View Full Version : Nibras

07-24-2013, 08:57 AM
In April, I came across a post for a vh45de swap. My boyfriend talked to him to try to arrange a pickup. after a few days of messaging him, and getting no response we dropped it. figured he had sold to someone else.
Last week, Nibras PMs us saying its available again, and how he wrecked his daily so he needs the money. we get the money together and tried to arrange to pick it up. we were told that someone else was coming to look at it, and that if we wanted it we needed to come up before saturday. so we decided we could come up wednesday.
http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u571/cupcakemechanic/nibrastext1_zps7a4e75a5.png (http://s1322.photobucket.com/user/cupcakemechanic/media/nibrastext1_zps7a4e75a5.png.html)
http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u571/cupcakemechanic/nibrastext2_zps105c3a25.png (http://s1322.photobucket.com/user/cupcakemechanic/media/nibrastext2_zps105c3a25.png.html)

this is the part of the conversation..
after that, he just went silent. didnt respond to a pm, text or phone call.

but when someone else messaged him about the swap, it was still available, even though technically a buyer was lined up and waiting to hear from him..

http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u571/cupcakemechanic/nibraspm_zps0b37f20c.png (http://s1322.photobucket.com/user/cupcakemechanic/media/nibraspm_zps0b37f20c.png.html)

i asked him if i could come up tomorrow(wednesday, same day that boyfriend had arranged to pick up), and was told that he was busy, i could come saturday. basically, the opposite or what he told my boyfriend..

I pmed him and called him out on everything hes said to the two of us, and asked why he gave us the run around, if i get an answer and he can clear up this whole mess, I'll change this post, but until then, this kids a jerk.

Long story short, this kid is flakey, and shady. not really sure why hes wasting his time and everyone elses.