View Full Version : Just got ears pierced, what do I do while heeling?
05-25-2004, 10:33 PM
Ok they really didnt tell me much what to do about it after piercing. just got it done cheap at a swap meet (yah I know.. but its cool). But they really didnt tell me how to clean it yadda yadda.. I mean do I just leave teh stud in there forever? They told me to clean it wiht alcohal yadda yadda.. but do I leave em in there? Take em out?
05-25-2004, 10:36 PM
im getting mixed answers from friends sayin "it will bond to the stud, u gotta rotate it" and another says to remove the stud then clean, then put back in.. another says leave the stud in and that rotating is just a myth and actually moves dirt around.
05-25-2004, 10:38 PM
Alcohol is BAD, dries out fast... Use peroxide, it won't sting and actally cleans better... Don't take them out for about 6 weeks and make sure to kinda "spin" the studs in the hole daily, preferably soon after cleaning... Don't take them out
05-25-2004, 10:40 PM
just spin the studs daily, clean them with peroxide and call it a day
welcome to the fun world of piercing, when you get a PA pm me
05-25-2004, 10:45 PM
I TOLD YOU ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !, all this damn reassurance.
05-25-2004, 10:49 PM
I took my studs out the day i got them and put in hoops. I cleaned them about twice a week and they never got infected.
05-26-2004, 12:30 AM
I took my studs out the day i got them and put in hoops. I cleaned them about twice a week and they never got infected.
i think you got lucky..
like everyone else said, clean it...ive always just bought cleaner, its simpler for me, although if this many people say peroxide, it should work...make sure you rotate that shit too. :D and have fun sleeping.
Andrew Bohan
05-26-2004, 12:32 AM
i left my studs in for the prescribed 6 weeks. took like 2 weeks to get used to layin on em while sleeping
05-26-2004, 04:37 AM
no alcohol, no listerine bullshit... i had mine up to a 0 gauge, beleive me i know this stuff....clean with saltwater, it will heel them very fast.... i used pure salt water, but generally people will go to walmart and buy saline solutions(for contacts i think) and use it, its a lil milder
Go Dog Go
05-26-2004, 10:31 AM
no alcohol, no listerine bullshit... i had mine up to a 0 gauge, beleive me i know this stuff....clean with saltwater, it will heel them very fast.... i used pure salt water, but generally people will go to walmart and buy saline solutions(for contacts i think) and use it, its a lil milder
You're definitely on the right track here. While you can use just a plain saline solution purchased at the store, you're gunna sink a lot of unnecessary money doing that. You can just as easily make your own solution at home to clean your ears. I always make mine fresh for every cleaning, but you can make more at a time and store it,and just heat some up as you need it. Mix about 1/16th - 1/8th of a teaspoon of non-iodized salt (sea salt is the best, but morton's non-iodized will do fine) with 8 ounces of warm water. It's best to use it warm because it helps increase the circulation to the area and speeds up the healing process. The best thing would be to stick your earlobe in the solution for about 10 minutes twice a day, but if you dont have the time or the patience to hold a cup up there with your ear in it for that long, soak a cotton ball in the warm solution and gently cleanse the area, making sure you rotate (spin) the earring and soften up/remove any crusties that have formed in the area.
Avoid taking out the piercings for 6-8 weeks. While a few minutes out won't cause it to close up, it is very traumatic and disturbing to the healing process to keep removing the piercing; essentially, you are re-opening a wound everytime you jab it back in there. After the 6 or so weeks, be careful of how long you leave your earrings out, as the holes can begin to close much faster than you think, but sleeping overnight without them in, etc shouldn't be a problem.
Absolutely stay away from ANY products containing alcohol, peroxide, or names like "bactene." If you are worried about a possible infection starting (it shouldn't with thorough care twice a day) but if you begin to feel more than the usual tenderness, or there is more swelling and redness than usual, use a VERY mild liquid antibacterial soap (a favorite is liquid dial) to cleanse the area as you would with the saline solution. Put a small pump of dial into your clean palm, and use a wet finger to rub it around and make some bubbles. Rub a moist cotton ball around in the solution and clean the piercing. Make sure you rinse away all the soap thoroughly with the saline solution. Do this no more than once a day until any signs of infection disappear, as doing it more often will dry the piercing too much and cause pain and delayed healing.
And most of all, enjoy your piercing! :rawk:
when i got my eyebrow pierced i just rotated it around once every half our and all this dry ear wax looking stuff formed on the stud and was easy to clean, it almost just fell off. . never got an infection or anything
05-26-2004, 12:04 PM
I have 5 earrings; Just rotate it abunch,and I do mean ALOT. I had to do mine alot more then they said. The first hole I rotated it like they said,and my skin was sticking to the stud and man that motherfucker would HURT when that happened. Just keep rotating them. Is it sore? You should be able to change it out in about 3-6 weeks depending,my first one was a definite 6 weeker,but all the others on that ear were alot less time b/c I had apparently killed most of the feeling in it with the first hole :)
My right ear on the other hand....well,I won't talk about that :rolleyes:
Westborough:you have an eyebrow ring? I plan on getting one this summer :rawk:
05-26-2004, 07:49 PM
interesting.. thanks guys!.
dont take out the studs for 3 weeks, and like they said above....spin it alot..if you dont, the skin is gonna health around and might even cover your stud. what i would do to clean it is use rubbing alcohol or go to a mall and go into one of those bopper stores and get some ear cleaning solution(for new pierced ears) :)
05-26-2004, 11:59 PM
yea just be sure to keep rotating it i went a day without rotating mine and the skin stuck to it didnt feel all that great but after about 3 days i took it out and put a hoop in and just kept cleaning it but i wouldnt recomend it
05-27-2004, 12:04 AM
first time i got my ears pierced it was done with a 14 gauge and i didnt rotate them for a day and puss and shit started to form... for those of you with your lips pierced...i heard you cant eat salty that true??... cuz im about 2 get it done
Ears?? That's weak sauce. I got my tongue pierced back in highschool... :D Now THAT'S a piercing you have to take care of!!
ghettocracker: i took mine out about 6 months after i got it..i guess i just got tired of it. But it was tight while it was in there. It felt good getting stabbed in the eyebrow with a needle.. am i wierd for that?
05-27-2004, 05:03 PM
ghettokcracker: i took mine out about 6 months after i got it..i guess i just got tired of it. But it was tight while it was in there. It felt good getting stabbed in the eyebrow with a needle.. am i wierd for that?
Ha ha....I don't think so ? Hmm. Did it leave a scar? I've wanted one ever since I saw we'll see.
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