View Full Version : What is a good Mod Chip for PS2?

05-08-2004, 05:28 PM
So I have searched and searched and cant determine what makes a good mod chip. I need one for my PS2, id rather not weld anything but if it has to be done then thats cool. There is the Swap Magic 2/3 software that will let you swap discs like you could on the eraly model PS1's. Anyways, please educate me on Mod Chips, I gots lots of games to play!

05-08-2004, 05:47 PM
Last year when i first got my ps2, i ordered a Magic 3 mod chip, I fucked it up tryin to solder the wires to it (got too hot and broke the leads off). It looked really hard tho, ever see teh solder points on teh PS2 that your suppose to solder to?? freaky. THen later I ordered a no solder mod chip, all it does is allow you to open the cd tray wihtout the ps2 knowing it, thats where you use a swap disc. Swap disc works for alot of games, except DVD9 protected games. I have Drift Champ (imported) that I cant play, never played, so i wasted money right there( i think it was 60 when I ordered it).

I think DMC3 or DM3 whatever its called is a pretty good chip from what I remember, you could update the bios on it. but I dont really care about playin on the ps2 anymore, I dont have that kind of money anymore to play with it.

05-08-2004, 05:59 PM
Hey Mark-

Its funny cuz I did a lot of research before I came to a decision on this myself. Anyways, the DM3 chips are great because one can still go online w/ the network adapter/hard drive combo, something that other chips are still trying to figure out.

As for myself, being the idiot with no electronics skills or soldering, I went with the swap disc method. Its cheap and easy and technically stock so you can still play EA games (EA built an ability to sense mod's in a PS and refuse to boot up) I think I paid $45 shipped for the flip-top case and swap magic discs. Even managed to have a friend acquire GT4: Prologue, Battle Gear 3, and Initial D. They work, and no problems.

(Purests will give me crap that I should put a chip in there, but I decided that I eventually want to go online and will buy certain games and I can also play EA games)

I dunno about the ability to play PS1 games using swap magic... I'll try it out and get back to you. :cool:

Easiest install I ever did....



05-08-2004, 07:12 PM
yup thats what i got, cheap and easy, but i got black isntead, thats a really nasty blue to go ontop of the ps2

05-08-2004, 08:00 PM
magic 3.6 is wut i have.... i know its a magic just 4get the number... but it works great...i NEVER glitched

05-08-2004, 08:31 PM
Does any good web site were i can get the flip top case and swap discs.

05-08-2004, 10:28 PM
Does this swap disc method work with copied/downloaded games? Or are they just for imported games?

05-08-2004, 10:28 PM

they have a great installation write up to. hey west im in the same situation to. i was think about getting the flip case and the swap magic 3.2. id be able to play most japanese games write. because some come with the swap magic 3.2 and the slide card so i dont know

05-09-2004, 03:36 AM
Does this swap disc method work with copied/downloaded games? Or are they just for imported games?

All games.... I won't say anything else. Should you come across a game that doesn't load up, there are ways around it.... like

Swap Magic Fix (http://www.swapmagicfix.com)

yup thats what i got, cheap and easy, but i got black isntead, thats a really nasty blue to go ontop of the ps2

I wanted a matching black one but that's all the had. I don't mind, I bought the PS2 for $35 as a test to see if I could get it to work and atleast I can tell which is which from a distance. :)

I don't mind the blue, atleast its better than the white one out there.

'91 240sx coupe

05-09-2004, 02:06 PM
will the japanese versions of the PS2 play US games? cause i can buy a japanese PS2 (WHITE :) ) but before i do i wasnt sure about this.

05-09-2004, 11:08 PM
The Jap Version has the same operation as the US PS2. It just has the ability to play CD-R's. So yes...
My buddy has a Jap Verzion. Works awesome! Only thing now is that he needs to learn how to read Japanese...O well