View Full Version : NY S13 ** Fortune Auto 500 ** Boost Design KA-T T3 Top mount ** Suspension Links **

08-12-2013, 01:24 PM
I will ship everything either UPS or USPS with tracking SAME OR NEXT DAY.

Fortune 500 coilovers for an s13.
Not blown, straight, under 6,000 miles on them.
Only reason I'm getting rid of it is because I upgraded.
SOLD shipped firm.

Boost Design KA-T T3 Ram horn Top mount manifold W/ 2 bolt 38mm wastegate port With matching down pipe.
Last owner did a horrible job porting the manifold and ported a giant hole in the runner. The hole has been since patched New welds needs to be ground down. wastegate dump on downpipe needs to be ported as well. I gave up on it since it will not pair with my turbo. This has been mounted but no exhaust has ever been run through it so essentially this is new.
420 shipped with downpipe

3" 4 Bolt to 3" V-band converter
Comes with a vibrant 3" v-band clamp.

Wicked Tuning
Tension rod
Red (S13/S14)
80 OBO
Rod ends are tight and feels new. Came off the s13 but site says it will work with the s14 chassis as well

Wicked Tuning
Traction rod
Blue (S13/S14/Z32)
80 OBO
These are like new

Wicked Tuning
Tension rod brace
Blue (S13)
Does what a Nismo power brace does. similar to kazama brace

I can work out a package deal as well. Hit me up!

Be a man, buy my shit. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

08-14-2013, 01:57 AM
Bump lots of interest shoot me offers

08-14-2013, 02:11 AM
Interested in the tension rods. Will you do $70 shipped to 18103?

08-14-2013, 02:37 AM
Wat are the spring rates on the coils?

08-14-2013, 06:59 AM
What part of NY are you in?

08-14-2013, 08:17 AM
Lots of interest in the coils
Trod brace is pending

Interested in the tension rods. Will you do $70 shipped to 18103?
[email protected]

Wat are the spring rates on the coils?
Sorry they are 9k front 7k rear

What part of NY are you in?
Im in Brooklyn

08-14-2013, 03:24 PM
bump for legit seller

08-14-2013, 07:51 PM
I'm not here to cause a problem or argument but I fail to see why your coilovers are worth more than $600 + shipping (which doesn't cost THAT much).

Your Fortunes are two models too old and threads used to be black. Seeing as they're grey means that it's loss it's lubricant coating. Though the spring rates aren't off the shelf rates, Fortune doesn't increase price for custom spring rates.

I wouldn't price my own v2 set at $850 shipped and mine has less miles, custom valving, and doesn't look as beat as yours. For your price, a buyer could easily buy a brand new set for $200-300 more with Fortune's revisions for their v4/v5 coilovers.

08-14-2013, 10:38 PM
I'm not here to cause a problem or argument but I fail to see why your coilovers are worth more than $600 + shipping (which doesn't cost THAT much).

Your Fortunes are two models too old and threads used to be black. Seeing as they're grey means that it's loss it's lubricant coating. Though the spring rates aren't off the shelf rates, Fortune doesn't increase price for custom spring rates.

I wouldn't price my own v2 set at $850 shipped and mine has less miles, custom valving, and doesn't look as beat as yours. For your price, a buyer could easily buy a brand new set for $200-300 more with Fortune's revisions for their v4/v5 coilovers.

Honestly I searched before posting and I've been seeing them go for 750-1000 + shipping/shipped. They are a bit dirty from actually driving the car and I didn't have time to clean them. At the end of the day they are not blown or seized in anyway and are in working condition. Although v4/v5 are out with some revisions most won't see any gains for a non track dedicated car and wouldn't justify spending the extra on them. I'm not holding a gun to anyone's head nor was I too much in a hurry to sell them. All in all they were picked up tonight by some cool guys. Thanks for the input though.

08-16-2013, 08:51 AM
Bump bump bump