View Full Version : Need Help ~!! swap info

05-12-2004, 11:13 PM
Ok heres the deal , Im purchasing a S14 with a blown motor and Ive got a S13 REDTOP SR20DET (auto) also purchasing soon.

Here is my dileima , Now I really want to shy away from a 5spd because I've been driving for the past 10 years a KAT (Altima U13)

Im pretty sure I will get sick of the AUTO and much rather go with a 5spd BUT

I want to keep my options open due to time finding parts...

Now to lead to my Question and in Search for answer( Ive search Numerous time for Tranny and SR swap..didnt find what I was looking for)

So if (A) I use the AUTO Tranny with the SR that its MATE ..will the tranny drop in with the KA tranny crossmember? (how many would just say F**K it and go 5spd?) this will be my daily driver after everything gets up running and I sell my alty.

If (B) I decide to go 5spd, Would the KA tranny bolt up with the SR motor or Must I seek a SR tranny ?Of vcorase I will need the Clutch Resveroir , Clutch assmebly , will I need any harness or what not ? Im planning on purchasing a Apex Power FC , (had one on my FD3) so im pretty sure I like to go use with that (unless anyone else has a better options?) im planning to spend a lil under 5grand on swap, and performance parts, Body work and paint another 2gs , does anyone have any shortcuts or details on this swap will be greatly appricated ...Ive been a Nissan guy all my life , i really miss my fairlady Z when I was younger,(but that was pops) i will really really miss my 1st car owned and modd (alty/bluebird) but for the past 4 years ive been debating into the 240s , Now the time has finnally come and everything seems to fall in place.

this is where i get confused because this will be the 1st time back into a RWD , I was going to KA(T) but Great deal on a SR made me goes towards that. Ive been modding my alty for the past 10 years and it seems like everything is NEW start to me . so thanks in Advance for all your comments and answers.

I was ASE Cert a few year back ,Ive had my alty done at BYP but this time around im asking for help from all you Experince guys .. again thanks in advance if I could get some postive answer soon because I can stall on this good deal ..

05-12-2004, 11:49 PM
Just get a 5spd SR even if you think you're getting a kick ass deal on a auto SR. When you do the changeover you'll save yourself alot of trouble.

05-13-2004, 12:36 AM
anyone know the cost of the average 5spd tranny SR?

05-13-2004, 01:22 PM
^^ guys ? please help out ? thanks?