View Full Version : 50 Cent Sparks Disturbance

05-09-2004, 06:48 PM
So there was this concert like 10mins from my house including g unit, mobb deep among others..To make it short, 50 cent got his chain stolen.

SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS (WWLP) - Rap star 50 Cent brought more than just his music to Springfield's Hippodrome nightclub. Around one o'clock Saturday morning, a large disturbance broke out after the rapper's performance. Two patrons had to be arrested for disorderly conduct during the confusion that eventually took police over an hour to control. Head injuries from broken glass bottles sent two other people to the hospital. Shortly after the incident, a shooting took place nearby on Taylor and Dwight streets that police say is related. The incident is still under investigation and charges could be filed –possibly- even against the rap star.

05-09-2004, 06:53 PM
see what happens when rappers fuck with groupies.... ur shit gets stolen. haha

05-09-2004, 07:42 PM

I hate to sound racist,but everytime there is an african american event like a concert or etc.......It always ends up with a murder,mugging,stabbing,riot.....etc.

*NOTE:Read disclaimer at the top of this post*

05-09-2004, 07:52 PM

I hate to sound racist,but everytime there is an african american event like a concert or etc.......It always ends up with a murder,mugging,stabbing,riot.....etc.

*NOTE:Read disclaimer at the top of this post*

Hate to say it but i agree with you

Also his disclaimer goes for me too.

05-09-2004, 08:12 PM
I DON'T hate to say it, and have said it before, but your disclaimer does nothing to make what you say sound any less racist... Speaking as an african american, I will SOMEWHAT agree with you. I will also add one small word to what you say to make it more accurate;
but everytime there is an african american event like a concert with certain celebrities or etc.......It always ends up with a murder,mugging,stabbing,riot.....etc.
... Look who the show was 50 Cent/G-Unit, Mobb Deep and "others," between them, there have been about 10 albums released, and in between those 10 albums there are COUNTLESS gun/murder/drug/etc... references... You tend to draw what you put out... That being said, I do NOT go to shows put on by such artists, as they draw the thugs who tend to dabble in such behaviors. I always go to Reggae shows in my City and down in Charlotte and I make sure to see The Roots everytime I can, I've seen Talib Kweli and Mos Def live before and other artists who don't subscribe to that overproofed thug bullshit and I have NEVER witnessed a fight/shooting/stabbing at one of those... Now when I went to see Ghostface and Cappadonna back in '99? THOSE motherfuckers were the ones fighting with people form the club INSIDE the club and out in the parking lot afterwards, and shots fired, again it was a product of the particular artist and the environment...

... That being said, your little "disclaimer" means not a fuckin thing if you turn and make an generalization.

05-09-2004, 08:28 PM
every rap concert i have been to has had a fight

05-09-2004, 08:31 PM
even in the university that i go to (not to say which, but it's a tough school), everytime there's a black or latino event, there's always like 2-3 fights, everytime.

05-09-2004, 10:12 PM
*Same disclaimer applies*

A better way to put it:The young african american culture is murder,promiscuity(sp),rodding/theivery,mugging,how one can con or trick another into getting their money,getting drunk/stoned,and parting 24/7.

Its been that way for a while,recently however its just been taken to higher and higher levels,and its way past "old and frustrating"...

05-09-2004, 11:12 PM
who care if they shoot 50....he will survive one more shot.... how many time u have 2 shoot that fooL!

05-09-2004, 11:20 PM
Whenever i say something racist i use this disclaimer:
Not to be racist right now, but im gonna be racist...
Like anyone really cares about you saying your not racist, BECAUSE YOU ARE! Its not like saying "not to be racist BUT" makes it any better. So suck it up, be a man (or woman), and be racist. Or someting, what was i talking about? I know a mexican kid, he shaves his head down except for the front, and then gels the front up in a puff. It reminds me of a poodle, so i can him Poodle head. Does that make me racist? HUH?

05-10-2004, 12:04 AM
it ain't rap concerts that has the monopoly on fights. there are always fights at the v/c clubs around here. even the girls get into it. hmmm, girl fights.

it's not the race but the culture that the participants follow that leads to violence.

05-10-2004, 05:50 AM
*Same disclaimer applies*

A better way to put it:The young african american culture is murder,promiscuity(sp),rodding/theivery,mugging,how one can con or trick another into getting their money,getting drunk/stoned,and parting 24/7.

Its been that way for a while,recently however its just been taken to higher and higher levels,and its way past "old and frustrating"...
Maybe you missed something... A BULLSHIT DISCLAIMER MAKES YOU NO LESS RACIST, IT ACTUALLY SERVES TO HELP YOU LOOK LIKE A RACIST!!! In fact, it makes you look like a racist who doesn't want people to know you have issues with race or are simply in denial with yourself...

it ain't rap concerts that has the monopoly on fights. there are always fights at the v/c clubs around here. even the girls get into it. hmmm, girl fights.

it's not the race but the culture that the participants follow that leads to violence.
I see there is at least ONE person who sees that rap concerts do not have the monopoly on ignorance, there are just as many white kids fighting at rock concerts as there are black kids fighting at rap concerts... Lesbians probably go to see alanis morrisette, old folk may get into tuffles when they go to see burt baccarach, mexicans ALWAYS fight when they are playing there circus music and drinking beer...

05-10-2004, 06:40 AM

I hate to sound racist,but everytime there is an african american event like a concert or etc.......It always ends up with a murder,mugging,stabbing,riot.....etc.

*NOTE:Read disclaimer at the top of this post*

it's people like you that make me ashamed to be HUMAN. grow the hell up and have the balls to state an observation without putting PC flags all over it. also, black people that live in america are not african american. they're AMERICAN, get it right. i feel that using that terminology is more disgraceful than anything. i mean, aside from it being retarded.

with that said: sounds to me like somebody got pissed and smashed a bottle or two over some folks' heads. heh, ever been to a redneck bar?

05-10-2004, 06:49 AM
^^^ Damn... That dude is COOL!!! That was exactly the point I was trying to drive home. I have no problem with admittinbg that I believe in and speak on stereotypes, and I am unremorseful about it. Thing is, I ain't racist, because I hate EVRYBODY, even black people bug the fuck outta me sometimes.

05-10-2004, 09:40 AM
black people that live in america are not african american. they're AMERICAN, get it right. i feel that using that terminology is more disgraceful than anything. i mean, aside from it being retarded.

aren't you wrong there? cuz i am asian and i often refer to all other asians here as asian americans. i don't think calling them african american is incorrect...

05-10-2004, 09:51 AM
aren't you wrong there? cuz i am asian and i often refer to all other asians here as asian americans. i don't think calling them african american is incorrect...
That one is up for debate... Me, as a black man, sees "african american" as someone FROM africa, now living in america, or any of the first generation of their family removed from coming here... Me? I am american, I have been here for all of my damn near 25 years and the same goes for at LEAST the last 3 generations of my family...

05-10-2004, 10:04 AM
well, i cant offer much on this thread, BUT, i can say that i went to Dilated Peoples one time for their recored release. no fights, no guns, just music.

05-10-2004, 11:00 AM
haha, PHLIP learned me about how not to put up disclamers lol...

but yeah, dont tell me that white people werent at that concert, and how many concerts have there been a fight at that were caused by white people? remember the woodstock incident? that was a little more than just a fight, it was a full out riot...its not just blacks that have fights at a concert, its also white people...

05-10-2004, 11:04 AM
Well dilated peoples are a laid back group,, theyre songs are not that aggressive and mostly have meanings to them other than blunts,bitches , and 40z. Springfield is just a grimey city and stuff like this happens here everyday. It is mostly a black and latino population but there are a bunch of crazy white people also,, its not about the skin color but what enviroment you were brought up in..Im shure parts of cali are way worse.

05-10-2004, 11:25 AM
it's people like you that make me ashamed to be HUMAN. grow the hell up and have the balls to state an observation without putting PC flags all over it. also, black people that live in america are not african american. they're AMERICAN, get it right. i feel that using that terminology is more disgraceful than anything. i mean, aside from it being retarded.

with that said: sounds to me like somebody got pissed and smashed a bottle or two over some folks' heads. heh, ever been to a redneck bar?

Tell me to grow up? With or without that disclaimer you still would have tried to bitch me out. What do you want me to refer to them as? Black people? Colored people? What term could I use that wouldn't offend them? I don't want to offend people,I was merely pointing out a fact that 97% of the events that are geared for African Amercians/Black people/colored people end up in major dissarray(sp) . The same percentage of African American/Black people/colored peoples neighborhoods are the worst areas to live in/drive through b/c somebodies always shooting somebody or stabbing somebody. And they are proud of it too.

"Homeboy tripppin but he don't know I got the gun..."

"Let the DA play this motherfuckin tape in court,I aint playin,hear what I'm saying,I aint playin..."

"...somebody jerk you,you can shoot 'em and kill 'em..."


05-10-2004, 11:54 AM
Tell me to grow up? With or without that disclaimer you still would have tried to bitch me out. What do you want me to refer to them as? Black people? Colored people? What term could I use that wouldn't offend them? I don't want to offend people,I was merely pointing out a fact that 97% of the events that are geared for African Amercians/Black people/colored people end up in major dissarray(sp) . The same percentage of African American/Black people/colored peoples neighborhoods are the worst areas to live in/drive through b/c somebodies always shooting somebody or stabbing somebody. And they are proud of it too.

"Homeboy tripppin but he don't know I got the gun..."

"Let the DA play this motherfuckin tape in court,I aint playin,hear what I'm saying,I aint playin..."

"...somebody jerk you,you can shoot 'em and kill 'em..."


i think you're just trying to cover up your racist rhetoric with a lot of fancy talk... just say it man... you hate black people, call me a beaner while you're at it...

05-10-2004, 12:11 PM
i think you're just trying to cover up your racist rhetoric with a lot of fancy talk... just say it man... you hate black people, call me a beaner while you're at it...


05-10-2004, 12:14 PM
well, i cant offer much on this thread, BUT, i can say that i went to Dilated Peoples one time for their recored release. no fights, no guns, just music.
Ex-fuckin-zactly, I said the same thing about the roots and Kweli and other artists of that nature...

05-10-2004, 12:15 PM
Tell me to grow up? With or without that disclaimer you still would have tried to bitch me out. What do you want me to refer to them as? Black people? Colored people? What term could I use that wouldn't offend them? I don't want to offend people,I was merely pointing out a fact that 97% of the events that are geared for African Amercians/Black people/colored people end up in major dissarray(sp) . The same percentage of African American/Black people/colored peoples neighborhoods are the worst areas to live in/drive through b/c somebodies always shooting somebody or stabbing somebody. And they are proud of it too.

"Homeboy tripppin but he don't know I got the gun..."

"Let the DA play this motherfuckin tape in court,I aint playin,hear what I'm saying,I aint playin..."

"...somebody jerk you,you can shoot 'em and kill 'em..."

Disclaimers do very little to hide someone's stance as a racist.

05-10-2004, 02:02 PM
i think you're just trying to cover up your racist rhetoric with a lot of fancy talk... just say it man... you hate black people, call me a beaner while you're at it...

I don't hate black people. Say what you want,think what you want. I was pointing out that the black soceity is too into the "i'ma kill your ass motherfucker" thing. And its getting old. Too many lives are being destroyed because of it....or fucked up because of it.

Would you rather see a 22yo black male going to college,working,having ONE girlfreind instead of fucking every broad in sight,and going somewhere with his life,or a 22yo black male going around shooting people up and baking his brains out with weed every day? The same applies to a white person,or mexican,or whatever.Its just very prevelant(sp) in the black society,and therefore does not suprise me when something like that (original post) happens.

Sure,there is plenty of "positive image artists" that are black on the market today(Black Eyed Peas,Dilated Pupils,etc) but the majority are still 'gimme mah drugs,lemme fuck all da hoes and if you don't like I'll shoot ya ass down!' .

05-10-2004, 02:04 PM
Are you that close minded to think that b/c I pointed out that the trend is that black events end in voilence that you assume I hate black people?

05-10-2004, 02:17 PM
to put it bluntly. yes

05-10-2004, 02:24 PM
Maybe I should start pointing out the problems and negative impact that the current white soceity has? Mexican soceity? etc....

05-10-2004, 02:26 PM
It is mostly a black and latino population but there are a bunch of crazy white people also,, its not about the skin color but what enviroment you were brought up in..

Bing-o. Environment or culture of most mainstream black influences is negative.

05-10-2004, 02:37 PM
Call me a racist all day long. I don't hate black people. Two of my fav. people in the world are black...My fav. music is considered by some as "black music"...I wear "black people" brand clothes....etc.

My fav. CDs are...

50 Cent(yes,50 cent)-Get rich or die trying

Sean Paul-Dutty Rock

Jay-Z-the BLACK album

Ludacris-Chicken and Beer.

Arguing on the internet=dumbest thing since APC.

Why can't we all jus get along :hug:

05-10-2004, 02:55 PM
Are you that close minded to think that b/c I pointed out that the trend is that black events end in voilence that you assume I hate black people?
No, I didn't assume that you hated black people basedupon that, I assumed that you hate black people to have been so ignorant as to generalize in such a manner after using a BS disclaimer, they NEVER work to do anything but heighten everyone's level of tolerance for the forthcoming bullshit....

Maybe I should start pointing out the problems and negative impact that the current white soceity has? Mexican soceity? etc....
Hell, go for it I could go on all month about the problems with black society and come up with educated problems drawn from personal experience, all you have done to this point is generalize. I could go on about whites, mexicans, asians,and any other ethnic group you care to name and the difference is that the only reason I claim to be NOT racist is because I hate everyone equally...

Call me a racist all day long. I don't hate black people. Two of my fav. people in the world are black...My fav. music is considered by some as "black music"...I wear "black people" brand clothes....etc.

My fav. CDs are...

50 Cent(yes,50 cent)-Get rich or die trying

Sean Paul-Dutty Rock

Jay-Z-the BLACK album

Ludacris-Chicken and Beer.

There was this teacher at my high school many years ago that was fired for calling a girl a nigger under his breath, one day a conversation led to which people were and weren't racist and oddly I saw A LOT of what you just said "my best friends are..." "I wear..." "I listen to..." in HIS argument to why he wasn't racist... Maybe you don't realize your racist and refuse to admit it when everone tells you that you are exhibiting yourself to be.

05-10-2004, 02:58 PM
what this thread has become reminds me of another thread I wound up posting quite a bit in, maybe you should check it out... (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=51576)

Hell, parts of it even reminds me of another one we hadquite a bit of fun with (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=51327)

05-10-2004, 03:00 PM
I claim to be NOT racist is because I hate everyone equally...

I do too! The only reason I was talking specifically about the shortcomings in the black soceity is b/c thats what this thread is about. Had it been about Mexicans,Latinos...whatever,I would have talked about THEIR shortcomings.


05-10-2004, 03:09 PM
man, i was just jerkin your chain then you had to go and prove that you actually are racist.

dang... that's gotta suck.

05-10-2004, 07:16 PM
I do too! The only reason I was talking specifically about the shortcomings in the black soceity is b/c thats what this thread is about. Had it been about Mexicans,Latinos...whatever,I would have talked about THEIR shortcomings.

You shouldn't try top agree with me here... I said I am not racist only because I hate everyone not because I don't hate anyone... I guess I am humanist

05-10-2004, 07:36 PM
culturalism is not racism, neither are generalizations.why feel offend when someone says there are usually fights at rap concerts because whenever a large group of black males 16-25 get together at a rap concert that shit happens 9/10 times

now I dont know how many times people get in fights at concerts where white is the predominate race because I havent been to any, but im guessing its the same thing

Black people have big lips, is that racist?

05-10-2004, 07:44 PM
You shouldn't try top agree with me here... I said I am not racist only because I hate everyone not because I don't hate anyone... I guess I am humanist

I don't hate on specific races,or cultures,just on pitfalls in each of them....including my own culture....I have freinds in almost every culture/race. Sorry for the...yeah,the bullshit.

05-10-2004, 08:03 PM
so you admit to feeding us what we want to hear? i think that's all you're doin now, buster.

i got my eye on you...

05-10-2004, 10:32 PM
culturalism is not racism, neither are generalizations.why feel offend when someone says there are usually fights at rap concerts because whenever a large group of black males 16-25 get together at a rap concert that shit happens 9/10 times

now I dont know how many times people get in fights at concerts where white is the predominate race because I havent been to any, but im guessing its the same thing

Culturalism is NOT racism, exactly, it is an UNDERSTANDING of cultural differences, not outright ignorance toward other people and how they live, and it damn sure isn't making a generalization about an entire group based solely upon the actions of the majority of that group. Making uneducated generaliztions like "black people fight when there is an event" is BULLSHIT, the point I'm trying to make... College age white guys drink too got damn much, do hard drugs and fight over bitches when they get together. Mexicans fight over who gets the last beer or whose turn it is with the bilingual white girl when THEY get together. Asian people fight over who stile the stereo and altezzas off of their integra whenever they get together long enough for a car to sit still long enough. Jews get together and wind up fighting over who will get to screw everyone else out of all their money. Trust me, I could go on all day... Are those fair or accurate generalizations? (Well, yes, because I refuse to give enough of a fuck to try and mask with a bullshit disclaimer that I hate the ENTIRE human race. Yes, some black people have big lips, well so do Steven Tyler, Mic Jagger and Angelina Jolie, WHO GIVES A FUCK?!!? The statement "black people have big lips" is racist, and fucking DUMB, but the statement "GODDAMN JAY-Z HAS SOME BIGASS SOUP-COOLERS" is an OBSERVATION, do YOU see the difference? I changed a generalization to an observation and that is the difference between racism and common sense...

05-11-2004, 12:10 AM
I agree with alot of things that Ghettokracker is saying. Call me racist all you want. I have many friends that are of very race and ethnical backgrounds, most would agree with Ghettokracker's points as well.

I personally feel that the black American subculture has gone to hell. When I walk through a store and hear a group of young black male talking about how they got arrested and not saying its a bad thing but showing their buddies the marks the handcuffs left on their wrests and all his buddies saying how cool it is, well thats just stupid. And its not a one time experience, I hear and see things like this all the time . During the school year I live in Macon, Georgia (67% black population and the 8th highest crime rate per capita in the nation) and everyday I see black male as well as black females trying to fall into the image of crime and violence that some cultural standard has set as "cool".

I could care less what color a persons skin is, if they are a bad person or have a bad attitude about life, they are that way regardless of their race. Personally I have seen that more in black people and once you start seeing thing over and over again it no longer becomes an observation but becomes and expectation. Thats were the racism comes from. I sometimes find myself falling into it, I try to avoid it but sometimes its hard. Is the blame and reason for this generalization lay in the group that is makeing observations or the small group that is being observed and carries on activities that makes others see them as a stereotype for the group as a whole? If you keep seeing the bad part of the group, you learn to expect that from the good part of the group as well; doesnt sound good but thats the way it is.

In the end, I think it has been said perfect in the past. "I say we all fuck each other until we are all the same color."

05-11-2004, 06:11 AM
You agree with ghettocracker, then you ALSO need to stop and think about what a minority of the whole race you are actually able to see... I speak of THE WHOLE race, you see what is in your area of Georgia and in the media, he sees what he sees wherever the hell he is and also in the media. I see what is around ME, and I refuse to surround myself with ignorant motherfucks who would do something as stupid as to sit around and brag about their arrest records.

I look around my city and see a buncha rednecks who drive huge trucks which they always seem to position right in the fucking way in traffic, without fail and listen to bullshit music way too loud, they hang out at bars and get in fights over nothing, I see them in hooters and they get drunk and progressively louder, then they think they have a sporting chance at bagging a hooters waitress and act out when she HAS to serve someone else. They do stupid shit on weekends that usually sees one or more of them at a time physically injured, they work landscaping/construction/ miscellaneous vocational jobs and STINK in the grocery store in the early afternoons...

That, ladies and gentlemen, is rednecks from the mind of PHLIP.

That is the rednecks I SEE, but I cannot honestly say that these generalizations apply to all southern blue collar-type males, because I don't see nor have I come into contact with all southern blue collar males. I STILL say that you are out of line in this case, in trying to justify how "everytime there is an african american event like a concert or etc.......It always ends up with a murder,mugging,stabbing,riot.....etc" is not to be seen as a racist statement and trying without end to justify how you should not be seen as racist with MORE sweet talking bull is not helping.

05-11-2004, 06:35 AM
my cousin is in the black panthers... you're goin down punk!


05-11-2004, 10:17 AM
You agree with ghettocracker, then you ALSO need to stop and think about what a minority of the whole race you are actually able to see... I speak of THE WHOLE race, you see what is in your area of Georgia and in the media, he sees what he sees wherever the hell he is and also in the media. I see what is around ME, and I refuse to surround myself with ignorant motherfucks who would do something as stupid as to sit around and brag about their arrest records.

I look around my city and see a buncha rednecks who drive huge trucks which they always seem to position right in the fucking way in traffic, without fail and listen to bullshit music way too loud, they hang out at bars and get in fights over nothing, I see them in hooters and they get drunk and progressively louder, then they think they have a sporting chance at bagging a hooters waitress and act out when she HAS to serve someone else. They do stupid shit on weekends that usually sees one or more of them at a time physically injured, they work landscaping/construction/ miscellaneous vocational jobs and STINK in the grocery store in the early afternoons...

That, ladies and gentlemen, is rednecks from the mind of PHLIP.

That is the rednecks I SEE, but I cannot honestly say that these generalizations apply to all southern blue collar-type males, because I don't see nor have I come into contact with all southern blue collar males. I STILL say that you are out of line in this case, in trying to justify how "everytime there is an african american event like a concert or etc.......It always ends up with a murder,mugging,stabbing,riot.....etc" is not to be seen as a racist statement and trying without end to justify how you should not be seen as racist with MORE sweet talking bull is not helping.

The topic is not "rednecks spark disturbance.." its "50 cent sparks..." therefore talking about african amercian people,events and culture.

BiluMaster K's
05-11-2004, 10:26 AM
who cares

simple: live like a thug , DIE like a thug...its just a matter of time

05-11-2004, 10:36 AM
hah hah....true,that goes for any race/culture

05-11-2004, 02:13 PM
cant we all just get along?????

05-11-2004, 02:19 PM
We just started to....I think??

05-11-2004, 02:31 PM
No we aren't, I just remembered how much I hate rednecks.

05-11-2004, 02:36 PM
Well,I'm not a redneck by any stretch of the imagination.

05-11-2004, 02:40 PM
I didn't say I realized how much I hate ghettocracker, I don't hate you...

... yet

05-11-2004, 04:17 PM
who said you were a redneck?

got guilt?