View Full Version : Tire-Easy.com

07-24-2013, 01:52 PM
I wanted to write a review and give my personal experience with Tire-Easy.com just in case someone was thinking about ordering tires from them.
So here we go...

For a upcoming drifting event, I needed tires and decided to try out the Achilles ATR Sport tires instead of my usual Kenda Kraiser tires that I use. So I did a simple Google search and found the Achilles tires for about $78 a tire on Tire-Easy.com, thinking that they were a good price and should arrive in time for the event. I placed my order 2 weeks before the event so I knew that I would have everything ready before the event. So when my tires finally arrived, I only received 3 tires. Typically when tires are shipped, they are shipped in pairs and I found this strange. I immediately called Tire-Easy.com and they let me know that there going to be a second delivery will be coming the following day, which would be the 4th tire. Well the next day, the tire did not show up. I called Tire-Easy.com again letting them know that my tire was not delivered, in which they told me that the would be delivered the next day. I asked for the tracking number and they sent me the tracking number so I could follow up on the delivery status of my 4th tire.

After two days passed from the original delivery date, I decided to call UPS and see if they knew any update on my 4th tire. Go to find out that the tire was lost and they did not know where the tire was. So I called Tire-Easy.com, letting them know that the tire was lost and I needed either a new tire shipped before the end of the following week or a refund. They insisted to tell me that the package was not lost and that it would be delivered at the end of the day. I then called UPS back to see what further action I needed to take in order to get my tire. UPS told me to contact Tire-Easy.com and let them call UPS so they could file a investigation on the lost tire. I then called Tire-Easy.com back so they could start the investigation. When I called them this time, they told me that the package was scheduled to be delivered at the end of the day, even though UPS told me that the tire was lost and the only reason that the tracking info kept saying that the tire was going to be delivered at the end of the day was because of a glitch in the tracking system when the tire got lost. I told Tire-Easy.com to open an investigation with UPS so I could get the tire I needed or a refund. I was told that the had begun and I should I hear something within 24 hours.

The next day rolled around and I had yet to hear anything so of course, I called Tire-Easy.com. When I spoke to this representative, they told me that there wasn't an investigation open yet. I couldn't believe that they would lie to me. I was furious :mad:. I spoke to the manager and he said told me again that the tracking info said that it would be delivered at the end of the day even thought I had been waiting for a week for this delivery to happen even when UPS told me that the tire was lost. I told them I needed a refund. The manager told me that if the tire wasn't delivered at the end of the day that I would get my refund. Well guess what, the tire wasn't delivered.:bash: So i called Tire-Easy.com again and they told me that the investigation was launch and I would get my refund in 48 hours. Well today is 48 hours later and I never got my refund. I called Tire-Easy.com once again to see where my refund was and they told me that the refund wasn't issued yet but will be filed today and I should receive my refund on Friday. Also the representative said that the refund was for 2 tires because Tire-Easy.com thinks that the second shipment is for 2 tires and not the 1 tire I have been complaining about for the past week. :loco:

So what can you take away from this? Well for me, Tire-Easy.com lied to me about filing the investigation and refund for my lost tire. They never understood the UPS tracking system glitch (even though I explained the situation everytime I called them) because they were just using the tracking number to see when my tire was suppose to arrive and relaying that information to me, even though I knew more about the situation than they did. Finally, their customer service is by far the worse I have ever dealt with. Sure they might have good prices but if your order doesn't work out, you have to jump through hoops just to get what you want to solve the situation.

Thanks for reading my rant and I hope it helps someone.

07-26-2013, 08:39 AM
Knock on wood, I've only really had one slight hiccup with them.

So I order 4x tires,
2x Achilles ATR Sport
2x Federal 595SS for a drift event. Similar situation, the tracking was weird, one set came before the other, and I went to the event without the Achilles. I did wait way too close to the event to order them, but I have ordered from them in the past and they have been quick. The sites interface is really crappy, and they are located in the UK I believe, which isn't a problem but the customer service can't do much to help as they are on the other side of the world. I thought mine got lost, but I came home after work and they were there one day.

I have ordered probably 5 times from them and always received the tires, in full, at some point. I would still continue to buy from them due to the cheap prices.

They come packaged with the big metal straps, so IDK how one got lost? I would still give them a decent rating, just due to the price.