View Full Version : help identifying this diff..pics included..thanks in advance

10-29-2013, 12:16 PM
alright, first thing i should say is YES I'VE SEARCHED..

I was under the impression that my diff was a viscous unit. after cracking it open however i realized it looks different.

the reason I opened it up was because when i first installed it I noticed clunking around low speed turns..none of my previous viscous units felt this way..so i looked..here's what i found, including researched pics.

my question is...is my unit indeed a nimso one? i noticed no nismo castings on it...if it is not, which is it?

any help would be appreciated..

here is a pic of a vlsd:


here is a pic of my diff:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1385515_750743528275876_1604410853_n.jpg?oh=785e2f c2df7124199547acbe5e737241&oe=52723991&__gda__=1383210117_be9423acce8a9da0fd6d2d07066302c 8

it looks very similar to the diff shown here (NISMO):

10-29-2013, 01:00 PM
Well it definitely looks like a Nismo diff. That clunking sound is the sound of the clutch plates in the LSD slipping. Usually with VLSD's it only locks when the oil is at a thicker viscosity, and usually don't clunk either. If I was to guess you definitely have yourself a Nismo LSD or some other brand LSD.

10-31-2013, 12:14 PM
after doing a little digging, i've come to find that there are two nismo differentials that look like mine...

the first being the nismo 200 and the second being the nismo sss
i've read up on the differences between the two and realize that they have a different number of clutch discs. the only way, i assuem, to find out which it is to to pull it apart and count the discs....lol i don't wanna do all that just yet.

does anybody have more info on where I could find a rebuild kit (for future reference) for either kit when the time comes?
or possibly any other info as to which diff I actually have?