

07-04-2004, 08:14 AM
any pics of the event?

Andrew Bohan
07-04-2004, 12:39 PM
don called at like 1:30 this morning to tell me it was cancelled himself, so i imagine he called other people too. i had email from him when i got up this morning too, so hopefully he got ahold of everyone. they also went around last night and told everyone who was still there at closing.

i sure would rather get woken up in the middle of the night than drive all the way out to the track and find a note on the gate though.

thanks for the call, don

oh, here are my pics. none of them are of drifting.

07-04-2004, 01:45 PM
Sunday is cancelled...didnt see that one coming

07-04-2004, 02:11 PM
I was there to support my crew member who was driving on Saturday, and there were hardly any people in the stands. Then we go to see how much it is to enter the pit, and the guy at the gate tells us 25. And 15 to go into the stands. So we say fuck it, and pay 15 for the stands. Then when we get to the stands, we realize, we were the only one's who paid. What the FUCK!

I just hope things get sorted better for the next events.

07-04-2004, 04:41 PM
The people charging for spectators were not part of NCDA, they were the owners of the track. They told us there would be 1 driver and one specator allowed per entry. They are just a bunch of money hungry red necks.


07-04-2004, 05:11 PM
Next time, this should be noted.

I got there and I wasn't about to pay 25 bucks.


07-04-2004, 06:36 PM
Al. I agree. however how can we post this if we did not know about it.


07-04-2004, 06:52 PM
The people charging for spectators were not part of NCDA, they were the owners of the track. They told us there would be 1 driver and one specator allowed per entry. They are just a bunch of money hungry red necks.


wait wait wait...... so I didnt have to pay for my $25 entrance ticket as it was alreay payed for with the driver entrance fee !?!?!??? :tweak: :wtf: :wtf:

07-05-2004, 02:47 AM
Wow. Tell me this the drivers had to pay $25 as well?


07-05-2004, 06:50 AM
Drivers didnt have to pay anything. :ughd:

Andrew Bohan
07-05-2004, 10:43 AM
d1drifter wasn't a driver. he rode in with ninjagaiden

07-05-2004, 01:00 PM
I hope it was a good day for you drifters but i could not go because i have a 240 ....yes for you people there will be another pink 240 out there ...no not you Var....my car now belongs to some high school girl....oh i fill so sorry for my car..

Did you guy have a bigger turn out than last time...

For sale half the part for 97 tranny swap

Mr. Badlose
07-05-2004, 01:26 PM
Yeah, the pit pass was a grip of money. It only costs $10 to get into a real track like Sears Point (Infineon).

Edit: A couple more pics

07-05-2004, 02:38 PM
Yeah, the pit pass was a grip of money. It only costs $10 to get into a real track like Sears Point (Infineon).

Edit: A couple more pics

Hey i see my car getting put on the the trailer to get towed home. :sadwavey:

07-05-2004, 03:17 PM
Yeah, the pit pass was a grip of money. It only costs $10 to get into a real track like Sears Point (Infineon).

Edit: A couple more pics
We are renegotiating a new format. Basically the track stays out of every thing from now on. They are being unreasonable in many aspects and I am pissed they still have not paved the slid pad area.

Mr. Badlose
07-05-2004, 03:17 PM
Yeah, what happened? Engine blow too? Or did you break some suspension stuffs?

Andrew Bohan
07-05-2004, 03:18 PM
heh, that's mine in the last pic about to be picked up. that driver then called for a flatbed. i didn't get out of there til well after sundown.
gah, shoulda just ordered a flatbed to start with.

Andrew Bohan
07-05-2004, 04:16 PM

07-05-2004, 05:46 PM
Some good pics there. He needed a bigger lense tho,

Does anyone have pics of Todd and i doing tandem during the lunch break?

07-05-2004, 06:02 PM
Wow. Tell me this the drivers had to pay $25 as well?


I didnt register as a driver in the event. I was a spectator who rode in with ninjagaiden who registered for the event. However, had I known that my entrance ticket was already payed with registration fee, I would not have shelled out my $25 for the outragiously overpriced pit pass.

07-05-2004, 06:12 PM
I was exhausted by the end of the day. Got a lot of seat time which was very cool. Got 600 pics on the site. Check them out:


If anyone wants a large copy for a wallpaper or something let me know.


07-05-2004, 06:20 PM
The people charging for spectators were not part of NCDA, they were the owners of the track. They told us there would be 1 driver and one specator allowed per entry. They are just a bunch of money hungry red necks.


Thats weird. I only had one spectator and they wouldn't let him in without paying...

07-05-2004, 06:37 PM
sweeet, thanks for the pics mooboy

Andrew Bohan
07-05-2004, 07:43 PM

07-05-2004, 07:51 PM
what is that i see under the car???


07-05-2004, 07:57 PM
Nice pics. I cant really agree with this one though.

Nice side profile of my big ugly head. lol


Andrew Bohan
07-05-2004, 10:45 PM
what is that i see under the car???

hey at least i brought my car...

07-05-2004, 10:50 PM
hahahaha...a car that has a running engine......

07-05-2004, 11:17 PM
Nice pics. I cant really agree with this one though.

Nice side profile of my big ugly head. lol


Hehe, let me know if you want a nice blown up version. :Ownedd:

Drunk Bastard
07-05-2004, 11:36 PM
damn! Not one pic of me on Samurai files or on SRO....except one of my engine bay.

07-06-2004, 02:10 AM
Yea post up one of my nose blown up. lol

07-06-2004, 02:32 AM


weeeee! :naughtyd: :D

07-06-2004, 09:41 AM
Interestingly enough there are a couple of good shots of my car PARKed on SRO. There are like 4 or 5 of them including the engine bay. LoLz.

Understandably they didn't take any pictures of me trying to drift that thing. I did a crappy job on the track.

Hey anyone know what FCDrifters website is. I talked to him in the brief moments that I was flagging and he was taking pictures. He told me to check out his website and I forgot what the website was.

07-06-2004, 10:05 AM
I think this is how it goes. LoLz. I'm trying to get my pictures from SR and Sumarai on this thread.

07-06-2004, 10:30 AM
Interestingly enough there are a couple of good shots of my car PARKed on SRO. There are like 4 or 5 of them including the engine bay. LoLz.

Understandably they didn't take any pictures of me trying to drift that thing. I did a crappy job on the track.

Hey anyone know what FCDrifters website is. I talked to him in the brief moments that I was flagging and he was taking pictures. He told me to check out his website and I forgot what the website was.

FCdrifter.org I think...

He has some nice pics on his site too:

http://www.fcdrifter.org/gallery/albums/FreedomDrift/normal_Jul05091.JPG :spank:

07-06-2004, 06:41 PM
Yea, no pics of me on SRO or Samari
I was ripping that last corner in 3rd at 70 in the 12valve 89 hatch!!

FC has a picture of my car on his site!!! :naughtyd:
picture 50 of 70!!!!!

07-06-2004, 11:30 PM
i got some video and it andrew is going to host it for me
the first video will be of a friend of mine, then i will get the rest up

07-06-2004, 11:37 PM
Nice Mike! Hope you got some of me again!

Andrew Bohan
07-06-2004, 11:55 PM
here's s13 rkt's vid
zachfreedom.wmv (http://guernsey.globat.com/~mountainracer.com/vids/zachfreedom.wmv)

07-07-2004, 12:40 AM
I hope it was a good day for you drifters but i could not go because i have a 240 ....yes for you people there will be another pink 240 out there ...no not you Var....my car now belongs to some high school girl....oh i fill so sorry for my car..

Did you guy have a bigger turn out than last time...

For sale half the part for 97 tranny swap

duude thats my homegirl your talkin' about man. If u had such a problem about selling your car to "SOME HIGH SCHOOL GIRL" maby you shouldn't have even sold your car in the first place.

07-07-2004, 01:29 AM
I went just to spectate. When I showed up, the track was empty ~2pm. Chilled by the bleechers for a while, then dude said to go pay. When I got there, the lady wanted $15 instead of the $10 I expected from what I thought I read on the NCDA forum/flyer? Very confusing, lady dint help too much either...

Any possibility to have it somewhere closer? Remember how DDay 6 was? Parkin lot of Candlestick was coo to me. I didn't drive, but seemed just as entertaining as that 4 turn 'oval' layout... just a suggestion. AND make sure ppl know how much to expect to pay when they show up... :/ Maybe have it clearly on the flyer so I can show the lady if shes wrong ;]

Andrew Bohan
07-07-2004, 02:17 AM
sure candlestick was closer, but the pavement tore the shit out of tires way faster. i'm sure drivers are willing to travel a little for better pavement, and these events are for the drivers after all

07-07-2004, 02:23 AM
hey david i didnt know u went hehe. damn i should've gone..so much track time

07-07-2004, 09:26 AM

It wasn't planned. It was a last minute thing.

07-07-2004, 01:16 PM
Jeff i got some of you i will hopefully get it up soon

07-07-2004, 02:40 PM
Any of me driving bobbys car?


07-07-2004, 09:58 PM
yes got some but i am going to try tomarrow to get it up still have to upload it.

07-07-2004, 11:58 PM
Thanks Mike. Your da man :kiss:

07-08-2004, 01:03 AM
lol i went to spectate at around 6 and nobody was watching the gate so me and my friend drove right into the pits area :P

to Jaae86: JEFF! its mike i saw u while u were leaving on the 3rd. you fix your front end yet??

to Driftaholic: wuts up dude havent talked to you for hella days!

Andrew Bohan
07-09-2004, 02:22 AM
sup i2ice4m3. jeez man, you killed the thread for a whole day lol.

so, i showed some freedom drift pics to my ricer friend, and then we had this conversation

ricer: was the saleen drifting?!
driftaholic17: of course
ricer: nice!
ricer: what about the crx?!
driftaholic17: 2 crxs
driftaholic17: they were both ass dragging
ricer: fr?
driftaholic17: ff
ricer: what about the mustang?
driftaholic17: yeah
driftaholic17: everyone was drifting except for the awd's
ricer: arent fords ffs?
driftaholic17: some are..
driftaholic17: not mustangs
ricer: nice!
driftaholic17: are you serious? you thought mustangs were ff?
ricer: heck yeah

can you believe this guy?

07-09-2004, 02:32 AM
My evo is fwd, And my silvia is lwd (left wheel drive)
Biatchias. lol

Lemme buy a shirt. :kiss:

Its all about the civics drifting. :down: :nono:

07-09-2004, 11:14 AM
ricer: you got an SR?
me: *mumbles* yeah
ricer: do you drift?
me:*kicks ricer in balls*

Andrew Bohan
07-09-2004, 02:02 PM
here are some more of s13 rkt's vids

Vid 1 (http://guernsey.globat.com/~mountainracer.com/vids/Untitled_0007.wmv)
Vid 2 (http://guernsey.globat.com/~mountainracer.com/vids/Untitled_0008.wmv)

07-09-2004, 02:36 PM
Woo hoo. Todd and i Tandem drifting. With im driving bobbys under steer mobile.


07-09-2004, 06:38 PM
here are some more of s13 rkt's vids

Vid 1 (http://guernsey.globat.com/~mountainracer.com/vids/Untitled_0007.wmv)
Vid 2 (http://guernsey.globat.com/~mountainracer.com/vids/Untitled_0008.wmv)
Thanks for hosting these videos for me dude.

07-09-2004, 08:47 PM
damn. you guys are getting better. im jealous.

07-09-2004, 09:58 PM
wow... I didn't know that it was like that...

07-09-2004, 10:38 PM
Memories....memories :((

Mr. Badlose
07-10-2004, 07:24 PM
Thanks for hosting these videos for me dude.

You're welcome. I actually pay for the server, while Andrew makes all of the profit off of shirt sales. ^_^

Andrew Bohan
07-11-2004, 02:49 AM
Shirt sales as of July 10, 2004 = $0.00

plus i made 82.125% of the content for the site

07-11-2004, 04:27 PM
Lemme buy a shirt.

Boo ya :drool: