View Full Version : Stayabovethelaw

cpl dozier
05-26-2013, 04:36 PM
I made a listing looking for s13 front knuckles. He states he has a set and would sell them to me. We finally come to an agreement on a price. He tells me I have to pay with the gift option on PayPal. No other way. Something about him not wanting to wait for a payment to clear. Didn't make any sense. He was very adamant about me paying as a gift. He said take it or leave it. I like to be covered through PayPal. Especially if it is a transaction with someone I don't know. Buyers beware. Sketchy seller.

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05-26-2013, 04:56 PM
Fuck that dude.

05-30-2013, 10:45 PM
Bought some door panels from him. Dude said they were 'mint', came by scooped them up without taking a good look at them. Got home and started to clean them when I noticed they they had paint marks on then, roll cage imprints and the driver side vinyl started coming off. I blame myself for not taking a better look at them, oh well.