View Full Version : I hate the Media

05-06-2004, 05:09 PM
How quickly we forget what they did to 4 American soldiers. The "torture" that a handful of Americans committed against Iraqi POW's would be laughed upon by the Iraqis. In fact, i bet Iraqis arent even as upset about the "torture" as you wimps. Saddam would have put the smack down on his POW's. This is war people, not daycare.

05-06-2004, 05:12 PM
i hate the media too....
im studying it at school and realized media is a HUGE part of our social lives...

also if yoru interested pick up the book "You are Being Lied To..." i beleive the author is Paul Kick?

05-06-2004, 05:47 PM
ya, but as American soldiers your suppose to uphold yourself to a higher standard. now i havent read a whole lot from main stream media, since as heartwork said, its a HUGE part of our lives, but from what I gather its just another fucked up thing that is a result of war.

05-06-2004, 06:44 PM
The reason they make a deal about it, is because the US follows the geneva convetion rules of war.

Also being in the USMC myself and being born in Iraq, I did find it very disturbing. I understand it sucks over there, and I'm set to go back there in a little bit for the first time since I was born there. No excuse to lower our standerds, Vietnam is over.

05-06-2004, 07:10 PM
i agree. this is wrong, and i by no means condone it, but its simply not even close to torture. sure, its embarassing, but i want to know where the outrage of the american people was when their insurgents killed 4 of our innocent civilians, burnt their bodies, paraded them around town, and hung their severed bodies up on a bridge.
and since i know that this will quickly turn into one of those "this war is a horrible thing" threads, here's some facts for you directly from one of our soldiers.

"* Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations.
* School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.
* Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of the weapons stored
there so education can occur.
* The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be off-loaded from
* The country had its first 2 billion barrel export of oil in August.
* Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water for the first time
ever in Iraq.
* The country now receives 2 times the electrical power it did before
the war.
* 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed, compared to 35%
before the war.
* Elections are taking place in every major city, and city councils are
in place.
* Sewer and water lines are installed in every major city.
* Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.
* Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are securing the country.
* Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the streets side by side
with US soldiers.
* Over 400,000 people have telephones for the first time ever.
* Students are taught field sanitation and hand washing techniques to
prevent the spread of germs.
* An interim constitution has been signed.
* Girls are allowed to attend school.
* Textbooks that don't mention Saddam are in the schools for the first
time in 30 years.

Don't believe for one second that these people do not want us there. I have met many, many people from Iraq that want us there, and in a bad way. They say they will never see the freedoms we talk about but they hope their children will. We are doing a good job in Iraq and I challenge anyone, anywhere to dispute me on these facts. So If you happen to run into John Kerry, be sure to give him my email address and send him to Denison, Iowa. This soldier will set him straight. If you are like me and very disgusted with how this period of rebuilding has been portrayed, email this to a friend and let them now there are good things happening.

Ray Reynolds, SFC
Iowa Army National Guard
234th Signal Battalion "

strange that the media doesnt report that

05-06-2004, 08:02 PM
strange that the media doesnt report that
I guess you haven't heard the ol' American news media mantra before: "If it bleeds, it leads."

If you want non-retarded news you have to watch non-US news broadcasts, or read a good newspaper.

05-06-2004, 08:26 PM
I guess you haven't heard the ol' American news media mantra before: "If it bleeds, it leads."

If you want non-retarded news you have to watch non-US news broadcasts, or read a good newspaper.
i listen to the radio. serves my purposes.
but youve got a point, people only wanna hear the bad news.

05-06-2004, 08:28 PM
The media doesn't report all those "facts" because they're mostly false.


The country is still in a whole mess of turmoil right now.

What insurgents did to our civilians in Fallujah does not justify cruel and unusual punishment from our military.

05-06-2004, 08:54 PM
i don't see a problem. sure, it's not something i'd do but i can't blame our boys and girls for havin some fun with the jerkoffs.

i just wish everyone in this country would quit being a bunch of pussies and see that taking up for the bad guys isn't a very good idea.

05-06-2004, 10:04 PM
What insurgents did to our civilians in Fallujah does not justify cruel and unusual punishment from our military.
i never said it justified it. i also said what our soldiers did is wrong, but you must understand that its only a handful of our soldiers that are acting up like that. all im saying is that theres been far more outrage about how a handful of our reservists embarassed some of their POWs than when their insurgents murdered and paraded around the bodies of our civilians. to me, that is just sickening.

drift freaq
05-06-2004, 10:28 PM
i don't see a problem. sure, it's not something i'd do but i can't blame our boys and girls for havin some fun with the jerkoffs.

i just wish everyone in this country would quit being a bunch of pussies and see that taking up for the bad guys isn't a very good idea.

I am sorry but you seem to be missing the bigger picture here. Regardless of how harmless it appears to you or any of us. Two wrongs do not make a right . The end does not justify the means. Anytime you start subscribing to the above stated attitudes you slip into a state of moral decline and justification.

Now I know we are all human and bound to make mistakes but the U.S. already had made a big mistake going into Iraq based on assumptions rather than hard facts already. Yes Saddam was despot and yes he suppressed his people it still did not give us the right to go in the first place. This is not the Gulf war in early 90's.
Now given that we have made one big political mistake by going in in the first place, how do you think it looks to the rest of the world? To see these soldiers being idiots and fuck ups and doing something that makes the U.S. look like the worlds largest hypocrite?
We are supposed to be freeing those people from a torturing tryant, yet here are some of our soldiers are doing the same type of thing to a lesser degree!
Boy thats real bright .
We speak of freedom and treating people right but here are these dumb ass soldiers making us look like assholes on the world stage. It sickens me.
I am not against our military or our country but I am against stupid presidents who put their own petty agenda's i.e. completing daddy's unfinished business before more important pertinant issues i.e. finding bin laden and finishing up in afghanistan . Where by the way we had a perfect right to go in.
This whole mess has put our country in the worst politcal foreign policy state ever. We will be spending decades of correcting our foreign policy to make up for the this political gaff the current adminstration has put us into on the world stage. Do you realize the world hates the U.S. more than ever before because of Bush and now these idiots add insult to injury.
:mad: fucked up thats all I have to add its fucked up and our children will still be reaping the consequences from when we are old and feeble.
this is coming from a normally optimistic person.

05-06-2004, 10:37 PM
i don't see a problem. sure, it's not something i'd do but i can't blame our boys and girls for havin some fun with the jerkoffs.

i just wish everyone in this country would quit being a bunch of pussies and see that taking up for the bad guys isn't a very good idea.

The media is blowing it way out of proportion too. If it wasnt blown up so bad, the president wouldnt and shouldnt even have to talk about it . The same night that they paraded around dead american soldiers, we should have swept the town clean and moved on. There really should be no chance for POW to get treated like this but the fact that it happened...so what? I'm not ashamed of the fact, but rather how the situation is handled. To be honest, if i was over there right now, i wouldnt give a flying fuck about human life. i would be on a murderous rampage. To send our troops there and then have them patrol cities where they dont know who the enemy is.. holy shit. i wish i caught one of those little fuckin kids the adults send out that try to shoot or blow up/sabatoge americans, i would fuckin boil them alive, but limb by limb so it would last longer and video tape it all, put it on the news and say ....THIS is "torture" bitches!!! Saddam is probably laughing in his holding cell right now

05-07-2004, 12:48 AM
Iraq isn't that much better, except for the fact so damn insane is out. I know alot of family and friends there, that know how it really is. Alot of people want us out.

I'm not in a position to judge anyone or anything, I just hope I can help my people when I go there.

05-07-2004, 07:07 AM
The mainstream media is worthless. They are so one sided it's not even funny. If you ever watch them talk about debates, politics and elections, you can plainly see who they want to win. Do you remember that speech Pres. Bush gave and that kid fell asleep? Ever news channel had some "breaking news" story about it. :confused: Does the media ever tell you the good things that are happening in Iraq, if it's big and american soldiers died doing it, then yes, otherwise NO. The reason they call it torture is b/c they hate Bush and want him out of the office. They make just about every attempt to bash Bush without making it obvious to the average American.
Anyway, I guess it's somewhat understandable although they claim it to be untrue. People have opinions and are inclined to share them regardless if they say they are neutral or not....

05-07-2004, 09:09 AM
The media doesn't report all those "facts" because they're mostly false.

Well, there's plenty of "facts", half-"facts", and hyperbole to go around on all sides. It's an election year and everything is politicized to extremes. I'd like to think that people have enough sense to not buy into the "all good" or "all bad" political marketing, but they don't. Truth is, most of the people around me that argue so passionately one way or the other don't even know who their representatives are without looking it up. For the most part, ideology is worn like fashion in this country.

05-07-2004, 10:11 AM
The reason they make a deal about it, is because the US follows the geneva convetion rules of war.

really? was that followed when they droped banned pin-bombs on Faluja? :squintd:

05-07-2004, 10:53 AM
jesus. american public doesn't know 98% of what really goes on. anybody think America is nice to people? No. you think Amercai plays by the rules? No. you think America doesn't torture people? No.
Media is incredibly biased and controlled by the government. we are on a huge downward spiral.
all we do is get into other countries' business. somehow, the US government thinks that it is the supreme judge of what other people do. "oh countryX is having some political problems, let's go tear shit up and set up some good ol' US democracy"

another thing - somebody posted a bunch of facts for things that IRAQ has now, that they didnt before. who the fuck is paying for all that? i'm sure all we need to do is spend more and more money on a country other than ours. how much money has George W. put into this war? billions and billions. it is fucking ridiculous.
i hate this whole war. i hope i can move out of this country someday soon before we get royally fucked.

BiluMaster K's
05-07-2004, 10:54 AM
good notions, sorry to butt in,

If the world can't forgive our country ,the home of a few soldiers got carried away(no deaths<that is most likely wrong>),
Then how in the hell do they expect us to forgive Arab countries, home of terrorists(kills innocents like cowards).

Why are we still not mad about that? Why are we not shoving that down they're cry-baby throats? Those prisoners should be glad we have them, they got it easy

If you belive in leadership through example, those "enraged" arab nations want us to hold all of them in a shameful light and make top leadership accountable as well. Remeber, they kill innocent, we take photos....no contest


05-07-2004, 11:03 AM
in other words, you are trying to say all arabs are terrorists; Islam encourages terrorism and killing of the unbelievers. Its just like saying all all mexicans or blacks are drug dealers and gangsters. or whatever. its absurd. its WRONG. Have a seat student, thats an F. :bash:

Political absurd, called foreign policy of this country, gone to shit long time ago. check the other thread about Iraq we had couple weeks prior to this. :blah:

05-07-2004, 11:36 AM
in other words, you are trying to say all arabs are terrorists; Islam encourages terrorism and killing of the unbelievers. Its just like saying all all mexicans or blacks are drug dealers and gangsters. or whatever. its absurd. its WRONG.

no it isn't. there isn't a book that teaches blacks and mexicans to be drug dealers, that is a learned environmental thing. seriously, the stuff is in there, i've read some of it. any religion that teaches conversion or death is wrong i don't care how many virgins they promise in their fabled afterlife. you're trying to equate observations of their culture and what we've been told by them with racism? THAT is wrong my friend.

I am sorry but you seem to be missing the bigger picture here. Regardless of how harmless it appears to you or any of us. Two wrongs do not make a right . The end does not justify the means.

that's crap too. I'm mising the big picture? i believe that punishment is due for the those that trample other's rights. once you start down a road that shows no compassion for innocence you forsake any claim to any compassion i would have shown.

its people like you that point this out and HELP other countries have something to gripe at us about. it isn't THAT big of a deal but it's the top story in our freaking nation. it just pisses me off when i see so many self proclaimed patriots waving flags then talking this much trash because it's something to gripe about.

where are all the flag waving douches that wanted vengeance after 9/11 now? hiding under the skirts of bleeding heart liberal jerkoffs, i bet. :rl:

05-07-2004, 12:21 PM
The principles that this country was founded on are the same ones those weekend warrors failed to live by. The US has always tried to set the international stand regarding human rights, but it only take one retard to mess that up. Now those idiots just made everybody elses job over there harder and are probably going to cost some soldiers their lives.

05-07-2004, 04:52 PM
don't let the AMERICAN media off the hook so easily. without their constant distortion of facts and blankets of negativity we'd probably know what the hell is actually goin on over there.

05-07-2004, 05:08 PM
i listen to the radio. serves my purposes.
but youve got a point, people only wanna hear the bad news.
I don't..I can careless about wars..I'd rather hear about other things.

05-07-2004, 05:49 PM
i can't believe it's STILL on the news.

matic 240sx
05-09-2004, 02:13 AM
some things for the few of you who think we are fucking up... first i hate how so many people have such a problem with what we do and why we do it, like "we should have never of gone to iraq because we didnt have a good reason or hard facts"... you think that YOU know all the reasons why our president did what he did? are you fucking crazy? you think he just jumped on this? there is so many reason and facts why they needed to do this that the news doesn't know. They give u what they give u because they can't just go in and do it without saying they are going to.. I can never get over how Bob that works at the 7 11 can make better decisions than our government.. that just blows my mind.. Everyone thinks that the president just wakes up and says hey do this.. no.. why? because he can't.. This is someone that a group of highly qualified people decided on.. There is many reason why we did this and as everyone knows he was on his way to being the next hitler so i dont see why that was an issue anyway... And the money thing... Yea we need things fixed here but so you have 600 in the bank and your friend is broke because he just can't help it and can hardly eat OR have clean water OR go to school OR get medical attention... but nah your fucking house needs some paint..

05-09-2004, 02:37 AM
you think that YOU know all the reasons why our president did what he did? are you fucking crazy? you think he just jumped on this? there is so many reason and facts why they needed to do this that the news doesn't know. They give u what they give u because they can't just go in and do it without saying they are going to.. I can never get over how Bob that works at the 7 11 can make better decisions than our government.. that just blows my mind.. Everyone thinks that the president just wakes up and says hey do this.. no.. why? because he can't.. This is someone that a group of highly qualified people decided on.. There is many reason why we did this and as everyone knows he was on his way to being the next hitler so i dont see why that was an issue anyway...
Fill me in then, oh great one, what WERE the reasons? And while you are at it, go ahead and tell me what it was about the reasonings that made them a cause for such a clandestine effort and how the reasoning can make up for all the misinformation that comes to light... Now to address your "on his way to being the next hitler" comment, I would ask how many non-jews living in Germany did Hitler kill, how many concentration camps did Saddam have?

Bill Roberts
05-09-2004, 10:24 AM
I think it is notworthy the the US has not had another 9/11 event unfold since we took action. Also, those who believe the media are pawns in a picture that is much larger than anything that is recognizable. The Media want this country to go down the tubes. They are doing a damn good job with those who believe them. Is it the "right thing to do" to liberate peoples of tyranny? Can we justify these 3 wars? Yep, their are 3 wars being waged. The media only wants you to know of two of them.

We are winning all 3., the 3rd war is being fought on our shores.

If Kerry is elected, the country as we know it and all the beliefs and everyone who has fought and died for freedom, is all in vain. Communism does not work. Socialism is a "dream state" ideal. This country was not founded on either. Russia proved it does not work.

Yep, the Media and Kerry are Socialist/Communist in their belief systems. Is that what you really want? I say NO.

05-09-2004, 10:50 AM
Good one, Mr. Roberts, I was actually going to go into conversation on socialism and how close that is to communism and how it has (Germany BEFORE Hitler went apeshit) and hasn't (Russia) worked... Socialism is a beautiful thing that will unfortunately never work, seeing as how human nature pushes us all toward capital thinking, and we can't help or consciously change it, nor would many in a better position that others want to... I will, however, offer a difference in opinion with you on the fact that we have not had another 9/11-tyoe event take place since military action began. I don't think that military action has presented that, I think that it is the combination of heightened parranoia stateside, profiling arab-looking people in airports and scrutinizing them outside of them, "no fly" lists and shit. Now take a second to think that no one would, in the wake of 9/11, try and exact another terrorist attack of that magnitude because the element of surprise has been removed, now everyone is sitting and waiting for SOMETHING to happen... I for one don't buy that "terror level..." BS, I don't feel any less secure in my own home on 05/09/04 than I did on 09/10/01, because I just don't see the threat of terrorist action.

05-09-2004, 11:35 AM
I think it is notworthy the the US has not had another 9/11 event unfold since we took action. Also, those who believe the media are pawns in a picture that is much larger than anything that is recognizable. The Media want this country to go down the tubes. They are doing a damn good job with those who believe them. Is it the "right thing to do" to liberate peoples of tyranny? Can we justify these 3 wars? Yep, their are 3 wars being waged. The media only wants you to know of two of them.

We are winning all 3., the 3rd war is being fought on our shores.

If Kerry is elected, the country as we know it and all the beliefs and everyone who has fought and died for freedom, is all in vain. Communism does not work. Socialism is a "dream state" ideal. This country was not founded on either. Russia proved it does not work.

Yep, the Media and Kerry are Socialist/Communist in their belief systems. Is that what you really want? I say NO.
i agree 100%

05-09-2004, 04:23 PM
not really on the topic of the war, but I think if you can control media, you can control lives, look how bad our own society is, teens having kids cuz they saw sex on tv, more people become more individual and rebal againts stuff. etc. Birth rate its rapping the death rate, about 50% of people that choose thier spouse to get married end up in divorce, etc. SOo many more people are into cars now cuz they saw a cool lifestyle deplicted in media etc. I jus think we got our own problems as well. being an individual, I dont want to contribute to those problems.

I dont think back in WWII when a US solder would kill someone, they would say "Yah Bitch I got yah ass!!" I can just imagine someone today saying that..