View Full Version : WTB S13 zenki Front Aero. VA Area

07-17-2013, 04:07 PM
As the title says, I need a new S13 front aero.

I'm looking for a replacement of mine(its missing large chunks now).
Within reason, used, scratch 'n' dent, etc items will be seriously considered.
Not worried about paint color, zip tie holes, etc.

This is my current one. (https://plus.google.com/photos/111610960364495138537/albums/5901708147321172689?authkey=CN2wh-6yrv326gE)

Hoping somebody out there had one, and did a front conversion, and wants to unload it.

Thanks! Let me know what you got!


07-17-2013, 07:22 PM
Hey man I have front and rear bumpers for $50 picked up (for both!) in 24450.Here are pics. I also have 180sx side skirts but they are $300.

http://i575.photobucket.com/albums/ss191/okasafa/IMG_3896_zps1b86ba8e.jpg (http://s575.photobucket.com/user/okasafa/media/IMG_3896_zps1b86ba8e.jpg.html)

http://i575.photobucket.com/albums/ss191/okasafa/IMG_3897_zpsb2574726.jpg (http://s575.photobucket.com/user/okasafa/media/IMG_3897_zpsb2574726.jpg.html)

07-17-2013, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the quick reply man!

I'm really looking for a body kit style front aero. I've found a few stock front bumpers locally. But, if you know anyone in your area that might be thinking about getting rid of their body kit, please point them in my direction!

I'd consider a complete body kit as well.
