View Full Version : Team Legacy DIY SPL

05-13-2004, 05:31 PM
So Dave (Legacy) went and got himself an exhaust ticket. Had the silencer on his nur spec and everything. Cop said, “It’s a little too loud.” 110 bones later, he decided to go out and buy an Apexi exhaust control valve (ECV) from phase2.


Dave gave me the valve and I brought it to “Mendoza’s Backyard Garage with homestyle service.” My pops and I marked up the lines and cut the exhaust section out to be replaced by the ECV. The ECV piping is actually larger than the nur spec so it takes 2 people to weld this thing up, one person to have a steady hand and keep the pipe in position while being tacked, and the other person to do the welding. Seeing as my pops is the welder, I did the holding. It’s heli-arched with an SS weld. Tadoooow, how you like me now?


ECV 180 bones
Install Free
Making babies cry from the sound of your exhaust and being able to make it silent when the 5 0 are around. PRICELESS

So while my pops and I were at it, we decided to do one thing that I’ve been planning for many moons. Mendoza Power Brace SPL. First we measured how big the plate needed to be that should be welded on the tension bracket for lateral support. We then cut the plates and welded them up. In all of these pics, I haven’t painted the welds and bottom of the plate with my red primer for rust proofing.

The lower plate (unpainted) Bar = BEEFY!!!

Next, we went and found some plates that the bar would mount against for more support. We didn’t want to just weld the bar straight to the bracket. We happened to find some with holes already in them but we had to cut them down to fit in this location. Because there were holes, we decided to try to bolt it up but that proved to be more difficult than just welding it up. In these pics, the powersteering hose brace isn’t mounted but the left bolt fits nicely in the plate hole. I filled in the gap on the right bolt with washers. You can see in this pic that I temporarily moved it out of the way.


We then cut the bar and welded it to the plates. I held it up while my pops welded the plates to the brackets. Turned out nice and there is a definite improvement from this free mod. And another pic to show it from the front in all its glory. There will be more Team Legacy DIY specials to come when I finally get around to building a cage.


05-13-2004, 05:59 PM
Damn your pops can weld!! Everything looks great. I wish I had a little skill and some gas for our MIG. Would never look that good though. Congrats on the cheap mods. Keep the good ideas coming (I might be stealing some). Oh you should do latter bars next.

05-13-2004, 06:21 PM
oh my god.........those weld are so sexy

what did he use?

05-13-2004, 07:17 PM
The ladder bars are coming next. We're going to get to those next week hopefully. Not sure if I'm gonna weld them in or bolt them in. I'd prefer to bolt those up but we'll see.

05-13-2004, 08:07 PM

is that one jack stand holding th car up?

05-13-2004, 08:28 PM
AHAHAAHA. I knew somebody would catch that. The jackstands are under the frame rail but they aren't touching.

The jack is holding the car up at the tow hook. I took the pics right before I lowered it down onto them.

05-13-2004, 10:24 PM
Agreed; your pops can fucking weld!! the exhaust valve looks like it was machine welded!!! two thumbs up for a bunch of bad ass (freeish) mods.

05-13-2004, 10:44 PM
flybert dont weld in the front ladder bar
it sits RIGHT UNDER your tranny
you want to be able to remove it when you swap motors/drop tranny, etc
rear you can weld in though

05-13-2004, 10:46 PM
haha mine was just free labor. The valve cost me $180 @ Phase2.

05-13-2004, 10:48 PM
ohhh the tension rod brackets are BAD ASS.

05-14-2004, 02:03 AM
flybert dont weld in the front ladder bar
it sits RIGHT UNDER your tranny
you want to be able to remove it when you swap motors/drop tranny, etc
rear you can weld in though

Yeah dude, that one definitely needs to be bolted in.

I wouldn't mind checking out your rear ladder bar to see what's up and then we can finally exchange some DT vids. I'm thinking of signing up for JustDrift but I'm not sure I'll be able to pull it off because of a lack of funds. I'll be one broke ass foolio for a whole month.

05-14-2004, 09:23 AM
Nice welding man. A welder is a good person to know, with our hobby.

Kid Zelda
05-14-2004, 09:31 AM
Why not just use a spare KA24E (de) throttle body , some hardware and cable.. hmmm .. hahaha ... its true so true its rude boy

05-14-2004, 09:35 AM
nice job.. i want to do the same thing but weld the tension bar a little further down so that you can still bolt up a cusco/kazama tension rod bar.

05-14-2004, 03:20 PM
Where is your dads shop?

05-14-2004, 04:11 PM
Why not just use a spare KA24E (de) throttle body , some hardware and cable.. hmmm .. hahaha ... its true so true its rude boy

Just so happens that I have a spare intake mani and throttle body in my garage and I'll probably try rigging it up when I get an exhaust.

For the question above. My dad doesn't have a shop. He's been a welder for 25 years and has been working for the city. I took my car down to his yard and we did it all their. He could bring his work truck home and we could do some of the stuff in "Mendoza's backyard Garage with homestyle service" but it's nicer to work in the yard because of the unlimited resources. My dad helps me and close friends with stuff. I already have a couple of custom things done to my car with the help of my dad and I plan on doing many more. I provide the ideas and he helps me make it happen.

05-15-2004, 01:58 AM
Why not just use a spare KA24E (de) throttle body , some hardware and cable.. hmmm .. hahaha ... its true so true its rude boy

Why not 1/2 ass everything like a cheap ass? I'm tired of dealing with the exhaust citation crap. I want this stuff to be done and I don't want to have to pay all this money ever again. I bought it, it's done, it's quality, and I have no complaints.

Sure it's just a throttle body, but the cable and handle are pretty quality. I did a really shitty install and I hate it. Grrr... my car sux. I don't know why I love it so much.