View Full Version : Sponsorship!

09-11-2013, 09:47 PM
So- I wanna take the route of drifting and some autocross, and would like to get sponsored by some people. can anyone give me any advice? i have no idea how to go about doing this

09-11-2013, 09:49 PM
Fill out a job application, work hard, and buy what you need.

09-11-2013, 09:51 PM
Student FT/ work damn near FT; don't tell me about hard work

09-11-2013, 10:01 PM
Even formula D drifters have huge out of pocket expenses..... You gotta pay to play is all

09-11-2013, 10:02 PM
Student FT/ work damn near FT; don't tell me about hard work

University? That shit tough.

Grocery Cart
09-11-2013, 10:04 PM
There was a thread about this recently, a lot of great advice. I'd suggest going look through that. But yeah, you're gonna have a lot of out of pocket expenses, but if you really want it work hard, buy what you need and drive. The more seat time, the better you get, and they're looking for good drivers, not beginners with ambition. You have to put that ambition to work.

EDIT: I'm also attempting pro-am next year to go for a dream, and i'm a full time student. It's honestly pretty silly and people WON'T take you seriously. You can't let it get to you, if you really want it you have to try. It's not going to be easy, but if you really want it put your all into it.

09-11-2013, 10:54 PM
Student FT/ work damn near FT; don't tell me about hard work

Since you're such a hard worker at school, how on earth do you write term papers or develop presentations for classwork, when you're dealing with topics you've never dealt with before?

Do you go onto the Civil War forum and post a 'hey guys, I don't know shit about the Civil War but want someone to give me a pre-done paper, or someone who has done the leg work to help me out' .... or do you hit google, hit the library, do some back searching, and then develop your opinion/thesis/paper?

I'm sure as shit you're doing option one, so why on earth do you think it's any different with the car stuff? Do research, figure out what it needs, get your facts straight, and then post/write about it.

With that considered, I'd say if you have a full time job, and a full time school load, then how on earth are you going to be able to show a potential sponsor that you're also able to provide full time dedication to a car that will help said sponsor's business grow/get more reach/etc etc? There just isnt' enough time in a week to maintain a top notch level of work on all accounts, without going insane or being the most anti social person ever.

09-12-2013, 09:01 AM
If you approach someone about sponsorship I would suggest having a pretty concise proposal.

Who you are and your experience (keep it short and to the point)
What series you are running in (Formula D, Pro-Am series, etc)
What vehicle you are campaigning (provide some bullet points on modifications)
What you are looking for sponsorship wise (this is big if you dont say what support you are looking for it makes things much more difficult)

Also keep in mind 99% of manufacturers and companies will NOT want to give you cash to fund the program, at best while you are at the lower levels you will get put on 'racer' programs to receive discounts on products in return for running stickers/helping with promotion and advertising.

If you secure a sponsorship be polite and courteous, be active on social media in a positive way, and provide short poignant updates to the manufacturers/shops helping you out. If the shops/manufacturers like you, find you easy to deal with, and perceive you as adding value to their overall PR/Advertising campaign it will be much easier to continue working with them in the future.

09-12-2013, 01:04 PM
Thanks for the help people.

10-18-2013, 09:07 AM
If you approach someone about sponsorship I would suggest having a pretty concise proposal.

Who you are and your experience (keep it short and to the point)
What series you are running in (Formula D, Pro-Am series, etc)
What vehicle you are campaigning (provide some bullet points on modifications)
What you are looking for sponsorship wise (this is big if you dont say what support you are looking for it makes things much more difficult)

Also keep in mind 99% of manufacturers and companies will NOT want to give you cash to fund the program, at best while you are at the lower levels you will get put on 'racer' programs to receive discounts on products in return for running stickers/helping with promotion and advertising.

If you secure a sponsorship be polite and courteous, be active on social media in a positive way, and provide short poignant updates to the manufacturers/shops helping you out. If the shops/manufacturers like you, find you easy to deal with, and perceive you as adding value to their overall PR/Advertising campaign it will be much easier to continue working with them in the future.

I am still getting my proposal together for sponsorship from you at enjukuracing.com

Should be getting back with you withing the next month! :):w00t: