View Full Version : Scammer: 07kyeringt

11-23-2013, 01:07 AM
I purchased his LS1 motor and the swap kit from him


Payment for the motor and swap kit was sent on Oct 30th for $4567.50
Payment for the Pro5.0 shifter was sent of Nov 6th for $130.00

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/motor_zpse685d4c7.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/motor_zpse685d4c7.jpg.html)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/shifter_zps7d06d2db.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/shifter_zps7d06d2db.jpg.html)

All the conversation was exchanged via text message. Seller was very courteous to let me know the status on the shipping.

Nov 11th
Seller notified me that shipping company will pick up the shipment next day via text message.

Nov 14th
I got emails from paypal that seller issued refund for both of the transaction.
Contacted seller and I was told the motor was damaged by shipping company and he sincerely apologized for the disappointment.

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/refund1_zpse41569bb.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/refund1_zpse41569bb.jpg.html)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/refund2_zpsa28b9e39.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/refund2_zpsa28b9e39.jpg.html)

Nov 19th
Emails from paypal notified me that seller (07kyeringt) did not have sufficient fund in his bank account therefore paypal could not process his refund.
Contacted seller, he advised that I should open disputes on paypal to get my money back. He also told me that he is having issue with his bank account.

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/nomoney1_zps0e4f319a.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/nomoney1_zps0e4f319a.jpg.html)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/nomoney2_zpse89386c6.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/nomoney2_zpse89386c6.jpg.html)

Spoke to Paypal and they advised me to wait till their 2nd attempt to withdrawal from the seller's account. Then open the dispute.
Paypal assured me that even seller does not pay me back, paypal will refund the money and pursuit the seller after.

Nov 23rd
Paypal's 2nd attempt on refund is failed due to same issue (insufficient fund)
I opened dispute through paypal for those 2 transactions.

No matter what the reason was behind, please do not send any payment to this seller.

This is on-going matter and I will post once I get any updates.

11-23-2013, 01:09 AM
looks like there is another person who sent $ for the parts. Wonder his refund got cleared.

Some bull shit paid the guy he then holds my $ for 4 days then send $ back

11-23-2013, 07:50 AM
That really sucks.. I bought the wiring harness from him.

My deal went perfectly smooth, 0 issues at all.
He seemed like a really cool guy through PM and text conversations, so I have nothing negative to say.

11-23-2013, 07:52 AM
Similar story to yours from another website...

http:// silviav8 forums.com /forum/viewtopic.php?t=5611

Only thing I am suspect here, is that the guy sent money for the harness (after I already received that harness in the mail)

I almost feel like he just sent money, and didn't even talk to the guy..
That's just my speculation though.

11-23-2013, 08:05 AM
Did paypal send you your money back?

11-23-2013, 08:08 AM
Did paypal send you your money back?

I sent the money, I received the parts..

Smooth Transaction from my view!

11-23-2013, 09:02 AM
Sorry about that. It was ment for the OP.

It's shitty that you didn't get the parts you wanted but at least you didn't lose money.

11-23-2013, 09:49 AM
Did paypal send you your money back?

No, seller didn't have enough money in his bank account.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-23-2013, 09:54 AM
hopefully works out, seems seller is trying to make right hopefully?

11-23-2013, 10:02 AM
hopefully works out, seems seller is trying to make right hopefully?

No, he stopped responding txt messages.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

11-23-2013, 11:26 AM
This kid is somewhat local to us

SIKKY ls1 into s14 swap kit. New. CHEAP*** - JDM Chicago-Japanese Car Community (http://www.jdmchicago.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31604)

11-23-2013, 12:39 PM
fuck man....you've been spending some money! noticed you bought the z33 tranny and now this. someones got some big plans. at least paypal will refund your money, so that's cool. just hope no one else sends this guy any money.

11-25-2013, 06:48 AM
Tried to contact the seller again on 11/23/13

Still no respond.

11-25-2013, 10:58 AM
Wow, you are being more calm than I would be given the situation. Hope you get it all resolved.

11-25-2013, 12:57 PM
Posted on our local forum

SIKKY ls1 into s14 swap kit. New. CHEAP*** - JDM Chicago-Japanese Car Community (http://www.jdmchicago.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31604)

11-25-2013, 09:47 PM
Got an email from Paypal about final trial of refund attempt.


http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/Fail_zps3997ace4.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/Fail_zps3997ace4.jpg.html)

11-25-2013, 09:50 PM
Wow, you are being more calm than I would be given the situation. Hope you get it all resolved.

Getting upset or angry doesn't help/solve anything. I'd like to face the fact and figure out what my options are.

In this case, paypal assured me for the refund so I am holding aces. But I am not quite sure what the seller's plan is. Bail out of country with lump sum of money?

I am afraid there are more victims out there still thinking their "refund" will clear.

11-26-2013, 10:00 AM
Getting upset or angry doesn't help/solve anything.

My husband tells me that........... regularly....

GL and hope you get it solved.

PS as someone who works in banking. Posting something with the last four digits of your mastercard # probably isn't the smartest move on a public forum.

Might want to Cover that up. Just sayin...

11-26-2013, 11:02 AM
Did some digging here is his phone *SNIP*

11-26-2013, 01:21 PM
Damn, sucks K_style! paypal will take care of you, dont worry, I am glad you did the transaction the right way so you are covered.

11-26-2013, 10:01 PM
I paid for wheels n he stopped responding

11-27-2013, 11:06 AM
Kstyle. I'm not scamming u. That is not possible with paypal and the way the transaction proceeded. I do apologize for any inconvenience. I did ask u to escalate thru paypal so they would refund u. They have limited my account do to the larger transactions. PayPal will take care of you.

Eric I told u wheels would ship monday. U texted me at 8 am. I was going to respond with tracking info later that day after work. and before I could do so I received a email saying u disputed transaction. Your impateince and added input on this thread is irrelevant and ignorant.

Wheels have been sold to somebody else. And will shipping to them today.

This entire thread is throwing mud on my name. I do not scam anyone. Look at my trader ratings. They were all % 100. I apologize if this inconvenienced u kstyle. Some of this was out of my control between paypal and shipping company.

11-27-2013, 11:13 AM
Well I've been texting you and hitting you up on zilvia you don't respond and where's the tracking number I disputed the wheels last night because of no response. I don't see how you can sell the wheels to someone else when I just disputed last night. So what is your reason? I'm very patient when you didn't come thru with your word by MONDAYwhat happened? I said what's going on You never responded.

11-27-2013, 11:18 AM
I disputed it on tuesday night I gave you 24 hours and that night to respond on Monday and I have you all of tuesday soo don't say I didn't give you time expecially when all this stuff is being said and you had a bad review I still gave you 24 hours. Cause I wanted to wheels. But obviously you couldn't give me time to at least know what's going on.

11-27-2013, 11:25 AM
wow this guy is fogazy

11-27-2013, 12:26 PM
My issue here is " you don't have sufficient funds"

If you are refunding someone, and Paypal is used, you should make sure to have the funds in check

Regardless of user rating, shit like this happens all the time........even with people with 100% feedback!

Lets remove paypal from this and just refund the gentleman's money, simple!

11-27-2013, 01:41 PM
Paypal has been contacted and things are underway. This isn't a scam. It's a unfortunate situation. In the end everything will be straight. Kstyle will get his money back.

You dudes are so amped for drama and think the worst of everything.

11-27-2013, 02:23 PM
I've had some shitty issues like this with my bank too. Not saying there could be shadyness going on, but banks can be dicks sometimes. And I love that drftx is posting all this shit, especially on JDMC.

11-27-2013, 03:03 PM
I've had some shitty issues like this with my bank too. Not saying there could be shadyness going on, but banks can be dicks sometimes. And I love that drftx is posting all this shit, especially on JDMC.

^ right. Stirring the pot.

If this was a scam I wouldn't be on this thread defending myself. I can say this thread in its entirety is blown out of proportion. Kstyle has every right to be upset. But he is getting his money back. Between the bank and paypal it has taken longer then neccisary.

11-27-2013, 03:11 PM
I've had some shitty issues like this with my bank too. Not saying there could be shadyness going on, but banks can be dicks sometimes. And I love that drftx is posting all this shit, especially on JDMC.


My issue here is " you don't have sufficient funds"

If you are refunding someone, and Paypal is used, you should make sure to have the funds in check

Regardless of user rating, shit like this happens all the time........even with people with 100% feedback!

Lets remove paypal from this and just refund the gentleman's money, simple!

If Paypal is in the middle of a dispute and attempting to refund money, then removing it from the equation is going to cause more problems. They will refund the money back to the purchaser.

If Keith were out to fck someone out of $4,600 he would not have attempted a refund, and he would not have allowed the dispute to happen. Typical scammer morons normally use excuses and other BS to hold onto the money that is not theres.

The angry Zilvia village idiots should put down their pitchforks and torches since that is clearly not what is happening here.

11-27-2013, 03:31 PM
Sounds like maybe he came up hard for money, and used paypal as the loan with the world's worst terms. He may have "scammed" you, but did even tell you to open the dispute so paypal will pay you either way. Sounds more like desperation than scamming. Maybe something bad enough happened that it was worth incurring the wrath of paypal.

But, that's a wild guess.

No matter the truth, clearly not a normal "scammer" at all. Thread title is highly misleading.

11-27-2013, 03:50 PM
Sounds like maybe he came up hard for money, and used paypal as the loan with the world's worst terms. He may have "scammed" you, but did even tell you to open the dispute so paypal will pay you either way. Sounds more like desperation than scamming. Maybe something bad enough happened that it was worth incurring the wrath of paypal.

But, that's a wild guess.

No matter the truth, clearly not a normal "scammer" at all. Thread title is highly misleading.

Not the case at all.

Everything in this transaction was in good intentions. There was a unfortunate turn of events that did not allow the trade to happen. Refund was submitted. Failed due to banking issues. Then dispute was created. At this point the dispute will run its course. Kstyle will get his refund.

No matter how any of you twist this. Is wasn't a scam. It wasn't anything but a honest transaction gone wrong.

11-27-2013, 03:59 PM
Sounds like maybe he came up hard for money, and used paypal as the loan with the world's worst terms. He may have "scammed" you, but did even tell you to open the dispute so paypal will pay you either way. Sounds more like desperation than scamming. Maybe something bad enough happened that it was worth incurring the wrath of paypal.

But, that's a wild guess.

No matter the truth, clearly not a normal "scammer" at all. Thread title is highly misleading.

Maybes do not add value to resolving the transaction.

11-27-2013, 04:43 PM
Not the case at all.

Everything in this transaction was in good intentions. There was a unfortunate turn of events that did not allow the trade to happen. Refund was submitted. Failed due to banking issues. Then dispute was created. At this point the dispute will run its course. Kstyle will get his refund.

No matter how any of you twist this. Is wasn't a scam. It wasn't anything but a honest transaction gone wrong.

Well like I said, whatever the reason, clearly not a scammer, and thread title is highly misleading.

Maybes do not add value to resolving the transaction.

Calling something that bears no resemblance to scamming, a scam, does not make it sound like OP deserves it resolved, honestly.

11-27-2013, 07:50 PM
This entire thread is throwing mud on my name. I do not scam anyone. Look at my trader ratings. They were all % 100. I apologize if this inconvenienced u kstyle. Some of this was out of my control between paypal and shipping company.

No matter what this thread does, as long as people are taken care of, it will all be fine in the end.. Glad you stepped in and showed some sign of life and responded to the guys. the main thing when having a seller/buyer issue is communication.. if you had been in touch with the buyer from the get go when things went south...I am sure he wouldn't be freaking out and worrying about it as much.
hope all works out.

11-28-2013, 10:03 AM
so is the ls1 still for sale?

11-28-2013, 10:52 PM
so is the ls1 still for sale?

Negative. It is not still for sale.

12-01-2013, 10:26 PM
Not the case at all.

Everything in this transaction was in good intentions. There was a unfortunate turn of events that did not allow the trade to happen. Refund was submitted. Failed due to banking issues. Then dispute was created. At this point the dispute will run its course. Kstyle will get his refund.

No matter how any of you twist this. Is wasn't a scam. It wasn't anything but a honest transaction gone wrong.

Paypal will issue me the refund regardless of your intention or your banking situation because of their insurance policy with possible victim buyer.

You never provided me with picture of the engine on the pallet when you dropped off at the shipping company as requested. And as far as I know I was the first one to make purchase from you and I didn't open dispute on paypal to seize your fund until Paypal's 2nd attempt to withdrawal the fund from your bank.

You should already had money I sent you in your bank account when you issued refund. But I guess you already spent some of that then why did you even issue the refund when you clearly didn't have enough money to give back?

To me it's just another thing you did to buy some more time to delay dispute on paypal which will stop the money keep coming in to your bank account from other buyers.

Based on your explanation your poor management on bank account caused all this but unfortunately I still can't buy that story.

Whatever the reason was behind, I wish you can prove that you didn't mean to do this.

You may still not planning to give money back to me but there is no way to prove that either way.

Well like I said, whatever the reason, clearly not a scammer, and thread title is highly misleading.

First of all, how are you in position to make that decision?
Unless you are under 07kyeringt's payroll, you wouldn't know for sure.

Calling something that bears no resemblance to scamming, a scam, does not make it sound like OP deserves it resolved, honestly.

Taking money from other people and not giving back is a SCAM.

There is no proof that 07kyeringt actually wants to or is giving money back to me and other victims.
Like I mentioned, it's not 07kyeringt issuing the refund, it's the paypal then they will pursuit him afterwards.

Unless 07kyeringt posts his innocents with some hard proof, this is still on-going issue and a SCAM.

He can post whatever he wants on this review thread even though he is not supposed to, but it is still on-going issue and not solved.

12-01-2013, 11:24 PM
Kstyle. I'm not scamming u. That is not possible with paypal and the way the transaction proceeded. I do apologize for any inconvenience. I did ask u to escalate thru paypal so they would refund u. They have limited my account do to the larger transactions. PayPal will take care of you.

Eric I told u wheels would ship monday. U texted me at 8 am. I was going to respond with tracking info later that day after work. and before I could do so I received a email saying u disputed transaction. Your impateince and added input on this thread is irrelevant and ignorant.

Wheels have been sold to somebody else. And will shipping to them today.

This entire thread is throwing mud on my name. I do not scam anyone. Look at my trader ratings. They were all % 100. I apologize if this inconvenienced u kstyle. Some of this was out of my control between paypal and shipping company.

Bold text is very true... Paypal is weird about putting holds on money and transfers...
People have full time jobs and lives aside from selling car parts..
I am sure all of you will get your money back.. that's why you pay the 3% paypal fee instead of gifting the money..

Props to 07kyeringt for coming into this thread and making a statement..
Still a good seller in my book.

12-02-2013, 12:14 AM

The angry Zilvia village idiots should put down their pitchforks and torches.


Hey I'm glad you didn't gift that amount and I hope this get's resolved for EVERYONE's sake.:werd:

12-02-2013, 12:20 AM
Bold text is very true... Paypal is weird about putting holds on money and transfers...

Clearly you don't sell/buy things online very often.

Paypal holding $ for 3~5 business days for you to withdrawal to your bank account is not a new thing. They have been doing this since as long as I remember.

And that does not justify why his "refund" was failed. There was long enough time between from payment was made and date of refund issue.

People have full time jobs and lives aside from selling car parts..

Are you saying people have rights or excuses to make mistakes or take money away from people for a long time (as a free loan or whatever) because it's not their "full time job"?

It's not about job or whatever you are thinking. it's about your responsibility of your action.

Maybe you are too immature to understand what "responsibility" is.

12-02-2013, 07:42 AM
Clearly you don't sell/buy things online very often.

Paypal holding $ for 3~5 business days for you to withdrawal to your bank account is not a new thing. They have been doing this since as long as I remember.

And that does not justify why his "refund" was failed. There was long enough time between from payment was made and date of refund issue.

Are you saying people have rights or excuses to make mistakes or take money away from people for a long time (as a free loan or whatever) because it's not their "full time job"?

It's not about job or whatever you are thinking. it's about your responsibility of your action.

Maybe you are too immature to understand what "responsibility" is.

I have nothing to prove to you..
I'm stating my experiences with multiple online payments, that it is not uncommon for them to put large amounts of money on hold. THUS the seller might not have received your money before he refunded it... WHICH means no shit its not in his account, it hasn't fucking cleared yet..

Dude's clearly here to help and your still fucking crying...
Maybe he had a death in his family, maybe his company is failing, maybe YOU are too immature to realize that there are far more important things than selling some used car parts to people on some dumb ass forum.

You've been assured you are getting your money back, yet you still want to give the guy a bad rep.. Get some damn patience and stop being a whiny bitch. That doesn't solve anything, and from the seller's perspective why would he go out of his way for you at this point.. he has nothing to gain.

12-02-2013, 07:45 AM

Therefore.. if his money was on hold.
And a refund tried pulling money from his account, it is no wonder why the funds were not available..

But rest easy, because paypal assured you they'd get the payments. Because that's why they put holds on payments.

12-02-2013, 08:14 AM
As I have stated before, something is fishy about issuing a refund KNOWING DAMN WELL he doesn't have money in the account!!!! Almost as if he is buying himself time........

I am glad my "mob" presence is seen as I am only a select few here using common sense and reasoning.........

Why would someone go ahead and initiate a refund, know money is NOT in his account and then turn around and say Paypal WILL take care of you?? It is NOT Paypal problems to take care of if he initiated the refund, simple!

As said, something is fishy as he also accepted payment from other individuals for SAME item and (supposedly) Paypal has put a restriction on his account to bigger transactions. Why the hell would paypal do it, if he has a clean record and resort it to bigger and not lower transactions??

I may be wrong, which I am fine with, but the Math simply does NOT add up.....

12-02-2013, 11:03 AM
I have nothing to prove to you..
I'm stating my experiences with multiple online payments, that it is not uncommon for them to put large amounts of money on hold. THUS the seller might not have received your money before he refunded it... WHICH means no shit its not in his account, it hasn't fucking cleared yet..

Dude's clearly here to help and your still fucking crying...
Maybe he had a death in his family, maybe his company is failing, maybe YOU are too immature to realize that there are far more important things than selling some used car parts to people on some dumb ass forum.

You've been assured you are getting your money back, yet you still want to give the guy a bad rep.. Get some damn patience and stop being a whiny bitch. That doesn't solve anything, and from the seller's perspective why would he go out of his way for you at this point.. he has nothing to gain.

Put your E-dick away, no one is crying but maybe you are because you just realized how dumb ass you are.

You are just too stupid to know the fact that it has been more than 14 days since the seller received the payment when he issued an refund. I posted dates and proof of screen shots.

I gave him a bad rep because the way he handled things.

Even your dumb ass knows that it's the paypal giving me money back not him.

So get the Fuck out of this thread unless you can actually provide some intelligent advise or positive comment. But like you said there are too far more important things to hang out on this forum so might as well just keep stay away from this forum.


12-02-2013, 11:05 AM

Therefore.. if his money was on hold.
And a refund tried pulling money from his account, it is no wonder why the funds were not available..

But rest easy, because paypal assured you they'd get the payments. Because that's why they put holds on payments.

Sure they may hold the fund up to 21 days. But did seller prove that was the case?? NO. You just came up with your fantasy story that favors the seller.

Seller hasn't proved anything but giving his words.

I don't buy any bullshit story unless I see some proof but who cares now.

12-02-2013, 11:13 AM
As I have stated before, something is fishy about issuing a refund KNOWING DAMN WELL he doesn't have money in the account!!!! Almost as if he is buying himself time........

I am glad my "mob" presence is seen as I am only a select few here using common sense and reasoning.........

Why would someone go ahead and initiate a refund, know money is NOT in his account and then turn around and say Paypal WILL take care of you?? It is NOT Paypal problems to take care of if he initiated the refund, simple!

As said, something is fishy as he also accepted payment from other individuals for SAME item and (supposedly) Paypal has put a restriction on his account to bigger transactions. Why the hell would paypal do it, if he has a clean record and resort it to bigger and not lower transactions??

I may be wrong, which I am fine with, but the Math simply does NOT add up.....

Exactly my point, maybe it's me just can't write things nicely to make people understand my point.

Thank you for understanding and being reasonable person unlike other idiot above.

12-02-2013, 11:43 AM
Put your E-dick away, no one is crying but maybe you are because you just realized how dumb ass you are.

You are just too stupid to know the fact that it has been more than 14 days since the seller received the payment when he issued an refund. I posted dates and proof of screen shots.

I gave him a bad rep because the way he handled things.

Even your dumb ass knows that it's the paypal giving me money back not him.

So get the Fuck out of this thread unless you can actually provide some intelligent advise or positive comment. But like you said there are too far more important things to hang out on this forum so might as well just keep stay away from this forum.


Just like you came up with a fantasy story that he is using your money for some personal loan, which ironically does not favor the seller.. :bs:

Just like you're here to bash, I'm here to give credit.
I had a perfect transaction, as all previous others on his iTrader Ratings, and I don't expect him to explain shit to you after seeing you act like a baby..

I don't recall saying "far more important things to hang out on this forum" but I'm sure you'll find a way to rationalize that to fit your mold as well..

Have a good day guy.

12-02-2013, 02:48 PM
kstyle, holy shit dude. You are going to get your money back. I know keith on a personal basis. When he tried to refund it, it tried to withdraw from his bank account even though he had your money in paypal for some reason. It was probably on hold. He didn't know that it failed because of this and randomly found this thread later.
Now his shit is all locked down because the dispute that was opened by both you and the guy who freaked out about the wheels.
I understand that your pissed about the whole situation but it's not like he can just jump in there and send you money because his account is locked down until the dispute is resolved so there's no use in smearing shit on his reputation all over the internet. He wasn't out there to scam you. He's sold a ton of parts on here and jdmchicago and has nothing but good feedback until now

12-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Kstyle. I'm not sure what your goal is here. I understand your upset. And so does everybody else. Your money was not spent. My account was limited.. In case you are not familiar with paypal security... When they see unusual activity on a account. They put it in "limited" status. And make you jump through hoops to undo it. For example I had to fax photocopy of drivers license proof of residence and all kinds of other crap.

In which dispute was created before I was able to complete there needs. With that being said paypal is the one making moves now.

For you to think I'm trying to owe paypal money is redicilous. I wouldn't dare mess with them and deal with there consequences.

12-02-2013, 07:32 PM
The ongoing rant is not going to get ur money to u faster. Yes u had a unpleasant experience. We get that. I'll live with the negative trader rating and this unneccisary thread throwing dirt on my rep. I'll recover.

But honestly enough is enough. I told you via PM you will have your refund December 7th. That is information directly from paypal. I unfortunately cannot make them move faster.

Again my sincere apologies. I wish u the best of luck with other sellers and the zilvia marketplace.

12-02-2013, 10:03 PM
Kstyle. I'm not sure what your goal is here. I understand your upset. And so does everybody else. Your money was not spent. My account was limited.. In case you are not familiar with paypal security... When they see unusual activity on a account. They put it in "limited" status. And make you jump through hoops to undo it. For example I had to fax photocopy of drivers license proof of residence and all kinds of other crap.

In which dispute was created before I was able to complete there needs. With that being said paypal is the one making moves now.

For you to think I'm trying to owe paypal money is redicilous. I wouldn't dare mess with them and deal with there consequences.

The ongoing rant is not going to get ur money to u faster. Yes u had a unpleasant experience. We get that. I'll live with the negative trader rating and this unneccisary thread throwing dirt on my rep. I'll recover.

But honestly enough is enough. I told you via PM you will have your refund December 7th. That is information directly from paypal. I unfortunately cannot make them move faster.

Again my sincere apologies. I wish u the best of luck with other sellers and the zilvia marketplace.

My bad if I seemed "upset" to you here. If I was upset, I would've done some other things rather than writing this pointless garbage with other user such as someone I quote below.

You and I had conversation via PM about this situation and yes I will get money back from paypal regardless of your bank balance situation like I stated 100 times before.

People have full time jobs and lives aside from selling car parts..

This comment got me got me started being upset.
Clearly tons of his experience in buying/selling parts online can spit out words like that.

I thought I explained my self enough but people still doesn't seem understanding the fact here. But like I said, maybe it's me who can't write/explain good enough.

But anyways I feel bad if you went through this ridiculous shit because of paypal.
If it was really your unintentional, why can't you prove it? You could do it easily by taking screen shots of things with the date stamps and that speaks 100 times better than your words.

12-02-2013, 10:10 PM
What about these 2 guys?

Are they another victim of paypal? or is it just fake story?

Yeah I sent the money on Monday than on Friday I got a refund I'm glad I got my money back if he's a scammer I just thought dude was a dick and sold it to some one after we made a deal I don't kno how to give feed back it never gos threw please put bad feed back on his thing I knew it was to good to be true

Well looks like I did not get my money back don't buy from this cock smoker I hope u get herpes in your fucking eye n die!

I paid for this kit and haven't received any tracking or shipping info if I get nothing tonight I will report to paypal

12-02-2013, 10:24 PM
Just like you came up with a fantasy story that he is using your money for some personal loan, which ironically does not favor the seller..

I will just clear things up for the last time with you.

I DID NOT come up with a fantasy story that he is using my money for some personal loan. Somebody else did and I used that as an "EXAMPLE".

I had a perfect transaction, as all previous others on his iTrader Ratings, and I don't expect him to explain shit to you after seeing you act like a baby..

As you said "ALL PREVIOUS OTHERS" on his iTrade Ratings, which is only 9 positive feedback, not really much. And you can't reference that as his credibility. Of course your experience in buying/selling online proceeds you.

Obviously I would never had dealt with him if he didn't have any feedback.

12-02-2013, 10:48 PM
My bad if I seemed "upset" to you here. If I was upset, I would've done some other things rather than writing this pointless garbage with other user such as someone I quote below.

You and I had conversation via PM about this situation and yes I will get money back from paypal regardless of your bank balance situation like I stated 100 times before.

This comment got me got me started being upset.
Clearly tons of his experience in buying/selling parts online can spit out words like that.

I thought I explained my self enough but people still doesn't seem understanding the fact here. But like I said, maybe it's me who can't write/explain good enough.

But anyways I feel bad if you went through this ridiculous shit because of paypal.
If it was really your unintentional, why can't you prove it? You could do it easily by taking screen shots of things with the date stamps and that speaks 100 times better than your words.

My work is done here...

Let me know when you see that proof you've been wanting to only find out it matches my "fantasy story" to a tee..

12-03-2013, 05:42 AM
Just to add this in there. on the previous thread for the LS1 Sikky kit that (K-Style) posted might I add that K-Style is a very reputable person on this forum and will only bring something up if it has to be brought up.

All I know is I bought the wiring harness from him...

Perfect deal, arrived at my house 2 days after I sent payment.

Maybe I just got lucky, but the story you guys are telling is the same story over on v8silviaforums..

You just admitted that you have already seen this on another forum people saying this was happening so how in the hell can you tell us that K-Style is talking bullshit..

Welcome to the forum Mr Oct 2013

12-03-2013, 06:52 AM
Just to add this in there. on the previous thread for the LS1 Sikky kit that (K-Style) posted might I add that K-Style is a very reputable person on this forum and will only bring something up if it has to be brought up.

You just admitted that you have already seen this on another forum people saying this was happening so how in the hell can you tell us that K-Style is talking bullshit..

Welcome to the forum Mr Oct 2013

It was ironic that I had seen similar issues with the seller brought up on another forum.
Upon further speculation, I'm pretty confident that buyer sent money without a go from the seller.
There are always more than one side to the story.

I just came here to bust Kstyle's balls because he was told his money would be delivered, yet he still wants to act like the seller fucked his girlfriend..

Thanks for the Welcome, head to google and see what you can pull up pal!

12-03-2013, 05:52 PM
It was ironic that I had seen similar issues with the seller brought up on another forum.
Upon further speculation, I'm pretty confident that buyer sent money without a go from the seller.
There are always more than one side to the story.

Objectively speaking, how did those buyers get the paypal address of the seller so that they can send the money in the first place? There had to be an arrangement or conversation beforehand to do so.... of course it's only a speculation:naughtyd:

12-03-2013, 06:30 PM
Objectively speaking, how did those buyers get the paypal address of the seller so that they can send the money in the first place? There had to be an arrangement or conversation beforehand to do so.... of course it's only a speculation:naughtyd:

That is a valid point..

I'd almost need to post a screenshot from the other forum, with another screenshot of my tracking info to share the irony.
The guy sent money for it after I had already paid and received a tracking number.

Not going to lie, I was slightly curious to see if I was really getting the correct item in the package.
I didn't think anything fishy was going on, because the seller was straight forward with good communication via text.

Then the guy posts that he got a refund notice after I had already received the wiring harness from UPS, and he was all up in arms.

I can't speculate what exactly happened there, but it seemed that the 2nd buyer was sleeping at the wheel to originally send the money, and I already paid for it before he sent the money.

12-03-2013, 08:55 PM
Jesus, this is turning into a fucking soap opera. Stop guessing, stop hypothesizing and just let the seller and the buyer post facts from paypal. FUCK!

12-03-2013, 09:53 PM
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/dispute_zps5032fb6a.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/dispute_zps5032fb6a.jpg.html)

On 11/28, Dispute has been escalated to a claim. Still waiting for the seller's response since.

12-03-2013, 09:56 PM
I just came here to bust Kstyle's balls because he was told his money would be delivered, yet he still wants to act like the seller fucked his girlfriend..

You still are not getting the point. F ing hell...


12-04-2013, 07:47 AM
Seems like hes just trying to hold this off and expect youll just "forget" about it or let it go.. thats 4600 he stole from you. Keep posted man hope this shit works out. This is why Im always skeptical when purchasing something from someone even if its only a 5$ part.

12-08-2013, 09:52 PM

As you can see it finally came to an end. Got an email from Paypal saying they decided in my favor. (obviously)

Seller still hasn't provide me with any proof to cover his reasons why this happened.
But someone (paypal or seller) had my $4600 + for over a month and caused me problem.

I still haven't got the actual money in my credit account but I will, in 5 business days (F paypal).

If there are more people out there who is going through this with this seller, post it here.

I am getting my money back but my experience with this seller is definitely not a good one.

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g58/peterkim0121/d_zps732688c1.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/peterkim0121/media/d_zps732688c1.jpg.html)

For the record, I am changing this thread name form "Scammer: 07kyeringt" to "07kyeringt".

12-09-2013, 09:42 AM
What a scram boogie! Ppl like that will catch it one day ! Cause every dog has its day

12-17-2013, 06:55 AM

Finally got the refund from Paypal is cleared on my Credit card.

Still haven't heard back from the seller about proof of his innocence but we all know he doesn't need to.

But I figured offer him to clear his name.

Anyways, good luck to the seller with settling with Paypal.

12-17-2013, 01:09 PM
I still can't comprehend how people are fucking jumping in here and getting involved when shit had nothing to do with them. Do people not comprehend that somebody could have been potentially assed out of $4600?!?! Not exactly an amount that I or anybody I know would roll over on. A month is a long time to wait for...paypal aint exactly a stand up company when it comes to dealing with people's money and account. Its not a bank but people expect it to act like one.