View Full Version : ok so how do i hook up the a/c?

05-10-2004, 08:31 PM
i have an 89 240 w/ an SR20 red-top swap in it, had it for some time, i was told the KA a/c will bolt up to it... i tried every configuration w/ the ka mount, would not work. i remember distinctly hearing someone say at least 2 bolts holt it in... how? where? also the access pullies are on different sides... so someone enlighten me please!

05-10-2004, 09:30 PM
Only the 91+ bolts up with those 2 bolts. You need to make i custom bracket.

05-10-2004, 09:32 PM
well hmm is the A/C the same? or is the A/c different too (basically can i just go to a junk yard and buy the mount w/o the actual a/c?)

05-10-2004, 11:44 PM
i think all the 91-93 a/c components should work for it. that's currently what i'm tyring to do:install sr a/c. it's a PITA!

05-10-2004, 11:46 PM
but i just wanna know if i need the actual compressor too, or if i can get away with just getting the bracket..

05-11-2004, 12:11 AM
i think you need the ar compressor

05-11-2004, 02:13 PM
well i went to the junk yard today, found a 93 auto 240, so im like awesome, then i get the lines disconnected on the A/C and realize fuck, its just like the SR compressor, then i say, maybe the bracket will work... after taking off the compressor, i look at the bracket and again go, FUck, wont work. so then i think for a second, since the lines on this car are the same as the SR, then i will just take off the a/c lines off, which is what i did, i had to cut one of the rubber hoses, and somehow i got through the metal hose w/ a knife and ratchet... so im gonna take the 2 lines to the shop and see what they say...
hopefully its goo...

basically if you have an 89-90 240sx u'r gonna have to work harder to get the a/c to work on it... i will keep this updated if anyone cares...

05-11-2004, 04:51 PM
i do! i'm missing just the lines! tell me how much it costs you! please.

05-11-2004, 05:45 PM
I've got a DOHC in my 1990, so not an SR, but here's what I did to get A/C up and running:

You will need a compressor from a DOHC or SR setup. Apparently the DOHC compressor (which is altogether different from the 1989-90 compressor) will match up 3 of 4 bolts to your SR. Obviously the SR compressor is the better way to go.

Then you will need AC lines (both) from both the 1989-90 setup and the DOHC/SR setup. Reason is that the fittings at the compressor are different, AND the fittings on the firewall are different sizes. In other words, the DOHC/SR lines won't bolt to your a1989/90 firewall. You will then need to visit an A/C shop and have them splice together the 2 sets of A/C lines in order to get the correct match of fittings on both ends.

To refill the coolant, you'll have to change to the current 134a coolant, which means the entire system gets flushed, new rubber fittings on all connections, and a new dryer (silver cylinder device located on passenger side of radiator).

I had a local shop do all this work...cost me about $300 if I remember correct. Beats sweatin' you arse off....

05-11-2004, 09:00 PM
the lines cost me only $25, the two from the dohc...
hopefully my shop will just find a way to hook up the lines i bought instead of customizing other lines...

05-11-2004, 09:20 PM
I made a custom bracket from Home depot parts and JB weld. It cost $2.

05-12-2004, 09:46 AM
My SR came with a R134a compressor (didn't think redtops did, but mine did) Anyway, we just took my original lines and had them welded lengthened shortened etc.... The lines are off of my 89. Now I gotta figure out where the FICD is b/c my car keeps dieing at stoplights....also, the I think my relay is on it's way out b/c the a/c only runs for the first 10-15 mins of driving....

06-26-2004, 01:02 PM
anyone have a finished SR a/c system in an 89-90 s13???

06-26-2004, 02:13 PM
anyone have a finished SR a/c system in an 89-90 s13???

Yes, I have!

06-26-2004, 10:45 PM
yea i did get mine done, they did have to make custom lines anyway, so for all costs including full fill and test, $337 or so... sucks it costs soo much and not the coldest, but it works when i need it

06-27-2004, 02:28 PM
damn....anyone get it for any cheaper so i'm not discouraged???