View Full Version : Getting a Bee R rev / Power Builder to work with a KA24e

07-23-2013, 06:17 PM
Hello everyone!

I recently bought a Bee R rev limiter from a friend and I will be installing it once I finish my KA24e-T ordeal. My issue is finding solid information on how to go about properly installing. I've read about a couple different issues such as the light going off but no 'limiting."

I know there's diagrams and bountiful info for the KA24DE but through using Google, this site, and KA-T.org I come up short. I just keep finding threads unanswered or old ones saying it worked out but never explained how.

So anyone here have experience with successfully wiring a Bee R rev limiter to their KA24e / KA24e-T? If so what did you wire to what to make it function correctly?


07-23-2013, 07:18 PM
Bee-R Rev limiter fitting guide (http://www.driftworks.com/forum/faq-new-members-please-read/76001-bee-r-rev-limiter-fitting-guide.html)

07-23-2013, 07:50 PM
Not really what I asked for.