View Full Version : S14 Spring rate Question

10-15-2013, 10:06 PM
I was Wondering if any of the s14 guys are running 8 / 12 spring rates . and how are they for dailying ? weekend track

10-15-2013, 10:21 PM
I was Wondering if any of the s14 guys are running 8 / 12 spring rates . and how are they for dailying ? weekend track

What damper are you using? Spherical bushings everywhere or rubber junk?

12/8k will be ok, so long as your suspension is ready for it and you have real dampers.

10-15-2013, 10:45 PM
What damper are you using? Spherical bushings everywhere or rubber junk?

12/8k will be ok, so long as your suspension is ready for it and you have real dampers.
D2RS D2 Racing RS Nissan 240SX Coilovers [S14] (95-98) D2-N022 (http://www.aptuned.com/D2-N022) And sadly rubber junk