View Full Version : Fucked up title questions...

08-24-2013, 03:17 PM
Bought an S14, had a red salvaged title from the auction. Just realized the title is signed to an individual from a dealer, but has no dealer info or dealer number.

It is a texas title, and the guy couldn't find the title when I bought it. He found it about 2 days after and I got it.

What can I do? Can a title place sort it out?

forgot to censor pics brb


08-24-2013, 03:58 PM
bill of sale. or put a lien on it?

08-24-2013, 04:01 PM
bill of sale. or put a lien on it?

I've got a bill of sale, but its not from the guy on the title...

I can "get" one if needed, just need to know what the best way is to do this.