View Full Version : Pick a Side - Syria and Egypt!

08-15-2013, 09:14 PM
Well unless you a fucking moron you should already know Syria is in a full blown Civil War and Egypt is heading that way.

Recap Syria -

Syria - headed by an asshole rich Dictator. He was raised in England and is a dentist by trade IIRC. After his asshole daddy died he returned to Syria. He and his family are a religious Minority with ties to Iran. The majority of Syrians are Sunnis. He is a sort of Shiite.

Long story short, influxes of Sunni rebels have been fleeing Iraq and into Syria. This is because the US kicked their pipe-bombing asses. Now, the same bad-guys we fought, want to establish a peoples democracy (ie majority Sunni will be in charge) in Syria. To do this they need to oust Asad. The rebels are backed by Al-Qaeda.

Question 1 - Do you back the dictator who while he doesn't like America and is friends with Iran and Russia - he actually has never done anything to us.

Or do you back "freedom-fighters" made up of the same terrorist assholes we have been fighting for the last 10 years and are essentially the remnants of Sadam's regime.

Recap Egypt - Mubarak, the dictator has been a strong US supporter for over 30 years. His leadership has helped stabilize Mideast Tensions and he built Egypt into a moderate country with Western values instead of letting it become a fundamentalist shit hole like Yeman. He is also why there have not been massive wars like in the past to destroy Israel.

Mubarak, who is old as dirt, fucked up. He made his son Vice-President. This pissed everyone off. Egyptians can except a believing dictator who is trying to steer them in the right direction. They don't want a Monarchy.

The US (Obama) turned on Mubarak and sold him out. He peacefully stepped down and was then immediately brought to trial. The Muslim Brotherhood, a mainstream political wing of Al-Queada, then ceases power using overseas funding and their existing network of connections. Morsi then can't get his shit together. He begins radically changing Egypts foreign policies, constitution ect - The Military finally says "enough of this fuckwad" and ousts him.

Question 2 Oh no, Military Coupe to get rid of an idiot - however since the US (Obama) already supported the ousting of Military control (Mubarak) we're stuck in an awkward position - Support the guys we like, or Support Democracy?

I'd also like to state the reason Syria is a shit hole is because Assad saw what happen to Gaddafi and Mubarak. Mubarak stepped down peacefully and got fucked. Gaddafi put up a limp wristed defense and got fucked... Assad is now "hmm... I either win or I die."

No 240.. No id
08-15-2013, 09:39 PM
I've been in Syria and lived there for about 5 years. Its a great country and the people in Syria LOVES their president(Alasad) which now the United States want the American citizens to believe that he kills his own people.

Syria is one of the most peaceful countries in the middle east. But now thanks to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Libya its not anymore.

Almost 95% of the people that fight in Syria right now are from these countries. They getting paid from the countries I've listed above.

No 240.. No id
08-15-2013, 09:55 PM
Russia see that clearly and that's why they are supporting Alasad.
The only reason why United State want to be involved and take Alasad (Syria's President) down is because of "Israel". United states government will get on its knees and suck Saudi's and Israelis d*** for everything.

All the weapons that been used in Syria by the rebels are from Turkey and Israel. All the terrorist and jihadist are from the golf countries that want to see the middle east burning in hell while they are watching from the window.

"Israel" goal is to take Syria's President down and replace him with the one that can work for them and maybe they can steal as much land as possible.

imotion s14
08-15-2013, 10:04 PM
I support non-interventionist foreign policy.

08-15-2013, 10:07 PM
Some of your take on the situations is very astute, and some is grade A shit.

If we back anything or anyone, it should be very subtly and non-invasive. They hate us for messing around over there, why can't we figure it out and stop?

08-16-2013, 08:16 PM
Egypt is receiving foreign aid while a military coup d'etat has occurred, which is not supposed to happen according to our own law.

That entire region is being upended, but for what reason? Egypt revolted 2 years ago which was what supposedly started all of this, but what caused it? The leadership they elected (Muslim Brotherhood) didn't uphold their end of the deal, and now the military stepped in to establish order, which was a possibility from the get go if they didn't democratically elect a leader.

So now that their deposed leadership is being rounded up (again), we're still funneling money to them? That's my issue. It just shows that the Federal govt doesn't care WHO is in power, but that they are going to arm WHOEVER is in power to assist in establishing "order".

As for Syria...I don't even know how to call that situation. I wasn't alive in the 70's so I can't tell you how Afghanistan was viewed back then, but that's all I'm gonna say on that.

I sincerely believe that if the US cuts off foreign aid to these time bombs, it will improve our domestic issues.

PS, we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan...it might not be uniformed soldiers of the US military, but govt contracting is alive and well.

08-16-2013, 09:04 PM
We will get sucked into it. Wanna know why?


Look what's dead smack in the middle of Egypt and Syria. It's gonna be butt-seks surprise.

redline racer510
08-18-2013, 08:34 AM
We will get sucked into it. Wanna know why?


Look what's dead smack in the middle of Egypt and Syria. It's gonna be butt-seks surprise.

This man speaketh the truth. There is no extent to which we will help our most "important" ally even if it means sacrificing our own army, resources etc. Them>US

08-19-2013, 07:15 AM
I pick America...
Roads and bridges don't fix and build themselves, teachers are underpaid and it is costing our children in the form of substandard education.

Let the rest of them figure their own shit out.

08-19-2013, 07:32 AM
I pick America...
Roads and bridges don't fix and build themselves, teachers are underpaid and it is costing our children in the form of substandard education.

Let the rest of them figure their own shit out.

I'm not talking intervention. I'm just asking who - you the forum member - think is right.

You can also pick a side and not spend a dime. Russia is actually making money off the deal. at the end of the day of the US wants to be "in charge", that means you need to make decisions.

If it's all about lives, then picking one side will save lives as the conflict will be over quicker, is when nether side can win b and it just drags on and on that casualties mount. The longer it takes to stabilize the less likely things will ever return to normal.

08-19-2013, 07:36 AM
This man speaketh the truth. There is no extent to which we will help our most "important" ally even if it means sacrificing our own army, resources etc. Them>US

I disagree. Isreal has fought three full blown life-or-death wars without any US involvement. (Beyond selling supplies).

There is no reason to think they could not fight all there neighbors again (at the same time) and (once again) only need supplies from the US - which they paid for.

Hell we could easily funnel them intelligence or a light air campaign and the costs would be minimal with no risk of US life.

08-19-2013, 12:13 PM

this was planned and orchestrated. our empire is managing and co-opting nations.

"Iraq as the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia as the strategic pivot, and Egypt as the prize"

08-19-2013, 12:26 PM
Why are we choosing sides again? If anything this whole thread is pointless and lets be honest...the only real side here is the CIA...why arent they an option? I choose them!!

08-26-2013, 01:57 PM
So poop is going to hit the fan if we step into this war.... As of this moment, looks like we are walking towards it.

08-26-2013, 02:22 PM
I say niether side is right... only misled.

Let them kill each other off while we sit back, watch, eat popcorn and wait... Hell, let Russia, Turkey, Jordan and anyone else who sees reason to handle it.

But guess what? Won't happen in today's political climate. Wanna know why? Because anyone here who thinks that the US isn't in some way shape or form smack dab in the middle of all this already might need to do some more research; or maybe just open their eyes up to reality. Hence why Russia (and other allies) sees it so differently than we do.

...and how is ANY US air campaign 'not a risk to American lives???' Planes in the air means boots on the ground... Air operations, no matter how big or small put lives at risk- period.

Fuck Egypt and fuck Syria. Fuck Iraq, Afghanistan and everyone else who begs for help, then bites the hand that fed them.

As far as Jerusalem goes- it's like 2 kids fighting over a toy... what do you do as a parent? Take it away from them. Give the occupants 48hrs to evacuate, then level the fucking place- problem solved... nothing left for anyone to piss and moan about. Pull all of our troops back to US soil, take control of OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY FOR A CHANGE and tell whoever has a problem with it to come and get us if they don't like it.

If Egypt and Syria still hate each other after that- let them continue killing each other until someone 'smart' realizes how stupid it all is.

Some of this was silly rant, other parts not so much.

I take no sides.

08-26-2013, 05:03 PM
I think theres a movie on netflix about that... Iirc "the world with out the US" its about the us pulling out of every country and focus on us.

08-26-2013, 08:03 PM
Sounds like a chick flick :D

08-26-2013, 08:14 PM
Sounds like a chick flick :D

lol its a documentary... Automatically becomes a non chick flick

08-26-2013, 09:03 PM
I say niether side is right... only misled.

You are correct that they are both "not winners", but saying they are misled implies they have good intentions but poor leaders. But the participants are just as equal to blame. Asad and his supporters want to maintain the status quo, which is the minority class is the ruling class. Those opposing him are the same impoverished back-hills islam fanatic trash that are all over the middle east demanding "democracy" so they can then "vote in" Shira Law and create fundamentalist islamic counties.

Let them kill each other off while we sit back, watch, eat popcorn and wait... Hell, let Russia, Turkey, Jordan and anyone else who sees reason to handle it.

They won't handle shit. A, they lack the ability, and B. They really don't care on a moral level.

But guess what? Won't happen in today's political climate. Wanna know why? Because anyone here who thinks that the US isn't in some way shape or form smack dab in the middle of all this already might need to do some more research; or maybe just open their eyes up to reality. Hence why Russia (and other allies) sees it so differently than we do.

First, Russia has never been our ally. They were a tool to slow the black tied of the Nazis during WWII and today they are just the same Soviet Union, re-branded after a major financial restructure.

Second, our allies are more crooked then us. 1, because they don't care, and 2, because they are not held to same moral standard. Hate on the US for "war for oil" all you want, they are 10 times worse. The Germans, Hungarians and French all profited heavily off money laundering and illegal merchandise sales in both the Yugoslav civil wars and also from Iraq and Iran during the 1990s sanctions.

Lets not even get started with England, BP and BAE. Remember how the let the Lockerbie Bomber go to get an oil deal with Libya? The same for us would be if we let Osama go for a Saudi oil deal.

...and how is ANY US air campaign 'not a risk to American lives???' Planes in the air means boots on the ground... Air operations, no matter how big or small put lives at risk- period.

Minimal risk. Simple training exercises could be argued to present almost as much risk. Planes in the air also does not mean "boots on the ground". Where you get that logic from? Libya was an air campaign and so was Kosavo - which resulted in two lost planes and a guy that had to spend the night in the woods.

Fuck Egypt and fuck Syria. Fuck Iraq, Afghanistan and everyone else who begs for help, then bites the hand that fed them.

GeoPolitics. Egypt WAS one of our strongest allies and supporters. However we sold them down the shitter and are now acting stupid. I swear this administration is worse then Carter when it comes to foreign policy. You notice Iran, who was once a US ally was fucked over when Carter was in office - I foresee Egypt becoming our future long term enemy over this shit because they won't forget.

Iraq, we have a invested interest in, they need to be the counter balance to Iran to keep them in check.

As far as Jerusalem goes- it's like 2 kids fighting over a toy... what do you do as a parent? Take it away from them. Give the occupants 48hrs to evacuate, then level the fucking place- problem solved... nothing left for anyone to piss and moan about. Pull all of our troops back to US soil, take control of OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY FOR A CHANGE and tell whoever has a problem with it to come and get us if they don't like it.

Once again...

There are no US troops in Israel. They honestly don't need our "help" and I'm sure they would have solved the problem if it was 100 years ago... The problem is when you have to dynamically apposed sides and neither is able to win a decisive victory over the other (see Syria), or in the case of Israel, Israel is simply not aloud to have a decisive victory.

If Egypt and Syria still hate each other after that- let them continue killing each other until someone 'smart' realizes how stupid it all is.

Egypt and Syria are not at war with one another. :picardfp:

Both are struggling with their own civil strife. Not to much unlike the War of Norther Aggression that took place in the US back in 1861. You can note how no European power actually stepped in to support either side (unlike the Revolutionary War).

Europe was disgusted with the North, the North's policies and the fact that the North was hypocritical in their dealings with the South. They also saw the North as an economic threat and rejoiced at the irony of the South rejecting Northern rule. However, while Europe did have strong economic and social ties with the South, they also refused to support the South over the moral grounds of slavery and succession. All of Europe still remembered the series of revolutions that took place in the 1780's following the US Revolution and they didn't want that again.

Some of this was silly rant, other parts not so much.

I take no sides.

Taking no sides is the correct answer in Syria. Supporting the Military (our long term ally in Egypt) is the correct answer in that case -

As Roosevelt or Eisenhower once said about Stalin - He may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch. (Regarding how we could be allies with someone who was in fact worse then Hitler).

While the Egyptian Military is essentially apposing "free democracy" and the "peoples rule" - they will return order to the country, reestablish the economy, crush fundamentals and terrorists (islamists) and return the country to a moderate demeanor - which works well with US policy and interests.

In Syria, there is no way we can morally support Asad. He is a murdering tyrant who has never backed US Interests. However, it would be lunacy to support his opposition - the very terrorists we've fought a 10 year war with. The logical, geopolitical strategy would be to let them fight amongst themselves - as long as possible.

This would suck up all those rebel-rousing ass whip al qaeda wannabes from across the middle east (just like Afghanistan in the 80's) and see to it they killed in action. It would also keep the rest of the region on edge, so they can't cause trouble with the US, Israel or start any real wars. Iran will be using Syria as a proxy war, and I'm sure others will be supporting the rebels. So just let it drag on - like the Iranian-Iraqi war.

08-26-2013, 09:29 PM
Almost every time America puts their meat-hammers on a country to "help it out" we end up leveling their major cities, killing thousands of civilians, create a new generation of hate leveled at the US, and make the problem fucking worse.

The ONLY thing that we should do is help to alleviate the suffering of civilians not directly involved in the conflict and stay completely neutral.

08-26-2013, 09:47 PM
Picking a side is exactly what nobody should do. Why even pose such a question?

And we need to stop pretending to be experts on all of the world's issues with our internet-regurgitated knowledge.

08-27-2013, 07:47 AM
Picking a side is exactly what nobody should do. Why even pose such a question?

And we need to stop pretending to be experts on all of the world's issues with our internet-regurgitated knowledge.

we also need to stop believing and or trusting the "authorities" and "experts" handed to us on tv or through other media sources.

08-27-2013, 07:51 AM
Minimal risk. Simple training exercises could be argued to present almost as much risk. Planes in the air also does not mean "boots on the ground". Where you get that logic from? Libya was an air campaign and so was Kosavo - which resulted in two lost planes and a guy that had to spend the night in the woods.

Dude- The risk of conducting light air ops may seem minimal from the outside looking in.

However, EVERYTHING the US Armed forces does operationally... from training to full-blown combat is inherently dangerous. Planes in the air require support (boots on the ground). Doesn't matter if it's from a base in Germany or Missouri; or from an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean... Ever been on a Navy flight deck? One of the most dangerous places a person can ever be. Raise the ops tempo even an iota; and the risk increases exponentially... Putting US pilots & crews in the air puts lives at risk- whether it be from a base several thousand miles away or a couple hundred. Put them over potentially hostile territory; and the risk increases several fold. We lost more than two aircraft in Kosovo... and we did lose a few American lives- Not by enemy fire, but by accidents that would not have happened had we not been there conducting operations. I was there for the whole thing launching/recovering/turning aircraft; and went out on a few cargo drops... Want to talk about the guys on the ground who support air operations? I've been one of them for almost 21yrs. When you have men & women on the ground generating sorties 24/7 non-stop for 12-13hrs a day, the risk increases dramatically. Ask anyone who was in Saudi or the Gulf during Desert Storm, or anyone launching/recovering/turning fighters out of Italy during Kosovo... Unlike pilots, the people on the ground don't get 'crew rest'... Don't get me wrong- The lucky fucks who get said crew rest need every bit of it in the event they go down or get captured- there is always a trade-off, but the risk is no less significant. What about the SOF teams that are nearly everywhere identifying & painting targets for surgical strikes, conducting recon, gathering intel etc? I assure you, they are everywhere operations are being conducted, in a very up-close and personal way... A lot goes into even 'minimal risk' air operations than initially meets the eye.

08-27-2013, 06:00 PM
Dude- The risk of conducting light air ops may seem minimal from the outside looking in.

However, EVERYTHING the US Armed forces does operationally... from training to full-blown combat is inherently dangerous.

As I already stated in sentence number 2. Plenty of service men die in training and routine daily tasks. Plenty more die off duty and driving to work in vehicle accidents.

Planes in the air require support (boots on the ground).

No they don't. "Boots on the Ground" refers to a specific term - meaning actual men and women IN SYRIA, FIGHTING THE WAR, ON THE GROUND.

It does not refer to the existing personnel located on bases in friendly host countries in Europe and the Middle East. It does not refer to US Navel forces or any other group of people.

If you say we have "boots on the ground" in Syria, that means you have US Marines or Soldiers in downtown Damascus going door to door to secure "peace".

Doesn't matter if it's from a base in Germany or Missouri; or from an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean... Ever been on a Navy flight deck? One of the most dangerous places a person can ever be. Raise the ops tempo even an iota; and the risk increases exponentially... Putting US pilots & crews in the air puts lives at risk- whether it be from a base several thousand miles away or a couple hundred. Put them over potentially hostile territory; and the risk increases several fold. We lost more than two aircraft in Kosovo... and we did lose a few American lives- Not by enemy fire, but by accidents that would not have happened had we not been there conducting operations.

Asked and Answered.

I was there for the whole thing launching/recovering/turning aircraft; and went out on a few cargo drops... Want to talk about the guys on the ground who support air operations? I've been one of them for almost 21yrs. When you have men & women on the ground generating sorties 24/7 non-stop for 12-13hrs a day, the risk increases dramatically.

How many thousands of lives did you lose? Did the maimed and injured number in the tens of thousands?

Ask anyone who was in Saudi or the Gulf during Desert Storm, or anyone launching/recovering/turning fighters out of Italy during Kosovo... Unlike pilots, the people on the ground don't get 'crew rest'... Don't get me wrong- The lucky fucks who get said crew rest need every bit of it in the event they go down or get captured- there is always a trade-off, but the risk is no less significant.

Lets quantify this -

List of combat losses of United States military aircraft since the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_combat_losses_of_United_States_military_ai rcraft_since_the_Vietnam_War)

What about the SOF teams that are nearly everywhere identifying & painting targets for surgical strikes, conducting recon, gathering intel etc? I assure you, they are everywhere operations are being conducted, in a very up-close and personal way... A lot goes into even 'minimal risk' air operations than initially meets the eye.

Whatever happen to the needs of the many vs the needs of the few?

At the end of the day we are talking about casualties and injuries in the SINGLE DIGETS with the possibility to save lives in the TENS OF THOUSANDS.

word sux
08-28-2013, 02:50 AM
we need to keep our noses out of it...

but its pretty obvious from watching the news that the power that be want us so badly to be involved with syria that it is inevitable.

08-28-2013, 04:10 AM
Whatever happen to the needs of the many vs the needs of the few?

At the end of the day we are talking about casualties and injuries in the SINGLE DIGETS with the possibility to save lives in the TENS OF THOUSANDS.

needs of the many? then why don't we give a rats ass about tibet or the other such peoples around the globe in similar situations who have died, are dying and will die? this has nothing to do with saving lives and everything to do with spreading empire. it stinks to high heaven of the same kinds of CIA involvement like iran in 53 and the bay of pigs in 61 or the us banks and corporations that were actively financing and supplying the enemy during WWII while the war was going on. no this is needs of the few, the few being those who stand to gain by engaging and profiteering from conflict and war.

08-28-2013, 07:46 AM
One American life to save tens of thousands of AMERICANS. No problem.

One American life to save tens of thousands of Syrians or Egyptians. Not no but HELL NO.

08-28-2013, 09:34 AM
Has anyone ever noticed that EVERY war in recent times we have gone into we have lost?

Namely Vietnam, Iraq 1&2, Afghanistan.

When i say lost please understand, I am well aware that an objective was accomplished in Iraq/Afghanistan but looking at the bigger picture its a loss. There are still terror cells everywhere, we have spent billions of dollars, theres no infrastructure setup and we aretrying to pull our troops out. So yes a loss.

We go into alot of these issues with an easy as pie approach thinking we will just launch a few warheads and that'll be that and then get sucked in for a long term project.

Almost like taking half your car apart assuming shits not going to break or be rusted then having to sell your half apart project on zilvia because you have no clue what you've gotten yourself into (but asking top dollar of course, cause its fukin zilvia).

I've done alot of research on topics like this and thought long and hard as to the pros and cons into going into these things and policing the world.

Most of it has to do (IMO) with the captain save a hoe mentality where we feel and have made it our job to be the hero always.

Part of it has to do with being able to flex our arms that we are still the big dogs in the world.

The rest boils down to money and gains of course.

I can't understand why we can't get this shit right.

We go into a country, take control, put people in place then leave without any accountability or oversight. We leave our weapons behind, Arm a society with no accountability, minimal training and expect shit to be peachy.

Then the country repeats itself and we do the same thing again or they become our enemy.

Who put Castro in office when we ran down in Cuba??? We did, arming the "rebel" fighters.

Look how that turned out.

Who put Sadam Hussein in office???? Again arming the "rebel" fighters..... Oh yea us again, look how that turned out.

Who gave Bin Laden and the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets all of their training and weapons when the USSR was trying to invade Afghanistan????

Oh shit us again..... Boy did that one bite us in the ass....

Ghadaffi- Same deal, arm the rebels, they overthrow the government with our aid and help, they get into power, theres no oversight of anything and bam back to square one.

Currently this is the same deal we are going through in Afghanistan with Hamid Karzai. One day hes a good little boy, the next he's shunning us.

One day it's "we will never negotiate with terrorists and the Taliban, the next day it's this:

Afghan president Hamid Karzai urges Pakistan to help broker Taliban peace talks - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-27/afghan-president-wants-support-for-taliban-talks/4914476)

So this is a very very interesting scenerio. Let me tell you how it plays out.

We go in there, destroy shit, stay for a while people complain that we are wasting time and funds, then leave a half ass government, with a half ass broken country and expect someone honest and loyal to say "Hey wait a minute we need a leader thats going to rebuild all this shit and I'm going to run it correctly" . Person X gets into office with a half ass "democratic" voting system (honesty policy applies here) then decides I'm the new Sheriff in town and noone's gonna tell me how to run shit. We tell them what to do and they say "Nah I have other ideas".

Meanwhile we give aid, there's no accountability as to whose getting it and how funds are dispersed, it falls into the wrong hands and boom. Egypt part 2.

LoL. At this point you just sit back and take the madness in as entertainment. I love my country. Im a dedicated Voter that tries to make the right decision and tries to give my input to make it a better country.

But some of the ass backwards shit we do boggles my mind.

End Rant. Thanks.

redline racer510
08-28-2013, 09:49 AM
Simple. There is no side, both of them are wrong and in a little bit of time there wont be any "sides" to pick. There is no "lesser of two evils" killing people is wrong, whether it be 1 or a million. Human life has become cheaper than bullets and any one who buys into it is equally as evil as the enemy they are trying to defeat.

08-28-2013, 03:29 PM
Simple. There is no side, both of them are wrong and in a little bit of time there wont be any "sides" to pick. There is no "lesser of two evils" killing people is wrong, whether it be 1 or a million. Human life has become cheaper than bullets and any one who buys into it is equally as evil as the enemy they are trying to defeat.

Both are "right" as far as they are concerned. It's simply neither support our interests.

News Flash - Most of the World hates us.

Fuck the Haters.

08-28-2013, 08:10 PM
Which one has more oil reserves? They'll get hit first. And it'll cost more than every other economic problem you ever hear as a talking point on the news. Unemployed people need money to get by? Roads need paving? Everybody needs healthcare? Michigan is bankrupt? Tough shit, we need to kill a bunch of Syrian civilians before the "insurgents" get the chance. We spend over seven hundred billion dollars every year on our military. That's more than any other country, and more than the next ten combined.

Detroit is run by stray dogs now, but that's okay, let's bomb Syria.

08-28-2013, 08:44 PM
Eh, fuck getting involved...we can't afford to fire off another 100-200 $1M per, cruise missiles into Syria just for shits and giggles.

But at the same time, I can use another ribbon in my rack for supporting another operation/air campaign to make it even.

08-28-2013, 08:55 PM

08-29-2013, 08:16 PM
I think theres a movie on netflix about that... Iirc "the world with out the US" its about the us pulling out of every country and focus on us.

check out the producer names they are Japanese...

they don't want to spend more bucks to protect their own ass, while china is looking at them cocked eyed.http://24.media.tumblr.com/692da8acb694a2f19d190b4ca17654ec/tumblr_mhr92lD1ne1rdha5eo1_250.gif


Russia says gtfo. british don't want to play. Obama should get the message. lonewolf Leroy Jenkins style ain't gonna work.

08-30-2013, 01:28 PM
lonewolf Leroy Jenkins style ain't gonna work.



word sux
08-31-2013, 06:04 AM
anyone else see the video of the syrian rebel general that we are sending weapons to kills a syrian soldier then cuts out his heart and takes a bite?

yea... thats who I want my tax dollars going to... fucking animal

08-31-2013, 09:48 AM
anyone else see the video of the syrian rebel general that we are sending weapons to kills a syrian soldier then cuts out his heart and takes a bite?

yea... thats who I want my tax dollars going to... fucking animal

You know if I was Asad, I would make a public statement at the US saying "back the fuck out".

Essentially highlighting that the most costly American war ever fought, was our own Civil war - and that a sovereign nation has the right to defend it's self by any means necessary from any threat inside or out. I mean, if 10,000 Americans tried to storm the white house and started shooing at cops and what not in DC... you don't think Obama would have the military gun them down?

Civil Wars - no mater what country or time period are absolutely brutal.

How happy do you think Lincoln would have been if Europe got involved? What if they decided to march on Washington or shell New York because of Sherman's march which left 10's of thousands dead from famine and starvation.

The only real solution is to let them figure it out. Almost every major nation has had some sort of Civil War in order to get everyone on the same page. It's the middle easts tern apparently.


09-01-2013, 11:54 PM
anyone else see the video of the syrian rebel general that we are sending weapons to kills a syrian soldier then cuts out his heart and takes a bite?

yea... thats who I want my tax dollars going to... fucking animal

Kano status lol

You know if I was Asad, I would make a public statement at the US saying "back the fuck out".

Essentially highlighting that the most costly American war ever fought, was our own Civil war - and that a sovereign nation has the right to defend it's self by any means necessary from any threat inside or out. I mean, if 10,000 Americans tried to storm the white house and started shooing at cops and what not in DC... you don't think Obama would have the military gun them down?

Civil Wars - no mater what country or time period are absolutely brutal.

How happy do you think Lincoln would have been if Europe got involved? What if they decided to march on Washington or shell New York because of Sherman's march which left 10's of thousands dead from famine and starvation.

The only real solution is to let them figure it out. Almost every major nation has had some sort of Civil War in order to get everyone on the same page. It's the middle easts tern apparently.


This is very true...

Thats why i think the u.s. has something ells in mind, long term effect. For all we know it could of been us setting up that whole gas madness just so we can step in. what ever reason it is, this is their move like in chess. Its damned if you... damned if you dont?

09-04-2013, 07:24 PM

@ 19:20

09-05-2013, 10:08 PM
why does the great obama want to bomb this place again?

09-06-2013, 08:08 PM
The End of the World - YouTube (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kCpjgl2baLs)

09-07-2013, 09:49 AM
This is pretty much all about the oil; whoever wins the war will get to choose the direction of the pipeline. The Americans, Brits, French, Saudis and Qataris want that pipeline to go one way, and the Iranians and Russians want it to go another. This all depends on what the Syrian government allows by way of a route.

Add in a heaping helping of doing the American thing and helping the "rebels" (who are actually our enemies in two other countries thanks to us helping the "rebels" back in the '70s and '80s) and I don't know how we can lose :ugh:.

Here's a quick question: what are the criteria by which we're picking targets? Are we targeting all short-range missile launch systems capable of carrying a chemical payload? Are we targeting weapons factories or warehouses capable of storing weapons? Are we targeting military bases? Are we targeting the Saudi factories that made the sarin? The Russian factories that made the sarin? I don't see how we can make a sizable dent in Syria's forces without civilian casualties- and then we're not only the aggressor in war upon a sovereign nation but we're killing its civilians and turning the popular sentiment even further against us.

Corbic, go be a war-mongerer somewhere else. This is not our problem; the world's problems have never been our problems. This America, Fuck Yeah theme that runs rampant in those who "serve" the United States is getting real tiring, real quick and shows a distinct lack of intellectual capacity to reason. We don't have the authority to decide who lives and who dies in other countries. My country has, over and over again, reaped the benefits of intervention- shortages in raw materials, shortages in food, shortages in medical supplies, surpluses of wounded and psychologically unstable people, terrorist attacks against us, trade embargoes, rampant political corruption, inflation of our currency and the general hatred that comes with being the bully on the block.

The time has come for us to begin withdrawing our tendrils and start the layoff process of tens of thousands of unnecessary government employees.

As a final note, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" is just about as despotic a statement that has ever been said. It's great if you need to justify stealing or killing, but kinda shit everywhere else. Think it through.

09-07-2013, 06:51 PM

word sux
09-08-2013, 07:37 AM
heres a very good piece by Ben Swann. And people wonder why I am always so mad at our goobermint


09-08-2013, 03:21 PM
Little kid reminds me of chucky

09-08-2013, 05:37 PM

redline racer510
09-08-2013, 07:07 PM
This guy is saying they dropped a barrel of some sort from a helicopter.
Please dont over simplify things, this is not about oil it is about our Ally that happens to be smack dab in the middle of all these arab countries AKA the great democracy lol. We got to protect them and there interests at all costs even if it means destroying our already bad economy and spending millions of tax dollars and American lives. Just imagine all the good that will come from this if we win. "sarcasm".

09-08-2013, 08:58 PM
This guy is saying they dropped a barrel of some sort from a helicopter.
Please dont over simplify things, this is not about oil it is about our Ally that happens to be smack dab in the middle of all these arab countries AKA the great democracy lol. We got to protect them and there interests at all costs even if it means destroying our already bad economy and spending millions of tax dollars and American lives. Just imagine all the good that will come from this if we win. "sarcasm".

I get that you are a closet antisemite and all, but please show me one instance in the last 5-6 years what Obama has done anything but shit on Isreal?

This Syria thing is nothing but an ego trip for him to show the world he has balls and to distract Americans from all the other bullshit.

Fast and Furious
Voter Identification
Gun Control
Gay Marriage
Illegal Appointments
IRS Scandals
Failing School
Core whatever federal school regulations
Shit economy
Social Security
Wiki leaks
Iranian Nukes
Obama Care
Boston Bombers
Voter Fraud
Sequester. ..
On and on

09-09-2013, 06:31 AM
^ This man speaks the truth.

redline racer510
09-09-2013, 10:00 AM
I get that you are a closet antisemite and all, but please show me one instance in the last 5-6 years what Obama has done anything but shit on Isreal?

This Syria thing is nothing but an ego trip for him to show the world he has balls and to distract Americans from all the other bullshit.

Fast and Furious
Voter Identification
Gun Control
Gay Marriage
Illegal Appointments
IRS Scandals
Failing School
Core whatever federal school regulations
Shit economy
Social Security
Wiki leaks
Iranian Nukes
Obama Care
Boston Bombers
Voter Fraud
Sequester. ..
On and on

Closet antisemite,lol let me get you some tissue buddy as I know you've been through a lot lol. How is referring to Isreal as America's top ally antisemitic ? You are getting things mixed up, that is a nice list you put together although you think may seem to be reasons to attack Syria isn't really the true intent. You must have been living with a lampshade over your head since you were born if you think America has been treating Isreal like shit in reality it has been the other way around. Isreal tells America to jump and we say how high. We have been pumping money into Isreal to the tune of billions of dollars every year ever since they occupied Palestine, you must be a closet idiot to think otherwise. If you think that is shitting on Israel than you really do have things mixed up.
How about every war in the middle east has been either directly or indirectly because of an Israeli agenda to do so. Look up Finkelstein on youtube and watch this political genius break it down for you.

09-09-2013, 10:24 AM
How is referring to Isreal as America's top ally antisemitic ?

That's not what you said but nice try at...revision.

You are getting things mixed up, that is a nice list you put together although you think may seem to be reasons to attack Syria isn't really the true intent.

This statement makes no sense.

You must have been living with a lampshade over your head since you were born if you think America has been treating Isreal like shit

Please actually read my post before trying to make attacks. The Obama administration as done everything it could to chastise and ignore Israel in the last 5-6 years. Clearly you've been living under a rock.

in reality it has been the other way around. Isreal tells America to jump and we say how high. We have been pumping money into Isreal to the tune of billions of dollars every year ever since they occupied Palestine, you must be a closet idiot to think otherwise.

This is what makes me call you an antisemite. The US has given billions in aid to lots of people for a long fucking time. There is this thing called "google" check it out as you can find who gets what.

If you think that is shitting on Israel than you really do have things mixed up.

Mubarak got billions of dollars, you gonna tell me Obama didn't take a massive shit on him?

How about every war in the middle east has been either directly or indirectly because of an Israeli agenda to do so. Look up Finkelstein on youtube and watch this political genius break it down for you.

Now who's wearing a tinfoil hat. Better stop posting and hurry up, wouldn't want you to miss your monthly Klan meeting.

redline racer510
09-09-2013, 10:32 AM
I know it is hard to understand but calling people antisemetic and telling people to go to klan meetings is a good rebuttal when all you have to say is a bunch of garbage. Let me guess your favorite sources are fox,cbs,abc,cnn right? BTW dont miss your 700 club monthly donations Pat Robertson is waiting for you in bed.

09-09-2013, 10:50 AM
I know it is hard to understand but calling people antisemetic and telling people to go to klan meetings is a good rebuttal when all you have to say is a bunch of garbage. Let me guess your favorite sources are fox,cbs,abc,cnn right? BTW dont miss your 700 club monthly donations Pat Robertson is waiting for you in bed.

I will interpret this as your resignation to defeat.

redline racer510
09-09-2013, 11:31 AM
I will interpret this as your resignation to defeat.

No, you just don't have anything else good to say except for some more filler and antisemitic this and klan that, I will interpret this as YOUR defeat. Your assumptions with the lack of knowledge to back up anything you say is blatantly obvious in every sentence of your argument. You cant believe that America would spend tens or hundreds of billions of dollars and American lives to distract Americans from gay marriage, Snowden and other social issues. Wow that makes a lot of sense Corbic.Like the U.S. government is afraid to take on any of these issues without first distracting the public, lol that is the perfect reason to go to war with Syria.

09-09-2013, 12:35 PM
No, you just don't have anything else good to say except for some more filler and antisemitic this and klan that, I will interpret this as YOUR defeat.

I called it first. You snooze you lose.

You cant believe that America would spend tens or hundreds of billions of dollars and American lives to distract Americans from gay marriage, Snowden and other social issues. Wow that makes a lot of sense Corbic.Like the U.S. government is afraid to take on any of these issues without first distracting the public, lol that is the perfect reason to go to war with Syria.

So elected polititions would never ever EVAR use war as an excuse to drum up support and draw attention away from other issues..... (which has only happened a billion times, fact)

.....but jews conspiring in a far off land have enough influence to manipulate the US Government to bomb Syria.... so terrorist can take over it and.... (what does Israel get out of this? )


Can someone call the paddy Wagon, apparently redline was not late for his Klan meeting.... He was late to his doctors appointment for his anti-psychotic medication.

redline racer510
09-09-2013, 01:13 PM
I called it first. You snooze you lose.

Haven't done any snoozing nor losing lol.

So elected polititions would never ever EVAR use war as an excuse to drum up support and draw attention away from other issues..... (which has only happened a billion times, fact)

YES. Those same politician are using this war for a different purpose

.....but jews conspiring in a far off land have enough influence to manipulate the US Government to bomb Syria.... so terrorist can take over it and.... (what does Israel get out of this? )

YES.It is a step towards getting rid of Iran which is the only threat left to Israel and at the same time take over the Golan Heights which is a strategic placement for their military. Yes they have a shit ton of influence its called AIPAC(strongest lobbying group in washington) which is working overtime as we speak to make this war happen.Those same "terrorist" have been on our governments paycheck for years they are just a tool for when we need them.


Can someone call the paddy Wagon, apparently redline was not late for his Klan meeting.... He was late to his doctors appointment for his anti-psychotic medication.

Got any Yo mama jokes Corbic or are you done. Don't quit your day job.

word sux
09-10-2013, 06:56 AM
well, this thread went downhill fast.

09-10-2013, 10:23 PM
So el presidente... Putting a hold on the vote? You know he was going to loose that vote...

09-15-2013, 04:05 PM
In la la land...... The us and russia have made a deal on syria.

Mean while back in the real world... Stock piles of chemical weapons are being diverted/moved to a hidden location... Leaving only a few for the dummies.

S12 Drifter
09-29-2013, 12:03 AM
Just saying i was there when anonymous took down the syrian government/military websites. Hahaha fun time.

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