View Full Version : Requirements for drifting at Willow springs?

07-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Is it a 1 time a year fee? or a membership or what?

can you go any time you want or only on Specific "Drift" days?

07-08-2013, 05:08 PM
Willow springs Rates and Fees (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=willow+springs+track+rates)

07-08-2013, 05:12 PM
Went over the Rates and Fees and i understood a little better

I'm still going to call them for other questions i have

07-10-2013, 04:03 PM
Depends on the event you want to attend. You pay the event organizers and in turn they pay the track for the exclusive rental for the event. You can always rent out the track and do what you want but that is by no means cheap, easily upwards of a $1000 a day. Just go to their calendar and look for drift events and get in contact with the group running said event and pay their entry fee.

Or you can go here and look for an event as a lot of them get posted in this section.

07-10-2013, 04:39 PM
Depends on the event you want to attend. You pay the event organizers and in turn they pay the track for the exclusive rental for the event. You can always rent out the track and do what you want but that is by no means cheap, easily upwards of a $1000 a day. Just go to their calendar and look for drift events and get in contact with the group running said event and pay their entry fee.

Or you can go here and look for an event as a lot of them get posted in this section.

This cleared it up a bit . Thanks

*A friend told me it was $100 for a 1 year membership and you can drift
whenever you want :duh:. This threw me off so like crazy

07-10-2013, 08:15 PM
This cleared it up a bit . Thanks

*A friend told me it was $100 for a 1 year membership and you can drift
whenever you want :duh:. This threw me off so like crazy

This is some what true. You can pay the year membership and drift on any days there isn't an event. It counts as a test day means 1 car in the track and no passengers and shared with anyone else doing a test day. Membership used to be $50 raise to $75 the year starts in January and ends in December...so if you bought your membership now it will only be valid till December. Track pricing varies, I think balcony is still $100 a test day.

07-11-2013, 02:33 AM
Huh you learn something new every day. Did not know they had that membership thing.