View Full Version : ka24de bogging at steady speed???

12-03-2013, 06:32 PM
okay so when i drive and I'm on the gas to pick up speed the car runs fine. but as soon as i get up to speed and doesn't matter what speed the I'm just on the gas enough to keep that speed then the car will bog like there is a fuel cut every so often and when I'm at idle the idle will stumble up and down like its going to die and sometimes dies. this just started and i lost at what it could be?

i do have a CEL for

P0170 which says fuel trim but how do i go about fixing this

Knock sensor code shows up also and the air temp code show up. I'm pretty sure the air temp is because i don't have the sensor plugged up because I'm running an intake. knock sensor code has been on but it has never had this issue.

since this issue came up then the p0170 code showed up.

what should i look at first?

12-04-2013, 10:46 AM
I had the same problem was my throttle body though