View Full Version : The Philippines needs our help! 5% of sales through November will be donated!

11-15-2013, 06:06 PM
What happened to the Philippines in the last week was devastating. You may have friends, and family that have been affected. By coming together and helping each other we can make sure that the people of the Philippines are getting back on their feet quicker and are able to help themselves more effectively.

I am donating 5% of profits from all of my sales for the rest of this month 11/14-11/30 to help those affected by the typhoon in the Philippines.



11-16-2013, 12:15 AM
This is very thoughtful of you. I have many relatives there who were fortunate to be unaffected by it. Wish I could buy something, but no money for awhile...Bump for awesome idea.

11-17-2013, 02:07 AM
This is very thoughtful of you. I have many relatives there who were fortunate to be unaffected by it. Wish I could buy something, but no money for awhile...Bump for awesome idea.

I think I'm fortunate enough to be able to give back, so bring in my position, I feel like we can all do our part by giving even the smallest of donations!
