View Full Version : WTB 5 Speed Parts!

05-03-2004, 07:35 PM
im looking for parts to get a 5 speed swap done. i have a 91 s13 dohc. i need everything besides the transmission and clutch assembly parts. basicly i need everything to get me from the pedal to the slave cylinder, and the lower shift boot, and possibly the top one as well. i would like to buy everything all at once in a package. let me know what you have, and pics would help.

[email protected]

05-04-2004, 04:29 PM
are you still looking?? I have a set of pedals and a jdm master cylinder and usdm oe slave cylinder with all the lines. All in good condition, let me know if you are interested and what price you have in mind, thanks!!

[email protected]

05-04-2004, 07:24 PM
i have someone who has prety much everything i need for 75 plus shipping. i dont know if you can do any better than that. is there anything better about the jdm master?

does anyone happen to know if a ka slave cyl. will work on rb series transmissions?