View Full Version : Home Depot job what to do

05-19-2004, 08:41 PM
hey just wanted to know what you guys would do. so some time ago I worked for compusa. and I got fired for writing a bad email to a distributor for compusa. so I got fired from corporate. yet the store manager didnt want to he had to. so now he is store manager at home depot and Wants to hire me because he knows im a pretty damn good worker. so I tell him right now im making 11 bucks an hour landscaping even though im making 9. so he goes what do you want to make. I told him 9 plus after 30 days you get a 50 cent raise. The reason I told him 9 was because a HR guy there told me thats about the highest I can make to start. he was dumb though. so the store manager immediately says ok 9 it is. no hesitation. now im thinking about it and I think im getting shafted. I know that home depot pays pretty well and 9 isnt that great for being 18 with 4 years in retail. I know this is stupid, but my mom told me to go back to him and ask for more. that seems pretty awkward to me. what would you guys do.

05-19-2004, 08:47 PM
Home Depot = toystore
Landscaping = Slave Labor

...If this is a lateral move in pay, you'd be foolish to not take it, keeping in mind that this IS a "retail" position and will likely come with an employee discount and speaking as an individual who has spent 100.00+ in a home depot THIS WEEK, I suggest you take it, even if you can't get more money...

05-19-2004, 08:47 PM
Well,you are making 9 an hour anyway.And after working there for a month you'll be making 9.50 with is more then what you make right now,and personally I'd rather work at home depot then landscape.

05-19-2004, 08:54 PM
thats exactly why I asked for so much lower because I can not stand hauling soaking dirt up 30 degree inclines a second longer. but I know im getting shafted at landscaping but what ever. Its just the fact that he didnt even hesitate. I mean would it be that bad if I asked him for like a dollar more or 50 cents. The worst he could say is no. but it would be pretty weird i think.

05-19-2004, 08:59 PM
Well it would be weird to go back now and ask for more money if you started at the wrong end of negotiation, you are supposed to have started higher and let him talk you down to what you just can't take...

05-19-2004, 09:03 PM
i would go back and ask for more. since u know the guy, im sure he can be cool about it. just make sure u go there soon so he doesnt send in the paperwork to HQ (headquarters, not the DECEASED improvement store HQ)

however it seems like ur making the same for alot less work and stress but i bet u didnt pay taxes at your landscaping job.. so its like u were making 11 bucks an hour at landscaping so in fact u did go on the downward spiral with the pmmcky plunge.

FastBack 240
05-19-2004, 09:15 PM
amen brotha! Fukc the landscaping job. No benefits involved at all. You work for 13 hours a day and go home go to sleep and wake up and startall over again. Its kinda like the hamster in the wheel. Home depot you can at least get a 9-5 isntead of a 630-830.

05-19-2004, 09:18 PM
I work at Home Depot...and started off at $10...mind you I lacked retail skills when I started. I could have asked for more...but $10 was much better than the $7.50 I made from Starbucks. Right now I make more than that due to good reviews.

Good reviews = good raise

Anyways...you should ask for more....esspecially if your full time and have a great deal of knowledge.

05-19-2004, 09:23 PM
Home depot you can at least get a 9-5 isntead of a 630-830.

some full timers get 4am-1pm or 4pm-1am :loco:

05-19-2004, 09:26 PM
well he knows im a great worker. and I have 4 years exp. not much but enought to learn what you got to. so what do you think I should ask him for if I do. like another dollar or what.

05-19-2004, 09:31 PM
if your part time...... $11+

if your full time or temp....... $12+

Since your cool with him....its ok to start high and work your way down...but don't go lower than $10. You need a good point to start off when it comes to getting a good review. Your raise is based on a certain percent of your current salary (i.e. 6%).

05-19-2004, 10:44 PM
^^ What he said . :)

05-20-2004, 07:22 AM
well he knows im a great worker. and I have 4 years exp. not much but enought to learn what you got to. so what do you think I should ask him for if I do. like another dollar or what.

seems like you just an excuse to ask for more. just say you did your montly budget and found that you need a bit more to make ends meet. ask him nicely; if he says no, no biggie. you can still work there for $9.50.

05-20-2004, 11:13 AM
rent-a-cops make 9 - 11 an hour.

11 is if you're licensed with a gun
9 is without.

i'd probably opt for a rent-a-cop position at the local market or something. usually those are pretty laid back. sometimes.

05-20-2004, 11:21 AM
HAHHA RENT a COP!! He's still better off as a HomeDepot worker.

05-20-2004, 11:31 AM
HAHHA RENT a COP!! He's still better off as a HomeDepot worker.

not when you can harass the hookers in the lot;)

one of the security guys told me of some girls who are caught stealing from businesses try to bribe them with "a night of fun".. :rolleyes:

Crab Walker
05-20-2004, 12:16 PM
ok i work at home depot and they started me off with 9 to be a loader. I was offered 9. If you ask me, home depot screws there workers becouse a guy who got hired a month after me for the same job got offered 8.50. and other people before me got offered 10 so its best to ask a a very large amount like 15 an hour when you get hired in and negotiate with them. I learned my lesson.

Crab Walker
05-20-2004, 12:21 PM
also might i ad, home depot blows serious dick when it comes to raises. A friend of mine i use to work with quit becouse in 2 years time, they gave her a 2% raise. http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/icons/icon13.gif

05-20-2004, 02:05 PM
best paying job for the least amoun of work is a fast food mystery guest... try 2 see if u can get one of those

05-20-2004, 03:20 PM
best paying job for the least amoun of work is a fast food mystery guest... try 2 see if u can get one of those

whats that?

05-20-2004, 04:27 PM
Go for as much as you can get, because they will fuck you over with raises.

Long story, but I got a shit raise after a good review (3%), went to store manager and talked to him plus told my supervisor I would quit and take the other 2 hard working guys at night with me, and got a slightly better raise after they went to the District manager to get the damn raise.

I work half as hard as I use to, because I got tired of busting my ass of for nothing, no appreciation, no money. Bob Nardelli makes 40 fucking million a year for sitting in a fucking office. FUCK HIM. They tell me theres no money in my store to give anyone more than a 3% raise, no matter how hard of a worker they are, or how good of a review they got. HD use to be a good company to work for I hear, but now its just another place to work.

The work isn't bad, I like what I do (recieving) but there's alot of bullshit that doesn't need to be there. I constistently have the best Minutes-per-bill in the district (average truck unload times) and never heard shit about it, the one time It gets high (all the stores were, just seasonal) they start complaining.

05-20-2004, 07:40 PM
see my problem is that I already talked money with him. what f*d me over was talking to the hr guy telling me he might be able to squeeze nine an hour out of HD pocket book. so I figured Ill ask for 9 and hopefully ill get that much. I was just excited to get out of landscaping. but looking back I should have just threw out a high number. I like the budget comment too, that might work. or ill just tell him shit i need more money. whatever im just so damn pissed off right now. btw it is full time but I dont think i can go hey i want 3 more than what i asked for heel laugh at me.

05-20-2004, 07:58 PM
I used to work for HD. I started at $10 an hour in appliances with no experience. They don't give very many raises, so ask for a high number to start out. My ex also worked there in appliances and she didn't have any experience and asked for $12 an hour and got $11.75.

05-20-2004, 09:39 PM
Yea...Home Depot can be crappy at times...but then again what retail company is not?

BTW...I got a 6% raise which I'm happy with (for now).

As for bonus....it all depends on how well your store does. I made also $200 :/

05-21-2004, 06:28 PM
fyi stay in school, you dont want to work for home fucking depot for four more years right?

05-21-2004, 06:33 PM
well i am in school still. I have been working average 55 hours a week and plus 12 hours a week at school and getting decent grades so i figure I can handle it. plus summer is here almost. yah my school gets out later than most colleges. Well since I know the guy pretty well im just gonna be like hey I think I offered you too little. how bout 10. I should have asked for more to begin with but he already knows I would settle for 9 so dont wanna get too greedy. thanks for the advice though.

oh and yah if they pay me decent and plus benefits Id like to stay there 4 more years. untill I get that nice desk job ive been dreaming about ever since I took this shit landscaping job.