View Full Version : Bad first experience with FRSport.

12-12-2013, 12:31 PM

12-12-2013, 12:56 PM
Sounds like you're blaming frsport for the holiday shipping delay. I'm waiting for a bunch of stuff from a bunch of places that I ordered gifts from. A UPS shipment said "Train Derailment." I can't blame the store for that. I know the weather lately has had some horrible effects on delivery. I say give it a bit. I've been ordering from them since before I moved to CA a few years ago and I've always had great service on my S13. I'm sorry to hear that your experience wasn't that great.

12-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Being as I work in this industry. This happens all the time. And it is often a matter of customer misunderstanding how shipping works. Especially in winter time with lots of storms which delay shipments. As a matter of fact if you go to FedEx's or UPS' website you will see that noted. Also it is just an estimated time. If you were in such a bind and needed it sooo badly you should have paid a little extra and had it sent 2 or 3 day. I happen to know for a fact that the shipping department at FRSport is great about getting orders out. IF you get the order in before 4pm they can usually get it out same day. I also happen to know that they worked on the weekend of black friday when most of us had it off....Just so they could make their customers happy. As far as enjuku always doing right by you. Its called customer loyalty. I bet if your first order from enjuku was a tiny little piece and you had a problem which was really in my honest opinion your mistake. They wouldn't have helped you out either. Also. FRSport is a legitimate company and they follow every one of their policies and their manufacturer's. Enjuku is a knockoff company. And although they may be great people. knockoff companies often handle things very casually like its no big deal. Because they make soooo much off you that its no big deal to throw money back. They also don't usually have a system that will automatically order a replacement part for the one you just ordered (which is why you have to pay a restocking fee). Basically. I think you expected too much without being aware of whats been going on with shipping companies or how it all really works. I know that if it was even remotely their fault they would have taken care of you. However it seems like you expected too much and while it was in route with the shipping method YOU chose,you grew impatient and ordered it from somewhere else. FRSport is a great company with an amazing friendly and helpful staff and I HIGHLY recommend them to everyone. I truly think you should reconsider your complaint. Take Care

12-12-2013, 01:09 PM
I called on the first business day explaining my situation and they failed to mention. 2 weeks to get there.I think that if they explained the length of time it could take the situation would be different. I personally believe you can't just point a finger at the shipping company if you are working exclusively with them then it is a partnership. The transaction is between the business and the customer and any issues in between should have responsibility taken by the business. They didn't even suggest that it would take this long due to the holidays.

12-12-2013, 01:25 PM
because its common sense. If you didn't know that. That's on you. And once it leaves their facility its not on them. It's on the shipping company. That's the way it works. So your complaint is with USPS because you most likely had them ship it USPS because you wanted it for as cheap as possible. Sad thing is it would have been like 4 dollars more to get their in 2 or 3 days because those are priority for USPS. Your mistake and you are complaining about the wrong company.

12-12-2013, 01:26 PM
Black thursday/Black Friday delivery shipments usually take a week for really really good on game business, 2 weeks for up to par businesses, and 3+ weeks for beginners.

Imagine in one day that you have over x50 times the amount of sales you do every other day. On top of processing, packaging, and shipping. Then if that part has to be drop shipped to the business or picked up at a distributor.

Seems normal to me.

12-12-2013, 01:32 PM
I agree with the commenters above. Sounds like you're blaming them for not being able to control weather and stopping freight companies from delivering your package. Next time just pay for guaranteed shipping or buy locally if it really was urgent.

12-12-2013, 01:49 PM
if everyone thinks this is acceptable I suppose I must be in the wrong here. I guess i'll just wait and see when they get here.

12-12-2013, 02:06 PM
I've purchased from FRSport and have never had problems. HOWEVER, i also used to work in the industry as an importer and parts distributor. I understand shipping times and etas and all that. As a former parts and shipping manager, if a customer called and explained the situation like you did and you ordered a part based on MY EMPLOYEE telling you it'd be there in about 2 days and it still didn't show up after 2 weeks, i would've just refunded you the money.

Firstly, yeah you might not have known about holiday shipping, weather delays and what not and this is something you'll want to know for future purchases, but as a business it's their responsibility to give you that information. Especially when you clearly asked about the timing of parts arrival. Secondly, they should have never told you it would take 2 days when they knew that realistically it wouldn't. I would've never let my employees say that. I've been in that exact situation with customers before and instead of just trying to make the sale and telling them what they wanted to hear, i was realistic. "It should take X amount of days, but with the holidays/weather/customs/or whatever the case was, It could take longer and how much longer, I'm not sure." At that point, you have ALL the information and may or may not make the purchase. I think he just heard your urgency and wanted to make the sale. Not okay.

Not saying FRSport is shady, but in my professional opinion this should have been handled better and they should have just refunded you. But that's just me. You can't just tell customers what they want to hear and then blame someone else when shit hits the fan. That isn't cool.

12-12-2013, 02:14 PM
Im pretty sure they would refund you. What normally needs to be done with shippers is that they put a track on it. Once the shipping company acknowledges that it is lost, they normally get refunded. Companies like FR normally insure their packages. Once the shipping company refunds them, they generally pass it on to the customer.

12-12-2013, 02:24 PM
revat619. I am pretty sure they had it shipped before he even called. He should have ordered accordingly based upon his needs. He didn't and tried to after the fact. This is on him. And knowing them. I'm also pretty sure they said. "Should be" I am willing to bet that they just told him what USPS told them. Again. Not their fault. If it were my business. I may have helped the customer out. Depending on the attitude of the customer which in this case calling and demanding a supervisor right off the bat is disrespectful and rude. And I am willing to bet based on his attitude of his email that he also had a disrespectful and rude tone. So in this case. Most likely not.

12-12-2013, 02:28 PM
revat619. I am pretty sure they had it shipped before he even called. He should have ordered accordingly based upon his needs. He didn't and tried to after the fact. This is on him. And knowing them. I'm also pretty sure they said. "Should be" I am willing to bet that they just told him what USPS told them. Again. Not their fault. If it were my business. I may have helped the customer out. Depending on the attitude of the customer which in this case calling and demanding a supervisor right off the bat is disrespectful and rude. And I am willing to bet based on his attitude of his email that he also had a disrespectful and rude tone. So in this case. Most likely not.

I wasn't disrespectful or rude to anyone I talked to. Toward the end of the conversation I was frustrated being as I felt like I should have been helped out when they weren't, but I did not yell, or use profanity, or be disrespectful to anyone I talked to. I'm not a disrespectful person. But thanks for your opinion, as I stated I may be wrong if this many people disagree, the reason you post something like this is to get feedback. I posted on Chicago S-Chassis and had replies from dissatisfied customers that agreed with me, as well as satisfied customers that disagreed.

12-12-2013, 02:36 PM
weird coming from FRSport ive order probably over 2k worth of parts from them and never had any kind of problems with them....usually receive my parts the next day but if this were THMotorsports on the other hand i could completely understand they suck 8===D

12-12-2013, 02:37 PM
weird coming from FRSport ive order probably over 2k worth of parts from them and never had any kind of problems with them....usually receive my parts the next day but if this were THMotorsports on the other hand i could completely understand they suck 8===D

I'm sure people will have different experiences with each company, it may be different for a lot of you guys being from cali as opposed to me in chicago

12-12-2013, 02:39 PM
"I talked to a women, immediately asked for a supervisor to avoid the dealing with the run around. She asked me some questions or what not, and of course tried to handle the situation herself even though I specifically asked for a supervisor immediately."

This is disrespectful.

12-12-2013, 02:40 PM
I'm sure people will have different experiences with each company, it may be different for a lot of you guys being from cali as opposed to me in chicago

thats probably the main factor...id give them a call and see whats up if you still havent received them im sure they'll work with you

12-12-2013, 02:41 PM
I'm sure people will have different experiences with each company, it may be different for a lot of you guys being from cali as opposed to me in chicago

That's funny. They ship worldwide with little to no problems. I don't see how Chicago would be an issue... must be something else.

12-12-2013, 02:41 PM
"I talked to a women, immediately asked for a supervisor to avoid the dealing with the run around. She asked me some questions or what not, and of course tried to handle the situation herself even though I specifically asked for a supervisor immediately."

This is disrespectful.

I don't think it's disrespectful to ask to speak to a manager to handle a situation that many times an employee would direct you to a manager for anyway. I have a job and if someone asks to speak to a manager I don't think they are disrespectful, not to mention I still answered all of her questions and she tried to resolve the issue herself, and when she couldn't that's when she transferred me to a manager. If i were disrespectful I wouldn't have worked with her prior to talking to a manager although I had already asked to speak to one. But like I said, I'm not here to argue. Just explaining my situation. I appreciate the feedback and value that youve has a positive enough relationship with FRSport to defend them.

12-12-2013, 02:42 PM
revat619. I am pretty sure they had it shipped before he even called. He should have ordered accordingly based upon his needs. He didn't and tried to after the fact. This is on him. And knowing them. I'm also pretty sure they said. "Should be" I am willing to bet that they just told him what USPS told them. Again. Not their fault. If it were my business. I may have helped the customer out. Depending on the attitude of the customer which in this case calling and demanding a supervisor right off the bat is disrespectful and rude. And I am willing to bet based on his attitude of his email that he also had a disrespectful and rude tone. So in this case. Most likely not.

Dude i dunno. Those are all your assumptions. All i'm saying is, unlike a lot of you, i've been on the business side of this industry and if he called my business i wouldn't have said what they said. "Should be", my ass....Even if he didn't know, as a shop you know damn well how long shit takes to ship during the holidays and they knew it wasn't gonna be anywhere close to 2 days so why even say that? I'll tell you why, its to make the sale. Period.

Like i said, i've been in this EXACT situation before with a customer and this is not how i handled it nor would i let my employees handle it like this. FRSport should have never told him 2 days. Period. Regardless of what the customer may or may not know, it's NEVER ok, in my book, to just give information that you know isn't entirely true, just because it sounds good.

I'm not bad mouthing FRSport though. I've bought things from them and have never had any problems, but i'm also not gonna sit up here and blindly defend them when i think something, that i have direct experience with, was handled incorrectly.

EDIT: And asking to speak to a manager directly isn't disrespectful at all. It happens all the time. I don't blame him for doing that in this situation. With an issue like this, speaking to a customer service/sales rep would be pointless. Managers/supervisors make the final calls on shit like this. I always did.

12-12-2013, 03:13 PM
Dude i dunno. Those are all your assumptions. All i'm saying is, unlike a lot of you, i've been on the business side of this industry and if he called my business i wouldn't have said what they said. "Should be", my ass....Even if he didn't know, as a shop you know damn well how long shit takes to ship during the holidays and they knew it wasn't gonna be anywhere close to 2 days so why even say that? I'll tell you why, its to make the sale. Period.

Like i said, i've been in this EXACT situation before with a customer and this is not how i handled it nor would i let my employees handle it like this. FRSport should have never told him 2 days. Period. Regardless of what the customer may or may not know, it's NEVER ok, in my book, to just give information that you know isn't entirely true, just because it sounds good.

I'm not bad mouthing FRSport though. I've bought things from them and have never had any problems, but i'm also not gonna sit up here and blindly defend them when i think something, that i have direct experience with, was handled incorrectly.

EDIT: And asking to speak to a manager directly isn't disrespectful at all. It happens all the time. I don't blame him for doing that in this situation. With an issue like this, speaking to a customer service/sales rep would be pointless. Managers/supervisors make the final calls on shit like this. I always did.

EDIT: I know how FRSport operates. And I'm pretty sure the package was prepared over the weekend and picked up first thing Monday morning. But that's all besides the point. He wants them to be understanding and sympathetic all while not being understanding at all himself. (up until this point) Its just easier to take on a shop than it is a carrier who really couldn't care less about your complaints.

I do this everyday. Have been for awhile. I tell the customer what ups or fed ex or usps tells me. That's on them like I said. If there is a problem with the shipment. Its on them, not me. It wasn't to make a sale I guarantee it. There's no need to lie to get a sale of a 3 dollar part. And to call and immediately ask for a manager without first stating your issue is disrespectful. It immediately tells the person that you don't think they can do their job and take care of you. I get countless calls everyday where people think they need a manager when I am the one who actually handles it. Manager's job is to manage employees. That's why they are managers. Not to do their employees jobs for them. They manage. If that's how you do your business. That's great. But I can tell you its a lot less stressful and employees tend to be much happier and feel much more appreciated when you let them handle it and you back them if needed. If your employee is good, what they are doing will be right and you will only be needed to confirm that. But that's a whole other can of worms.

Its really simple....

If you need something like now. You pay to get it there as soon as possible. Especially if its only like 4 extra dollars. So next time. DO THAT and this pointless ill aimed complaint wont be necessary.

12-12-2013, 03:40 PM
I understand you bought on Black friday but I would've went with a retailer closer to your location.

Like everyone else said if you're in a pinch and can't drive your car away, buy from a local shop or something, instead of trying to save a couple bucks. Time = money.

You weren't buying any sort of specialized product you couldn't get at NAPA auto parts.

Should've called them FIRST and then ordered.

A lot of the guys in here are defending FRSport and they live in Cali.

I order from FRsport because they are in LA and I can get stuff to me in 2 days.

You're considerably farther away than I am from FRsport.

12-12-2013, 04:04 PM
EDIT: I know how FRSport operates. And I'm pretty sure the package was prepared over the weekend and picked up first thing Monday morning. But that's all besides the point. He wants them to be understanding and sympathetic all while not being understanding at all himself. (up until this point) Its just easier to take on a shop than it is a carrier who really couldn't care less about your complaints.

I do this everyday. Have been for awhile. I tell the customer what ups or fed ex or usps tells me. That's on them like I said. If there is a problem with the shipment. Its on them, not me. It wasn't to make a sale I guarantee it. There's no need to lie to get a sale of a 3 dollar part. And to call and immediately ask for a manager without first stating your issue is disrespectful. It immediately tells the person that you don't think they can do their job and take care of you. I get countless calls everyday where people think they need a manager when I am the one who actually handles it. Manager's job is to manage employees. That's why they are managers. Not to do their employees jobs for them. They manage. If that's how you do your business. That's great. But I can tell you its a lot less stressful and employees tend to be much happier and feel much more appreciated when you let them handle it and you back them if needed. If your employee is good, what they are doing will be right and you will only be needed to confirm that. But that's a whole other can of worms.

Its really simple....

If you need something like now. You pay to get it there as soon as possible. Especially if its only like 4 extra dollars. So next time. DO THAT and this pointless ill aimed complaint wont be necessary.

Agree to disagree dude. IMO, this isn't about USPS or FedEx. Obviously they're in charge of that once it leaves your warehouse. That's not my gripe at all. MY problem is with what FRSport told him initially. I would have never told him it "should be here in 2 days" when i know full well it's gonna be at least a week due to the holiday/weather impact. It's not okay. You and I both know that part wasn't gonna be there in 2 days or even close to it so don't defend them like that shit is okay. It's not.

For example, around the time when i filled orders for containers coming in, customers would often ask me when their parts would arrive prior to ordering them. I'd tell them "it should be 4 - 8 weeks, but customs can sometimes hold a container for longer once it gets here and we have no control over how long that is. Could be a day could be a few weeks, usually that doesn't happen, but just something to be aware of." Yeah sure i could've told them "oh yeah it should be here in a month", but that's not entirely true now is it? I'm sure you can see what i'm getting at.

And what i meant by managing is that a lot times when customers complain and what not, managers have the ultimate authority and can make a judgement call that a lower level employee can't. So in those instances, if my employee was in a situation where they felt i was needed, they'd ask me step in. I don't need you to define what being a manager is...nor do i appreciate your condescending tone.

I totally agree that if you need something pronto, you should pay the extra fee for faster shipping or buy closer to your area, but you're not going to convince me that giving an "estimate" that i KNOW isn't close to accurate is okay.

EDIT: And like Falkon240 said they're IN Cali and the OP is in Chicago, that's even more absurd for them to give him the ETA's they did.

12-12-2013, 04:16 PM
i have a shipping account with fedex. i know for a fact that when you print off a shipping label with your account the tracking number will be valid (give a location and eta on the fedex website) for the package. this does not mean that fedex has it in their possession and is being processed threw the trucks etc for delivery. it can very well (usually) mean that the package is sitting at the place purchased, waiting for the fedex to come pick it up or they are waiting on the package (pickup) for other reasons (out of stock item). ive personally had this happen (tracking number but no moving on package) as a customer when i ordered my snowboarding pants a few years ago.

12-12-2013, 04:23 PM
When did the carrier receive the shipping info? That should tell you when FRSport shipped out the product. I've heard there has been some issues with weather lately so some packages may have been delayed-not really FRSport's fault.

edit: nvm ^

12-12-2013, 04:41 PM
Being as I work in this industry. This happens all the time. And it is often a matter of customer misunderstanding how shipping works. Especially in winter time with lots of storms which delay shipments. As a matter of fact if you go to FedEx's or UPS' website you will see that noted. Also it is just an estimated time. If you were in such a bind and needed it sooo badly you should have paid a little extra and had it sent 2 or 3 day. I happen to know for a fact that the shipping department at FRSport is great about getting orders out. IF you get the order in before 4pm they can usually get it out same day. I also happen to know that they worked on the weekend of black friday when most of us had it off....Just so they could make their customers happy. As far as enjuku always doing right by you. Its called customer loyalty. I bet if your first order from enjuku was a tiny little piece and you had a problem which was really in my honest opinion your mistake. They wouldn't have helped you out either. Also. FRSport is a legitimate company and they follow every one of their policies and their manufacturer's. Enjuku is a knockoff company. And although they may be great people. knockoff companies often handle things very casually like its no big deal. Because they make soooo much off you that its no big deal to throw money back. They also don't usually have a system that will automatically order a replacement part for the one you just ordered (which is why you have to pay a restocking fee). Basically. I think you expected too much without being aware of whats been going on with shipping companies or how it all really works. I know that if it was even remotely their fault they would have taken care of you. However it seems like you expected too much and while it was in route with the shipping method YOU chose,you grew impatient and ordered it from somewhere else. FRSport is a great company with an amazing friendly and helpful staff and I HIGHLY recommend them to everyone. I truly think you should reconsider your complaint. Take Care
I spent a considerable amount (8000+) with Frsport on my first order. Yeah they were great and helpful during that time and gave me one one support while we were compiling it. But after that they didn't even care. Next order (much smaller), I had a similar problem as the op, item wasn't in stock and I wanted to cancel when I found out and they tried to make me pay a restocking fee as well.

Furthermore enjuku is hardly a "knockoff" company. Yeah, the sell isis and megan, so does your beloved frsport. They also carry the same reputable and "name brands" as well. Lets also not forget they were one of the original Nissan orientated aftermarket online dealers. They actually give a shit about their customers and are BEYOND helpful. not just with isis products like you imply...

Bottom line, FRSport is grimey with that restocking fee...even if they mislead you on item availability or in OP's case take 8 days to ship an order or tell him two days knowing its unlikey. In closing FRSport had ZERO customer loyalty towards me, and Enjuku has gone above and beyond what a parts store should do, and thats with non Isis/no name parts. So your theory on them just throwing money around is ridiculous. Ken is a grassroots enthusiast and pioneer and never forgot his roots and transfers that loyalty to the customer, frsport just cares about the almighty dollar. Like another time when they wanted to charge me
$7 to ship an oem oil drain copper o-ring. Yeah, enjuku just gave me the part for free and didn't charge a dime for shipping.

OP, call your credit card company and dispute the charge. Simply tell them they took too long to ship. If its already in transit refuse delivery and tell you card company the whole story.

12-12-2013, 05:26 PM
A lady from FRSport called me and I was on the phone with her for 51 minutes at 46 seconds with no resolution. I'm getting a call back

12-12-2013, 05:49 PM
I dunno man. Things aren't adding up. I read your original post that was deleted. Then this one where it wasn't exactly the same. Then another edit about 2 hours later posted at the bottom of your thread. I hope it gets resolved.

12-12-2013, 06:07 PM
I dunno man. Things aren't adding up. I read your original post that was deleted. Then this one where it wasn't exactly the same. Then another edit about 2 hours later posted at the bottom of your thread. I hope it gets resolved.

I just edited take out pointless stuff cause i didn't want people to have to read a whole essay lol

12-12-2013, 06:18 PM
I think frsports is too expensive and they haven't really accommodated me.... Enjuku is better to deal with but their inventory is limited on oem stuff

12-12-2013, 07:26 PM
Well the lady (don't want to use names to keep confidentiality) called me back and mentioned that if it doesn't come tomorrow (which it most likely wont) than they will file a lost report which will take 5-10 business days and then refund me my money, or if I get it after tomorrow they will send me a return shipping label so I can send it back and they will refund me my money.

Grocery Cart
12-12-2013, 07:31 PM
I wouldn't really blame frsport, especially since it was during the holidays.
At least not for the shipping part.. Their customer service is usually way better than that for me, they shouldn't make you pay anything. at all. If anything you should be getting a discount.
I had a similar experience like this with my first purchase from Enjuku. Very frustrating when you need your car on the road and they charge you twice for parts and then it's "declined". They did take care of me in the end which I'm happy about, and have since ordered a few more times with no issue.
However I've never had any issue with frsport, and their customer service has always been the best from any other site I've ordered from.

12-13-2013, 09:04 AM
Well I got a call back last night and the women I spoke to agreed that if I don't get the part by 7pm CSD tonight then 1 of 2 things will happen.

Either A. if the item shows up (after today) I can return it [for free] and get a full refund.

or B. if the item doesn't show up today they will file it as lost and it will take 5-10 business days for me to get a refund.

12-14-2013, 11:07 AM
I don't post here much but I saw the op's thread. Not to thread jack but I just had my own customer service issue with FRsport. I was also shopping on black Friday and I noticed they had a set a four HKS 555cc injectors listed for 194.95! I decided to add it to my cart and the discount made the 174.95! I also ordered a few other small items to complete my SR build. The following Monday I got an e-mail saying that I should have gotten free shipping with my order and they apologized for the mistake btw, they went on to say the fuel injectors you ordered were priced per injector. Then they went on to say that if I still needed them that the price would be 750! I was like wow! I mean, I understand that the listing was incorrect but it took these guys like a week to even offer me an alternative and what they offered me wasn't even for the price I paid! They wanted me to pay more money. I mean a set of four Circuit Sports were $242. These guys can't even eat $67 to keep a customer that has already spent 3k in the last year?

I work for the largest mail order and retail performance parts store in the country and I am in management so understand that there is a disclaimer on the site as we have one on our site as well. However, I myself would have at least found a comparable part and offered it to my customer without asking them to pay the difference. Besides all that if I wouldn't have found this mistake on their website they would have never even known about it potentially causing future upset customers. Meanwhile, My order is still sitting in California and another week has gone by with out any contact from FR to resolve the issue. Furthermore, they didn't even have the decency to call me on the phone all correspondences have been via e-mail.

If I didn't need some of these parts to finish my build, I would just have them refund my money altogether so I can certainly see that FRsport definitely has some opportunities in the customer service department.

As for the quoted shipping times, yes the salesperson was indeed wrong for saying that the shipment would arrive in 2 days. Although I agree that the shipping is in fact out of their hands once the parts leave their facility, they should have at least waived the 20% restock fee (which btw I think is completely non-customer oriented) for the mere fact of them quoting you an incorrect shipping estimate. JMO

12-16-2013, 05:42 AM
Ive ordered plenty from FRSport with no issues. But I have experienced something like this when I ordered from another supplier and I to had a message on the tracking saying like "Missed pickup / Train Delayed"

12-16-2013, 06:18 AM
So...lessons learned from this thread i hope, don't ever depend on online based stores to get you your part on time if you have to have it to operate your car(especially if it's for your daily driver, or matter of fact your only car). But I do fully understand the customer's frustration on this and also the company's frustration.

with that out of the way, I actually prefer to deal with 240sxmotoring/CIP or Enjuku, hell even Drift speed rather than FRSport for price and customer service I've received before.(I don't like getting run around answers from customer support.)

12-18-2013, 04:16 PM
I don't post here much but I saw the op's thread. Not to thread jack but I just had my own customer service issue with FRsport. I was also shopping on black Friday and I noticed they had a set a four HKS 555cc injectors listed for 194.95! I decided to add it to my cart and the discount made the 174.95! I also ordered a few other small items to complete my SR build. The following Monday I got an e-mail saying that I should have gotten free shipping with my order and they apologized for the mistake btw, they went on to say the fuel injectors you ordered were priced per injector. Then they went on to say that if I still needed them that the price would be 750! I was like wow! I mean, I understand that the listing was incorrect but it took these guys like a week to even offer me an alternative and what they offered me wasn't even for the price I paid! They wanted me to pay more money. I mean a set of four Circuit Sports were $242. These guys can't even eat $67 to keep a customer that has already spent 3k in the last year?

I work for the largest mail order and retail performance parts store in the country and I am in management so understand that there is a disclaimer on the site as we have one on our site as well. However, I myself would have at least found a comparable part and offered it to my customer without asking them to pay the difference. Besides all that if I wouldn't have found this mistake on their website they would have never even known about it potentially causing future upset customers. Meanwhile, My order is still sitting in California and another week has gone by with out any contact from FR to resolve the issue. Furthermore, they didn't even have the decency to call me on the phone all correspondences have been via e-mail.

If I didn't need some of these parts to finish my build, I would just have them refund my money altogether so I can certainly see that FRsport definitely has some opportunities in the customer service department.

As for the quoted shipping times, yes the salesperson was indeed wrong for saying that the shipment would arrive in 2 days. Although I agree that the shipping is in fact out of their hands once the parts leave their facility, they should have at least waived the 20% restock fee (which btw I think is completely non-customer oriented) for the mere fact of them quoting you an incorrect shipping estimate. JMO

Update: Spoke with Katherine @ FRSport and she was very understanding of my situation and actually offered me a reasonable solution to my problem. She asked me if I made this post and I was impressed that FRSport actually keeps up with what's going on with their customers which shows that they really are true enthusiasts themselves. Because of Katherine, my view of the company has changed for the better. Thank you Katherine you just retained a customer!

12-18-2013, 05:13 PM
I spoke to Cat as well and she told me she would send me a return label to ship the item back (which it has arrived now) and issue me a full refund. She also sent me an unexpected free gift box with a CS-X3 Air Freshener, a Bride T-Shirt, a Tomei mouse pad, a Swift Racing license plate frame, a Koyo funnel, a FRSport key chain, and a handwritten apology letter


I think she also retained a customer out of me as well. Her customer service has also definitely given me a more positive view on the company. This is good customer service.

Since it's hard to read, the note says, "To: Vinny, Please accept our apologies. Enjoy the gift. Happy Holidays! From: Your friends @ FRSport"

12-19-2013, 03:08 PM
There's a lot of spoiled and entitled-minded individuals in here that are really trying to debate about something that should be taken up with the shipping carriers.

Once it leaves a vendor's facility, they are in control just as much as you are in control of when it arrives to your doorstep. The month of December sees so much mail and parcels, it's crazy. So as redundant and as repetitive as it sounds: EXPECT DELAYS.

Remedy for delays? Order locally at a vendor that has your part in stock.

As for the customer service, FRSport did everything that a rep needs to do. Had this thread not been on Zilvia or any form of social media, they wouldn't have sent you jack shit and why would they need to? Once the item leaves their facility, it's out of their hands and literally, the best thing to do is to contact the shipping carrier.

The reason why they couldn't send you a full refund is because the item was in transit. As a vendor, the purchased items aren't within the facility, so why should I refund you the full amount while the item is still in transit? If any of you actually read their policy, a 20% restock fee was and still is a part of their policy. By ordering through them and clicking agree before checkout, you have agreed to THEIR terms. So fuck your "customer is always right" mentality when you're the kid who clicked "agree".

OP, your whole paragraph about how it is supposed to be the vendors responsibility screams that you're a whiny entitled kid. If you were really in a hurry and wanted answers, an adult (like you portrayed yourself as in your essay) would have tried all means possible which is definitely not what you did.

So really, if anybody with common sense reads this, FRSport is as legit as they come. The car community of tuners are real lucky to have them around and running successfully. This review should be void and it doesn't reflect much about FRSport but rather about online shopping, how much crap gets shoved into shipping carriers facilities, and why you should order locally or within reasonable proximity of your location when you're trying to meet a deadline.

12-19-2013, 03:50 PM
^ agreed +10000000

I have ordered a lot of things from FRsport and have never had any issues. If there was a issue (such as a backordered part) I received a call from one of the reps and an email explaining the situation. They either said I could wait, or receive a refund, no questions asked.