View Full Version : takara garage --- dont buy from them/scam

05-13-2004, 11:34 AM
recently i bought a pair of advan sa3rs from takara garage...on their site it says 4x114 so im like cool ill get these for my s13, then once they get here it turns out that they are actually 4x100, so i go back to the site and it still says 4x114, so i thought they might of sent me the wrong wheels or they made a mistake on advertising so i took a screen shot of the sight to send to them and just in case if they tried anything tricky, i tried calling them, pming them, writing emails and i cant get in touch with them, its been about 4 or 5 days now and i keep sending them emails so then i go back to check on the site today and guess what they changed it to 4x100, what a bunch of scamming assholes, luckily i still have the screenshot from before hand, im going to send it to them and see waht they say about it, takara aalso posts here and on 240sxforums under doriftomunkee or mr takara, just warning u guys

heres the before shot of the website

05-13-2004, 11:37 AM

go there for the after, scroll down to the picture of the 2 advans that say sold on them

those of u from takara garage, if u give me a full refund i really wont care as much, i dont know if you guys are a new business or not, but if you are then this isnt really the way to start off well, i was thinking about buying your bbs mesh as well but now i probably wont but if u give me a refund and take these wheels back then no hard feelings, ill have the thread deleted and your rep as a seller wont be tainted...

05-13-2004, 12:20 PM
Its no wonder they were banned from here awhile ago. They would advertise commercial posts, keep doing it after many notices.

05-13-2004, 02:12 PM
time for a barfight . ill bring the bottles and pool sticks . :rawk:

T78 S14
05-13-2004, 02:37 PM
how do you take a screen shot of a web page?

05-13-2004, 02:52 PM
print screen button it takes a pic then u paste it into paint

No Motiv
05-13-2004, 03:08 PM
that fucking sucks.....GET THEM!!

05-13-2004, 04:08 PM
dont screw people over, it comes back to screw u in the ass

05-13-2004, 04:26 PM
They post alot on 240sxforums.com

05-13-2004, 06:21 PM
Aren't they located in Orlando, Fl?

05-13-2004, 06:23 PM
ya they are

05-13-2004, 06:53 PM
you want me to run over there and take care of some business I work for a concrete company and one of the guys that works for me is sicilian. He's the same guy we use when people don't pay us :whip:

05-13-2004, 09:54 PM
haha.. thats awsome :)

05-13-2004, 11:34 PM
Now now, if you are going to Takara Garage, be nice... first... haha then be mean

05-13-2004, 11:56 PM

trust hks
05-14-2004, 12:50 AM
Before everyone starts flaming. His reputation has been well kept , although the Commericial Posting incident. The site has some great prices , and ISmellLikeCurry , he did send your stuff ASAP. I am sure this was just a light mixup with the company , but you didn't get scammed. I am sure you and Mr. Takara can work something out , I mean calling him a scammer before something is settled is highly
unprofessional as well.

05-14-2004, 01:06 AM
No. Sounds like the buyer is trying to work something out, and has had no luck for a while. I say if there is no reply in a week, something is fishy, and people should be warned. I guess Trust is one of the few users that hasn't been burned on the internet.

trust hks
05-14-2004, 01:46 AM
No. Sounds like the buyer is trying to work something out, and has had no luck for a while. I say if there is no reply in a week, something is fishy, and people should be warned. I guess Trust is one of the few users that hasn't been burned on the internet.

What does that mean? :tweak:

05-14-2004, 02:51 AM
What does that mean? :tweak:

It means just because you haven't been dicked over with an online transaction, doesn't mean others haven't either.

This guy has a legitimate beef. Who are you, someone that works there? In fact, you saying "he did send your stuff ASAP" leads one to believe that you're associated with them in some way, because I don't recall reading smellslikecurry ever mentioning in this thread how fast it was sent.

05-14-2004, 06:49 AM
hey rotary, where in orlando u live in? I live near universal

10mins from you on 535 and palm parkway (near disney)

05-14-2004, 09:20 AM
Before everyone starts flaming. His reputation has been well kept , although the Commericial Posting incident. The site has some great prices , and ISmellLikeCurry , he did send your stuff ASAP. I am sure this was just a light mixup with the company , but you didn't get scammed. I am sure you and Mr. Takara can work something out , I mean calling him a scammer before something is settled is highly
unprofessional as well.

did you not read the post, he tried contacting the seller multiple times AND they decided to change the website listing AFTER it was sold, sounds really fishy to me..

05-14-2004, 11:20 AM

05-14-2004, 12:36 PM
still don't understand why the were so busy that they couldn't reply or deal with him. They didn't have enough time to reply to his emails but they had the time to change the website?! whatever....obviously that is poor business practice....I just think they wouldn't give a refund if he didn't have the screen shot....probably point the blame onto the buyer and state he didn't do his research or he missed reading it or something....very shady.

05-14-2004, 12:39 PM
crazy, then they try and pin it on you saying your a n00b not knowing what your talking about and how YOU got them banned? BS i will never do buisness w/ that company after seing this...
good luck man

05-14-2004, 12:43 PM
hey, i just received an email from them - they basically said they were too busy to reply and that they are sorry about the whole mix up, they said that they wanted to work things out and that i was the reason that they got banned from this site and that they dont appreciate the flaming they recieved. Hopefully everything will turn out ok in the end

05-14-2004, 12:56 PM
they didn't get banned for this...it was for their comercial posting. Personally I still think they are bs....too busy to reply but not to busy to change the website. I still think if you didn't have the screen shot, you wouldn't get the time of day and would still be ignored and avoided.

05-14-2004, 01:05 PM
if you need the italian to go over there just let me know :rl:

05-14-2004, 01:24 PM
haha no need - dont want law suits up my ass haha

05-14-2004, 02:13 PM
That kind of response from them is the same kind I would expect from a shady used car salesman exposed on the afternoon news.. trying to resolve the singular issue, but continuing to try to refocus blame.. how childish.

05-14-2004, 02:19 PM
thx for the heads up curry... that was pretty fucked up of them... :hammer:

05-14-2004, 02:19 PM
that is pathetic....can't even admit it is their fault and trying to blame him for getting banned and the flames....it was their faults in the beginning and they wouldn't get flamed if they weren't so shady....

05-14-2004, 03:40 PM
If the wheels were sold... and someone took the time to edit the page to reflect the true wheel pcd, why did they not just remove the wheels completely from the page? Who are they trying to show off to by keeping the pics up there?

Aren't these the same folks I asked about their use of another company's car in their banner ads? I've never been too fond of "shops" that use others' cars to benefit their own cause... just kinda sad actually....

05-14-2004, 04:20 PM
thought id keep u guys updated - heres the newest post by takara on 240sxforums

Alright guys, I know you guys are looking for answers. Well, here is my explanation for it.

First of all, our accounts for both zilvia.net and this forum got banned so we were unable to follow up on this and explain ourselves. We apologize and it seemed that many things and post has been done since we were gone.

We are a new company and we do understand that building our company's reputation to our consumers is FIRST PRIORITY and this ONE and ONLY complaint is really not helping it. It was just a mix up since when we got the advans shipped from japan to the US. It was marked and tagged to be 4X114.3..We really didnt have time to fit each will to make its right. We would just tag it the way it was marked and put it up for sale. Autri, contacted us to purchase his wheels and then we quickly shipped it to him in no time with tracking #s. After we shipped it, we were done with the sale...a couple of days later, Autri contacted us about his wheels not fitting or some problem. He also advised us that he thinks its a 4X100 application. We changed it on our site for no reason at all, not to scam everyone or HIM to make him think he bought a 4X100 wheel. It was just a website update that we oftenly do as you guys can tell. We felt that changing it wouldnt matter since the wheels were sold and our policies say no returns or what not. I guess thats a fault on our behalf, but no bad intentions at all. Just an update. We apologize for that. We have sold many jdm items for such a great deal and our customers are very happy with them. AUTRI is the only one who isnt and we felt that he is blowing everything out of proportion for a simple, slight mix up.

We were extremely busy on workin our shop car trying to get it ready for the big event this weekend. HIN. But the car is still not ready, w/c sucks for us b/c its a very good opportunity to promote. You guys are right that we should have posted something on the web but we didnt think one week would matter to everyone. So i guess its a good thing. That means we are getting alot of traffic and interest from you guys so we THANK YOU for that. We apologize for that.

Finally, we are currently working out something with AUTRI and hope to resolve this issue in a professional way. We all know that business like this are very tough to establish a name b/c especially dealing with used parts and getting it from japan, refunds and exchanges are very limited and most of the times unavailable. We will do what we can to work this issue out.

For you guys, our consumers, sorry for this slight misunderstanding and we are still working very hard to establish a name for us and we know you guys appreciate us bringing and stocking good used jdm parts straight from japan available to you guys here in a very affordable price and the best part, no waiting. We truly hope you guys still believe in our company and most importantly TRUST US. We are not out to scam anyone, we are here to provide you guys with what you need and put smiles on peoples faces. I remember the days when i would look at OPTIONS magazine and dream that theres a way I can get those parts and have my car like that w/o paying killer fees buying them new and from japan. We know that you guys feel that way. SO again we are terribly SORRY and WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.



05-14-2004, 04:33 PM
and here is my response to it.....
it is funny that you can't admit it was your fault and that your apologies have no reason for. e.g updating the site, being too busy, etc. there was no apologies for your mistake and you are just pointing the finger at him "blowing things out of proportion." Actions should speak louder than words and it should be a very simple solution which is to refund his money but you even fail to satisfy that. Excuses excuses is all i read. I don't see how you were ban from this forum when this was brought about just yesterday.

05-14-2004, 04:44 PM
I just think it is very funny the won't accept full blame for it. I mean they point the finger at their jdm suppliers that they didn't give them the right info...pointing that autri is the bad apple and the "only" problem they had...blaming their project car...and the fact that they won't even refund him the money but rather "work" something out. I just see excuse and trying to get the blame off their shoulders and into someones lap....

05-14-2004, 04:46 PM
on a lighter note, haha vsiev i think all your posts have been on this thread haha jk

05-14-2004, 05:58 PM
yea pretty much lol i haven't really posted just watched....i mean i was scammed before and don't like the bs behind the crap they pull. I am usually in other forums....zilvia loads up slow for me for some odd reason...maybe they need a higher upload speed.

05-14-2004, 06:06 PM
do you have 56k or cable? it might just be your rate depending on which area you live in, sometimes some areas cable speed is lower.

05-14-2004, 06:10 PM

waddup man long time no talk...sorry to hijack the thread. i have no comment on the issue at hand.


05-14-2004, 06:18 PM
yea pretty much lol i haven't really posted just watched....i mean i was scammed before and don't like the bs behind the crap they pull. I am usually in other forums....zilvia loads up slow for me for some odd reason...maybe they need a higher upload speed.

i have no useful comment either BUT..240 forums loads slow on this computer and Zilvia loads fast. On my cpu at my house, it's the exact opposite. ?? i dont get it.

05-14-2004, 06:19 PM
yo chris lol but i have dsl 6mb download....nico and automotive are fast on upload...just this one takes a while. Oh well good luck with everything...kinda funny how he was baggin your reputation on 240sxforum just cause you had 1 post....

05-14-2004, 06:21 PM
i have no useful comment either BUT..240 forums loads slow on this computer and Zilvia loads fast. On my cpu at my house, it's the exact opposite. ?? i dont get it.

Yea it is weird....that is why i am not on zilvia so much lol...But personally people who are shady shouldn't run a business. They need to get their sh*t together to run a business.....they don't even have their priority straight...i mean it is all words and no action....if they care about their rep all they had to do is refund it and stop making excuses why they can't do it.....

05-14-2004, 07:06 PM
the only reason i have one post on that site was cuz i knew he was over there and i knew he wud read it and ya your definitley right about how to handle a business

05-14-2004, 10:10 PM
heard of PM? anyway baxk on subject, shouldnt the customer come before their car? hmm someone has a problem... i guess we will ignore it for a week, because nothing could be that important.. o wait our car is that important, i bet his doesnt mean as much to him though... buncha dicks there...

05-15-2004, 12:40 AM
well lets not bash on them too hard guys... they did have really cheap prices... and you know sometimes cheap prices lead to some poor customer service..... just think walmart.

05-15-2004, 08:45 AM
walmart around the corner, i get sick customer service haha oh yeah dont ever buy car batteries from walmart, my mom bought one for her car, put it in, it was dead, went and exhanged for another one, it was dead...we even brought the battery to a shop and they said it was dead, so we ended up buying one from sears -- i guess we shuda jst went their first

05-15-2004, 11:16 AM
anyway, takara wants me to make an exchange which still goes against there no refund/exchange policy, so i dont get why they cant just give me a refund, im being so nice about this, i can definitely take legal action but i dont want to have to resort to that, i just want my money back because i didnt do anything wrong, theyre the ones that fucked up so they should jst suck it up and give me my money back...its that simple

05-15-2004, 01:53 PM
yeah, you should get a refund because he sold you something that was advertised as something else...

05-15-2004, 02:54 PM
he is just being forced to be solve the problem. He doesn't want to help you but since you had the picture of the website with the mistake and that you posted the thread he is giving you the time of day. Then he tried to alone do an exchange but now with everyone on his back about doing that....he is offering a refund if you refuse on the exchange.....very shady...should of offered a refund as an option in the very beginning. I rather pay a little extra more to get a better service and a peace of mind...instead of dealing with shady people like them.....

05-15-2004, 03:58 PM
they agreed to give me the money back!!!!!

06-04-2004, 07:58 AM
did you get your money back? My friend ( The Italian) is sitting here with nothing to do..

06-04-2004, 11:24 AM
haha ya i got my money back, they actually turned out to be really nice guys and have been great to me now, i guess they learned their lesson now and they now actually seem like a promising company, they apologized, even offered 4 wheels with tires for them but i rather have them give me my money, theyve even asked me if i would want them to be one of my sponsers(spl?) which jst really means i get good discounts hahaa. but wutever its in the past, tell the italian to come down here and protect my car, ill pay him in food, too many 240s getting stolen lately!