View Full Version : mechanic horror stories

10-22-2001, 07:47 PM
i needed my catalytic converter replaced and i took it to a local garage called speedy....

the are all over the place in canada, i dont know about the states, anyway i had them put on my muffler a few months prior and it was okay,

they said they just happened to have the right converter in stock so they said it would be an hour an dthe quote was okay too. great i thought

i got it back and drove it all day, then i heard a serious rattle, not just a rattle a deep bumping from the back of the car, not just that, the smell of a fucked converter... i had it go on my crx, but i had stripped the 240 and punched it out months earlier before i had it replaced.

so i take it back, i said maybe the cat was just working itself in, and that would account for the smell since i had not had one in  months. but the rattle?

turns out he converter was wrong and was much smaller than the last one and pulled the muffler back and it was shaking fiercly and hitting part of the undercarriage, they adjusted it and said it was fine.

came back the next day with the same problem, adjusted it again, that is 3 trips in 2 days,

moved away to school and got pulled over on campus because my car reaked, "the cat" the idiotic campus cop said with a dog in my face, drove an hour and a half the next saturday and had them look at it

"no i dont see anything wrong"

well its been 2 months and i still have the rattling though it is seldom, and the cat reaks though again only from time to time, they wont help me i've been there 4 times, i have the reciept still and everthing, im just going to buy a hi-flow in a few days in this pooey town and see how that goes.

10-22-2001, 08:07 PM
go to another shop and have them do it and then turn around go to speedy and give them the bill if they dont wanna pay it call the main office tell them that you have talked to your loyer and this is what he had told you to do and if he had a probe with it to call him
now if  they agree with it and ask for  you loyers name you better get on the phone and call some one

10-22-2001, 09:29 PM
one time, it took dobbs auto tire 7 hours to change my differential fluid and transmission fluid. ever since then, my gears grinded. i need to get redline.

11-23-2001, 01:40 PM
I went to a mechanic with my previous car (mazda protege) and asked him to replace my thermostat. The thermostat I had would not close and my car would stay cool at speeds of 30 and above. Anyway, this guy just took the thermostat out and pushed it closed and put it back into the car. He charged me something crazy for it too. It worked fine for half-a-day and then it was back to its normal operation. Anyway, I bought the parts and did it myself the week later.

11-23-2001, 04:48 PM
hope you paid by credit card....if you did make a phone call and have the charge removed....that will make them fix your car real quick