View Full Version : lack of respect in the world these days, need advice BAD

05-14-2004, 09:30 AM
wow, so just as you think people can't get anymore fucking lame...

my girl was in her last period today. some faggot shit told her that he talked to me (note: i don't even know this SOPHMORE) and that what they did last night was alright as a sexual reference. she ignored him. he proceeded to steal a $5 out of her purse and put it in his pants. at the end of class he asked if she wanted it back, she did because its fucking money and he had no right to take it. at that point he gave it back and felt her tit.

now, please, i'm not much of a fighter. but i've been thinking, i've got quite a few big big friends (i'm a very small guy myself) and would it be wrong for all of us to whoop his ass? thats about as fair as a big guy harassing a fucking FEMALE, would you not agree? should i let this pass? i'm so mad right now i'm just shaking. i want to do something so bad and i guess i need unbiased opinions on either the consequences or the glory of watching that motherfucker go down. thanks.

05-14-2004, 09:35 AM
if i were you i def would not let that pass... that kid deserves a beat down. just make sure you don't get caught; it's not worth an expulsion from school.

if anything get your gf to fake crying to the principal, get some ppl to back up her story, and get the other kid expelled. when i was in 8th grade some kid touched a girls butt and boobs, she cried; he was kicked out of school. then a week later her friends beat the crap out of him.

05-14-2004, 09:36 AM
i'm not even in this school anymore, she's a junior i'm a sophmore in college.

05-14-2004, 09:36 AM
Uh... That was your girlfriend? You HAVE to stomp this fucker out. Here's what you do:
Grab his shirt and pull it over his head so he can't see, then pull his pants down to his ankles so he can't run, then you and 3 friends proceed to pummel this sumbitch until gratification is reached. Then continue your day.

05-14-2004, 09:41 AM
agreed. beat the shit out of him AND get him expelled. if he really did what u say he did, he ought to be kicked out anyway. if you're not in that school anymore, get her friends to back up her story.

05-14-2004, 09:46 AM
see thats the disturbing part. i know my girl doesn't LIKE the kid, she never even talks to him. but she will not take action, and that annoys the SHIT out of me. i guess girls don't do that much here in texas. if it were me...i'd rack him, slap him and report him. woooot :Ownedd:

05-14-2004, 09:48 AM
If she was done so wong, as you have described here, she should have no problem reporting it, which will see corrective action taken against the jackass, at which point, you catch him out somewhere ane beat the fuck outta him, simply stated.

05-14-2004, 09:51 AM
it really went down that way unfortunately :( she seriously won't do anything about it. my sister had the same thing done and she didn't do anything about it. girls are fucking stupid when it comes to this stuff sometimes. i even asked her to take action, she said she's not worried about it, severely fucking pissed, but not worried about it :loco: she's struck gold and is ignoring it.

BiluMaster K's
05-14-2004, 09:57 AM
word /\ up , dont just get even, destroy the world around him, is what i say.

In a case this disrespectful, i would not be opposed to a sucker shot- for this one case. you know, find him walking, get behind him and punch right where his neck meets his head...until he is tender. but of course, you understand that that is a declaration of war,

or have your boys kidnap him, tie his hands up, and drop him off in the...nevermind, i'll shut up

05-14-2004, 10:11 AM
i agree with everything said here except the decleration of war. i think that is wrong, you fucked up, you fucked with my girlfriend, you got the shit kicked out of you, you sit the fuck down. if he keeps raising shit and does what he's threatened to do like fuck up my car blah blah blah, an assbeating is not all he'll get.

05-14-2004, 10:17 AM
i would walk up to him with 10 of my closest friends, then tell him

you took 5 dollars, you are going to pay her back 10-fold. give her back 50 dollars or else you are getting stomped. dont? well, you are going to pay somehow because things are going to be missing from your car.. maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but it will happen. thank you, come again.

05-14-2004, 10:36 AM
Dam!! he deserves to get his ASS WHOOPED!!!!! Dont let it slide man.....

Heck, if I lived in TX, I would break his ankles for you for a case of Miller Light.............

05-14-2004, 10:57 AM
Kick his ass!!! I hate people who cant respect women...
If I werent in the middle of my ka-t project.. i'd go there to dallas with a couple of my huge friends...
seriously man.. do something about this this is your girl!!!1!

plan b
05-14-2004, 10:59 AM
all of these people are telling you to kick his ass, and i think thats not what you really want to hear.. one of them had a good and safe idea about getting her friends to back her up.. also one of her friends and even you can contact the school about it. if its that important you can make an effort to speak to her friend about it.. whether your girl wants this to be brought attention through another person is ok or not i dunno..

i also agree he needs to be punished, if you dont care about the chances of being caught and consequences afterwards. then by all means, if you let this slide your going to look like a girl to your own girl. be a man and deal with it, another man has trespassed your territory.you dont need advice from a forum.
you know what to do
put a gun in his mouth and make him cry. 18 years of age to buy a shotgun.

05-14-2004, 11:02 AM
i do live in texas and i would kick the arse if he did that to a chick i was dating. hell, if a guy did that to a chick i was friends with/screwing i'd beat the hell out of him.

murderize him.

05-14-2004, 11:05 AM
somehow get him into your garage....have all your friends roll up with their g-rides and you confront him...choose between 30 or 40 weight oil, force him on the ground and pump oil in his mouth, then tell him to kiss your shoes, which then you procede kick him and laugh @ him.

wait, why are you still here? go get that fool!

05-14-2004, 11:06 AM
p.s. advice is usually the thing you ask for when you know what you already should do.

Andrew Bohan
05-14-2004, 11:08 AM
lead pipe to the kneecaps always works

plan b
05-14-2004, 12:02 PM
p.s. advice is usually the thing you ask for when you know what you already should do.

my sentiments exactly

05-14-2004, 12:09 PM
Beat the fuck outta that guy!

05-14-2004, 12:20 PM
somehow get him into your garage....have all your friends roll up with their g-rides and you confront him...choose between 30 or 40 weight oil, force him on the ground and pump oil in his mouth, then tell him to kiss your shoes, which then you procede kick him and laugh @ him.

wait, why are you still here? go get that fool!

HAHAHAHA F&F stylez!!!

anyways man, im not a big guy myself, but if someone did disrespect my girl im not about to get on a forum and ask what needs to be done. i get fucking pissed and do shit myself. deal with it, kick his ass and its done. or you could get a shotty like someone said and just make him cry and beg. yeah im :loco:

05-14-2004, 12:41 PM
I'm assuming that you're over 18, and getting caught beating the crap out of some high school kid is not going to do very well for your criminal record. Now what I would do is get myself a bag (like one of the guy suggested with the shirt ^^^), wrap that around the lil fuck's head and then proceed to do some damage to him until I see fit. If you let this shit sly, your girl would never look at you the same.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any of your actions, the above are just my opinions :) .

05-14-2004, 12:59 PM
you're right about one thing guys, i did know what i was going to do in the first place. me and a couple friends are gonna go find him tonight. i guess i was looking for either better ideas or the consequences with the cops, what it would be and blah blah blah. i doubt he'll squeal, after all, HE IS THE ONE THAT HARASSED A FUCKING GIRL.

No Motiv
05-14-2004, 01:05 PM
I would fuck him up................or steal something from him!

plan b
05-14-2004, 01:09 PM
your going to jail kid peace

05-14-2004, 01:12 PM
your going to jail kid peace

it's not like we're weak enough to use weapons, hand to hand, 5 vs 1, cmon, nothing unfair about that right? haha. if he does squeal, he's gonna get expelled from school and probably charged with harassment. probably not something he wants to risk.

BiluMaster K's
05-14-2004, 01:26 PM
was it fair when a grown man touches a lady, against her will...and she is in a serious relationship.

Be as considerate to him as he was to you and your woman BAM

05-14-2004, 01:38 PM
dont bring ur BIG friends along... just bring a BIG bat

drift freaq
05-14-2004, 02:03 PM
ok options go as follows , your an adult in the laws eyes. so if your going to do a beatdown which the sorely deserves make sure he cannot identify you. Second I would look into a way of having him setup for sexual harrasment at his school. Third, your girlfriend needs to learn to speak up for her rights. She would be the one who would best be in the position to setup him up. Remember don't get mad get even.

05-14-2004, 02:22 PM
Be a MAN confront him yourself, afterall she is your girlfriend. Who cares how big he is, it's all about principal......

05-14-2004, 02:28 PM
ok options go as follows , your an adult in the laws eyes. so if your going to do a beatdown which the sorely deserves make sure he cannot identify you. Second I would look into a way of having him setup for sexual harrasment at his school. Third, your girlfriend needs to learn to speak up for her rights. She would be the one who would best be in the position to setup him up. Remember don't get mad get even.

exactly! espeically the last part. there is something seroiusly wrong with your girlfriend if she gets sexually harassed and lets it go. that shit can get you in serious trouble and is just plain disgusting. teach that faggot a lesson. and explain this to your girlfriend! if anyone pulled this anywhere in the civilized world - you be fired/kicked out/expelled ASAP. its not tolerated by anyone ANYWHERE and your girlfriend needs to understand that.

05-14-2004, 07:47 PM
fuck that, I would jump in my ride and find this sucker the minute I hear about it. ask the fool what school he goes to, if he knows the girl, and what he thinks of her. the second he says something wrong, POW, right hook to the face, BAM, right knee to the face, BOOM, torque wrench to the kidney. I would never let anything like that slide.

but this girl I'm talkin to does her own fighting, so I can't even worry about that!

05-14-2004, 08:36 PM
lol @ element240

Anyways....I say scared the fuck out of him....don't beat his ass...but leave him scared and alot hurt (by pushing him and crap). Make sure your girl is rather to speak up incase anything does happen. Also...if he does try to do that shit again....kick his ass..but make sure he can't identify you.

05-14-2004, 08:57 PM
dont be a pansy. confront him (with friends behind you if you must). ask him if he did what she says. if so, whip his ass (who cares if he whips YOUR ass, your girl will love yuo stepped up for her :D) just make sure ur friends stop it if he starts kicking ur ass TOOOO bad.

im 5'3", 125 lbs. no excuses for letting someone disrespect your girl like that.

05-14-2004, 09:07 PM
Get off the dudes back, brotha just wanted to feel a titty :naughty:

05-14-2004, 09:28 PM
you need other dudes to "back you up" against a high school kid? you can make him piss his pants out of pure intimidation if you play it right.

anyhow, pussy, fight your own fight...

05-14-2004, 09:44 PM
dude...if hes that much bigger than you...kick him in the nuts then when he bends down from pain grab the back of his neck MUY THAI style and throw some knees to his grille. FIGHT DIRTY DONT GET FRIENDS!! after that...take jiu jitsu or something. learn to fight bigger people for yourself.

05-14-2004, 11:03 PM
i'm not even in this school anymore, she's a junior i'm a sophmore in college.

someone is robbing the cradle. Just scare the kid dont mess him up. Hes obviously not worth annyones time dont give him the attention he wants.

05-14-2004, 11:20 PM
where in dallas if you dont mind me asking? im in plano and itd be no problem for me to make a short trip to wherever he is and participate in a little ass beating.

btw, im a senior in HS so itd be a fair fight, no?

05-14-2004, 11:49 PM
just be like this...
step one
hey, excuse me, i was wondering if you could help me find my way, im lost...
step two
(standing right in beside him left or right) show him a map/directions... and as he looks down hand it to him, BAM! KICK HIM IN THE BACK OF THE KNEES, HE GOES DOWN, BAM COMBO PUNCH FOLLOWED WITH ELBOW TO THE HEAD + COMBO KNEE TO THE SIDE OF THIS BACK, NOT MIDDLE. PROCEED WITH A FORWARD FOOT THRUST TO THE UPPER BACK.
step three
don't do any of the above, its not wrong for you to confront him, in a non fighting manner. more of an adult like manner. Hes immature young, tell him you are warning him not to do that again, as a warning, if he does, she will file charges of sexual harrassment. then leave.
or she can also confront him herself. Don't do that again, or ill file a complaint of sexual harrassment.

and bingo was his name O

05-14-2004, 11:50 PM
but... if i was her and someone touched my teet, i woulda slapped the shizzzzza out of him... or just told the teacher or Dean or principal. and if the school does nothing, get a lawyer and sue the school.

05-15-2004, 02:33 AM
Tell him to put his mouth on the curb.
You know what to do next...

Ok, that was just a joke. I'd rather see you talk to him in a straightforward manner than have to resort to violence right away. Just go talk to him like a stone cold killer and lay down the law, and tell him that if he doesn't cut that shit out, then you're going to put his mouth on the curb.

05-15-2004, 02:48 AM
talk about american history X

sigh..i hate men who disrespect women....

05-15-2004, 03:26 AM
somehow get him into your garage....have all your friends roll up with their g-rides and you confront him...choose between 30 or 40 weight oil, force him on the ground and pump oil in his mouth, then tell him to kiss your shoes, which then you procede kick him and laugh @ him.

wait, why are you still here? go get that fool!

That's a horrible idea!! It'll get oil all over his shoes! :D

05-15-2004, 07:54 PM
i say take HIS money and put it in your pants. then grab HIS titty and ask him how HE likes it. i really don't think that'll help but it sounds like fun. or fill up some balloons with paint thinner and throw it as his car. or duck tape him to a chair and put on some fake boobies. or get some blow darts and tranquilize the fool. i know, follow him to his house and when he walks in grab his mom's titty, or sister's (unless she's underage) what am i talking about? shut up, no you shut up. i'd just install some kind of security system on my girlfriend's tits.

05-15-2004, 08:00 PM
its ur lady. u do the beat down. not u and ur homies.

plan b
05-15-2004, 09:45 PM
i say take HIS money and put it in your pants. then grab HIS titty and ask him how HE likes it. i really don't think that'll help but it sounds like fun. or fill up some balloons with paint thinner and throw it as his car. or duck tape him to a chair and put on some fake boobies. or get some blow darts and tranquilize the fool. i know, follow him to his house and when he walks in grab his mom's titty, or sister's (unless she's underage) what am i talking about? shut up, no you shut up. i'd just install some kind of security system on my girlfriend's tits.

hahaha fuckin awesome.

05-16-2004, 03:10 PM
dump the girl. shes 16 and your what. 20? whats going on in ur membrane

05-16-2004, 03:41 PM
What he did is not only disrespectful (and lame, but it IS high school) but illegal. She should file a complaint with the school.
See what comes of it, if it can't be handled that way, put him in the hospital.

done and done

05-16-2004, 04:30 PM
dump the girl. shes 16 and your what. 20? whats going on in ur membrane

17 and 19.

Bill Roberts
05-16-2004, 08:45 PM
Do a "Bill Roberts" on him.

05-16-2004, 08:56 PM
Do a "I'm Rick James Bitch"

05-16-2004, 08:58 PM
Get a big gay guy to ass rape him.

Or spray slut really big on his car with airplane stripper.
Get a truck and rip his car apart, if hes gonna talk about doing shit to your car, skip the talking and jsut doit to his.

But seriously best idea, bring some friends and confront him. Tell him you know what he did, hes going to appologize to your gf and if he ever does shit like that again you and your boys and whoever are gonna make sure he gets an ass beating to remember.

05-16-2004, 09:50 PM
Dude just assult his ass. I beat on a guy for a buddy of mine who's chick got her shirt and bra ripped off. Just make sure there is nothing to ID you. NO wallet, car, tags, face (use a ski mask), and don't even talk.

05-16-2004, 10:05 PM
let it be.. your older, so ur too over protective.. well just what girls tell me when dating an older guy.

And youre gonna let a lil teenie brat mess with your mind?? dude ur in college. let it be. Guys like that jerk give us good guys bad reps.

05-17-2004, 01:10 AM
you all have very good points and good opinions on this situation. you can call me a pussy for not having done anything yet and ASKING for advice on the situation first, but if i had done something instantly i definitely wouldn't be here right now. i'm leaning towards both mindsets that seem to be dominant in this thread...

a) this kid is a little punk bitch, and he's young, and that could mean jail for me
b) i should try to work this out verbally and give him a chance to apologize to me and my girlfriend

so i found his house tonight finally, and i think sometime this week me and a couple friends are going to go up and meet him after school. the conversation will very steadily end up in me forcing him to apologize. if he refuses or gives the teenage "fuck you" response. then my friends will simply pummel his face. i know, yeah, its weak that i'm not fighting. but, is it stupid? i don't wanna go to jail, and he sure as shit can't identify my friends, he doesn't know them. he does however know me and my name and one swing from me can mean jail. i dunno, i'm really not looking for opinions or more rallied responses. more-so an update on what i've decided to do. sorry guys i'm just really bored and its late. well, i'll let you all know how it goes.

05-17-2004, 01:36 AM
see thats the disturbing part. i know my girl doesn't LIKE the kid, she never even talks to him. but she will not take action, and that annoys the SHIT out of me. i guess girls don't do that much here in texas. if it were me...i'd rack him, slap him and report him. woooot :Ownedd:
She should have reported him IMMEDIATELY!!! SHE screwed up!! I'd be pissed at her as well!

05-17-2004, 02:50 AM
in the middle of lunch at his school walk up to him and ask him out on a date, when he says no, scream at the top of your lungs, " WELL YOU WERE THE WORST BLOWJOB I EVER HAD ANYWAY!!!"

that should pretty much end his social life at that school for the rest of his H.S career!

05-17-2004, 02:45 PM
in the middle of lunch at his school walk up to him and ask him out on a date, when he says no, scream at the top of your lungs, " WELL YOU WERE THE WORST BLOWJOB I EVER HAD ANYWAY!!!"

that should pretty much end his social life at that school for the rest of his H.S career!

HAHAHA.. That's awesome. That's the kind of shit I would do.. something to seriously embarass and enrage him. That way, if he gets pissed off enough to do some stupid illeagal shit again (likely), I can have HIS ass thrown in jail.

Use the system.. don't abuse it. :whip:

FastBack 240
05-17-2004, 08:04 PM
Just do it old way. Take him to the local park or his front yard. Beat the fukcing piss out of him. He violated you and your g/f so that gives you all the rights in the world to fukc him up. This will also teach him a lesson not to violate other girls next time. Just give him the ol 1.........2........boom!

05-17-2004, 08:34 PM
id ask for the 5 back and an apology to her. if he declines, id break his jaw.

05-18-2004, 03:26 AM
I just don't understand this hesitation about beating the shit out of him. I don't care if it's you or your friends. Just think how your girl sees you now, as a guy that can't protect her. So what if she just wants to let the matter slide, it's your responsibility to take care of the situation. If you must, demand that he apologize. But personally I don't want my girl to look at me and think that I won't or can't defend her, even if it means I get a beat down.

05-18-2004, 08:52 AM
I just don't understand this hesitation about beating the shit out of him. I don't care if it's you or your friends. Just think how your girl sees you now, as a guy that can't protect her. So what if she just wants to let the matter slide, it's your responsibility to take care of the situation. If you must, demand that he apologize. But personally I don't want my girl to look at me and think that I won't or can't defend her, even if it means I get a beat down.

if it was my girlfriend and she wouldn't speak up for herself; i'd be even more pissed at her then the guy who groped her breast. that is just retarded. i would still beat the shit out of him but i would dump her very soon after. wtf kind of girl lets that shit slide. that is weak. its one thing to fight for a girl b/c she can't fight for herself. its a TOTALLY different thing to fight because she DOESNT WANT to fight for herself. that is just dumb.

05-18-2004, 09:57 AM
i beat that foo ass and pull the ebrake right into him

05-18-2004, 12:55 PM
Ok, I just read everyone of these posts and here's my take on this.
1) You could do like most have said and kick the ever lovin shit outta the kid, but you're 19 and he's a minor which means if the shit hits the fan its your ass regardless. Now if this had happened in front of you, by all means drop the fucker, but don't go looking for him with a bunch of your college buddies. If you can't take him on your own, using your buddies to do it isn't going to make you out any better. If you haven't done anything yet, then more than likely nothing is going to be done, you've missed your window of opportunity. Besides if he's as dumb as he sounds, an ass beaten won't do any good.

2) Any unwanted physical advances (ie touching) is not only harrassment, but also considered assault/ battery by law. You could have him expelled from school or go as far as to have charges brought against him. An ass beating is only temporary, but an arrest record sticks with you and nothing stands out like assault on a woman.

It's up to you, but if she isn't going to do anything about there isn't a whole lot you can do. Your choice:ass beaten or administration/law

BiluMaster K's
05-19-2004, 01:59 PM
yo, you still didnt kick this niggas ass?

Why are you still thinking....take him down