11-01-2013, 04:03 PM
So I recently decided to refresh my subframe. So after doing some research I decided to go with some PBM subframe risers. After going through all the proceedures of getting the risers in the actual subframe I ran into some issues installing the subframe. First the clearence for the RUCA was a little tight, then the mounting points for the ebrake was off (not that big of a issue since Im going with the dual caliper setup in the rear), then the actual subframe wouldnt mount flush due to the threads for the mounting bolts not going high enough to mount without spacers (still having a issue with that, cuz now that the nut holding the subframe up is just spinning on the bolt about a 1/4" too short of actually making contact of the riser), and the subframe is touching the bottum of the car wear the differential hump is at. So if anybody has used the PBM risers or have any insight as to what I should do please let me know thanks.