View Full Version : 96 240, new clutch need help adjusting.

05-31-2013, 01:30 PM
so i have a 1996 240 s14 and it has a new stage 4 clutch in now. but when the pedal is released the clutch does not fully engage right away and when in gear if i put the pedal down the clutch will slip. is there any adjusting to the actuator like a brake caliper type thing or anywhere that i can do some adjusting to make the clutch grip better? also if the clutch is replaced, then is there a different pressure pate or actuator that needs to be put in? if you can help pease doo!!!

05-31-2013, 02:00 PM
You should research.... You need to be changing a clutch to a kit. Clutch Friction Disc, Pressure Plate, pilot bearing/bushing if applicable, and throwout bearing. Flywheels should always either be replaced, or machine (resurface and step height for stepped flywheels)

Beyond that, you could try bleeding the cluthc hydro system. if need be you can adjust the engagement height on the pedal.

I need Clutch pedal adjustment info with pics!!!!! : 240SX Technical Forum (http://forums.nicoclub.com/i-need-clutch-pedal-adjustment-info-with-pics-t289612.html)