View Full Version : Next big NorCaL meet: May 27th

05-20-2004, 05:54 PM
May 27th, 2004. Thursday.

Starbucks on El Camino and Lawrence in Santa Clara. 10pm to whenever.

As always, please bring maturity, and an adult like attitude to the meet. Any asinine behavior will, as stated last time, allow each and every attending person to be given a chance to pee on you. Cept' for me... I get to poop.

There will be a mix of cars, so come and get your culture, or meet your competition. The last meet back in January brought out nearly 100 cars. I expect just as many, if not more this time around.

This post will go to streetracing.org, vwvortex.com, club4ag.com, zilvia.net, norcalvw.com, etc.

Please feel free to post on any other forums you'd like whether it be VW, Subaru, Toyota, Honda, etc. Keep it to the imports though

05-20-2004, 06:05 PM
i'll come buy and check it out.... since last time had such a good turn out.


05-21-2004, 01:51 PM
Dam* it... I just had my exhaust done by a local shop... and they built me a 2.5" under axle, but the guy angled the muffler out all wierd...

Now that I see your exhaust, makes me wanna' go back and pay to have it fixed, and angled out properly.

Nice car btw.

05-24-2004, 04:13 PM
bumppppp to the top

05-24-2004, 08:28 PM
Ill be there, for sure. I will try to bring people as well.

05-25-2004, 02:04 PM
ill be there scicne its like 2 mins away

05-25-2004, 02:22 PM
meeting has been changed from 10pm to9pm

heres the address just in case:
3605 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, California 95051

05-25-2004, 04:59 PM
As Heartwork stated...

The meet has been upped to 9pm... 10pm was semi-late...


05-26-2004, 04:53 PM
bump for reminder

05-26-2004, 11:04 PM
ill be there. or at leats i think i will.

05-27-2004, 11:31 AM
i will be there

05-27-2004, 02:37 PM
i'll be there, too

05-27-2004, 03:01 PM
i'll be there if i can get my car ready.

05-27-2004, 04:09 PM
Ill out drift everyone with my SUV.

05-27-2004, 05:42 PM
finally getting my car back from the shop. ill be there!

05-27-2004, 06:08 PM
What time will the meet end...and will there be a possible drive? =D i get offa work at 10 pm in frisko.

05-27-2004, 08:36 PM
What time will the meet end...and will there be a possible drive? =D i get offa work at 10 pm in frisko.

Read previous posts lazy....and I doubt there will be a drive with so many cars= trouble...if you guys do go out on a drive....go to different areas where it wont be heavily populated..

05-28-2004, 01:47 AM
nice turn out.... wish i could have stayed longer but i have an interview tomorrow. id say there was around 100 cars or more. nice to see ppl from everywhere get together, stupid hondas tho trying to blow up the spot and ruin it... like 3 or 4 guys burning out right infront of albertsons... stupid idiots

05-28-2004, 01:50 AM
yea, i was kinda bugged about people doing burnouts and shit like that....
some people will just never listen and understand :rant2:

oh well, nice turnout tho :) majority of people/groups were cool and spread out

05-28-2004, 02:23 AM

05-28-2004, 03:00 AM
anyways i got this crap ass pic of the meeet just to show how much people was there....im sure there will be better pics soon tho. HERE!


05-28-2004, 04:10 AM
The turn out was amazing. WAY more than Jerry or I expected.

Thanks for turning out everyone! Great meet, and it was nice to see some beautiful cars.

Childish behavior I can overlook, as this meet was, in my opinion, far larger than the last.. I didn't take a count.... but I'd say if you counted everyone who rolled through at some time or another, that we probably had somewhere between 125-150 cars show up... but the most that were actually parked at any given time were probably about 100.

Anywaz, keep yours eyes peeled for the end of summer meet in about 3-4 months. This will be a quarterly endeavor, so next time maybe I'll be a little more friendly, and come out and meet some of you people. I'll get a sweatshirt that says "AE86Deacon" on the back. LOL!

05-28-2004, 11:51 AM
Childish behavior... I guess you mean that girl in the stock VDub trying to peel in parking lot hahaha... I was only there for like 5minutes... but I wish I could have stayed a bit to chat with the folks!!! Great turnout and meet guys!

05-28-2004, 06:51 PM
anybody see me!?!?!?!? i was there! me me me me

05-29-2004, 03:23 AM
me too me too! but i didnt drive.. rode with a friend gas is too expensive

05-29-2004, 12:18 PM
Cool meet, nice to see a lot of ppl!

06-01-2004, 05:57 PM
does anyone have pictures of the q45 that was there