View Full Version : s14 5 speed conversion question??

08-16-2013, 04:29 PM
doing a 5 speed conversion in 95 s14. Everything is done and car is running but have a plug and a couple wires not hooked up. Using the 5 speed ecu also and would like to make sure all the CEL's are cleared and off to pass smog. I used the manual s14 5 speed tranny harness but have a 2 yellow/green wires that are not plugged in or wired in. Does anyone know where they go? I have attached the pic of the plug i am referring to it is the plug that goes by the fuse box in engine bay. In pic it is the plug on the left side and the plug on right of it looks like what the auto tranny harness has.

08-17-2013, 06:54 AM
i wanna know what that plug all the way to right is. the 7 or 8 wire flat wide plug on my 5spd swapped s14 is not plugged in and i need to know what it goes to. Currently my car idles and runs fine.

08-19-2013, 07:21 AM
anyone know what the plug all the way to the right of the image is.