View Full Version : Paid for premium membership but account hasn't been upgraded.

12-01-2013, 09:07 AM
I've had a premium membership for years, I got a notice that it was expiring so I signed in and paid to have my membership renewed:

Item#: db5bbaa4e943421c703071552888cd3c
Transaction ID: 8PV96569CX8631413

But my account hasn't been upgraded back to premium status, I can't PM anyone about the issue because my PM box is now full due to the smaller size.

Any help would be appreciated

12-01-2013, 07:29 PM
how long has the wait been

12-01-2013, 10:00 PM
If done through our website, it should be pretty much automatic once you refresh the page.

I'd suggest sending a PM/email RJF or [email protected] to inform him and see what he can do.

12-02-2013, 05:22 AM
yeah it should be instant but it's been a day now.

If done through our website, it should be pretty much automatic once you refresh the page.

I'd suggest sending a PM/email RJF or [email protected] to inform him and see what he can do.

part of the reason I keep premium status is so I can keep my PMs but because I had a few hundred of them my inbox is now 100% full and it wont let me send PMs out. ... deleting enough PMs to send one to get the issue resolved would kind of defeat the purpose.

I left him a visitor message but I'll try the email as well, thanks.