View Full Version : Missing Title- Non Responder

05-23-2013, 06:50 PM
Hey all,

I tried to find an Admin to contact, but not sure who all can help.

Last year I purchased an S14 from a member here named "Tibbett". Bought the car, couldn't get it to run, sold it to a guy in Ohio (my location as well). Please keep in mind, the vehicle is still registered to Tibbett in Indiana. I never registered the car in my name. Ohio requires inspections for out of state titles and the vehicle has to be present. I couldn't get the car to run to go to the BMV.

Guy drove 3 hours to pick up the car, I couldn't find the damn title anywhere. Literally anywhere. I had it the day before to show the car to someone else, could never find it after that.

Anyway, the guy still purchased the car for one reason. I was able to contact the original seller (Tibbett) and he was extremely cool, indicating he would order a new title online and have it sent directly to the new buyer immediately (spoke on the phone, texted, etc). He indicated he just ordered it (While we were on the phone) and all was well in the world.

Fast forward 2-3 months until now. Still no title to my buyer (We have kept in touch) and now the guy will NOT answer his phone.

I have his address, phone number, and last name (Tibbett). I cannot, for the damn life of me, remember his first name. Does anyone, ANYONE on here have access to his first name, know who he is or how to reach him? Not sure what the deal is, my new buyer just needs the title.

Any other options? Please let me know guys, I am running out of ideas.

Thank you,

05-23-2013, 06:54 PM
I don't know that an admin / mod will be able to help you. However if you have that much information it shouldn't be difficult to find his first name using an online search.

Why wasn't the title transferred into your name originally?

05-23-2013, 06:58 PM
Not sure how it is where you are, but here in Texas you don't even need the title to get a new one. At least that's how I've done it. Write up a bill of sale, forge signature(if seller isnt present), fill out necessary document, forge signature (if seller isn't present), head to tax office. Pay associated costs, new title. Done and done.

05-23-2013, 07:04 PM
The biggest problem is that the title is NOT in my name. As I mentioned, I was never able to register the car because I couldn't get the car to the BMV (it was undriveable) to perform the necessary inspection (AKA, VIN check).

I have done countless searches for his name. His address is in his parents name (Luther Tibbett Jr. and Margaret Tibbett) and he isn't online for his phone number.

Regarding Admin's, I imagine he registered with a first and last name.

05-23-2013, 07:05 PM
Btw, thanks for the quick responses guys. I just want to help out the buyer...he's a good guy going through a rough divorce (I didn't know him prior to this).

05-23-2013, 07:10 PM
The biggest problem is that the title is NOT in my name. As I mentioned, I was never able to register the car because I couldn't get the car to the BMV (it was undriveable) to perform the necessary inspection (AKA, VIN check).

I have done countless searches for his name. His address is in his parents name (Luther Tibbett Jr. and Margaret Tibbett) and he isn't online for his phone number.

Regarding Admin's, I imagine he registered with a first and last name.
Try contacting his parents.

Even if he did register with his real name, they might not be able to divulge that information.

05-23-2013, 07:12 PM
Legally, they can. If they aren't willing, I understand. It's only a first name.

I did. Mom is dead, Dad's number is disconnected. Dad still owns house (verified by Indiana, Madison County auditor).

Fuck man, this sucks. He even sent a picture of the new title to the new buyer when he "received" it last time. Apparently it was lost in the mail in route to the new buyer, yet since he said that he hasn't said a word.

No 240.. No id
05-23-2013, 08:02 PM
I had the same issue many times before. I bought some cars from different states with no title/ lost title such as KY and AL.

You can get a title as long as there is no loan on the vehicle.

Here is what i did. Go to Google and search "Duplicate title in Indiana". Find or contact a private business and explain whats going on.

I had done it many times before, but i had a bill of sale, so i sent it to them along with approx. $25.00. Three days later i got a duplicate title in the mail.

Here i did some research for you

Indiana Lost Car Title Vehicle Title Replacement Service | Get New Title (http://www.getnewtitle.com/indiana-lost-car-title-vehicle-title-replacement-service.html)

Remember ask for Duplicate title, Original title cost a lot more, And really they are the same thing.

Good luck.

05-23-2013, 08:27 PM
That seems sketchy as shit.

I like it. Ha.

Thanks man. I don't want to drag this guy through the mud, he was always decent to me. I just need a damn title.

No 240.. No id
05-23-2013, 08:59 PM
Sketchy? You doing business with title professionals office. lol
Anyways good luck.

05-24-2013, 06:56 AM
Sorry, when I read it last night it looked like a side company that deals with this stuff.

I checked out the site again this morning and it looks legit. I'll give them a call today.

05-24-2013, 07:16 AM
It was pretty easy to find out his information by searching, took me less than two minutes. I am not going to put his info up online, because I wouldn't appreciate it if someone did that to me.

I will tell you though, you have his parents wrong.

05-24-2013, 10:59 AM
No I don't.

I have his address from a PM he sent me prior to purchasing that car.

I traced that back via Madison County Auditor to the same last name that his screen name is.

If you don't mind, can you send me his information via PM? I'm not looking to harass the guy, just get my title.

06-19-2013, 09:47 PM
Why not register it when you had it? Or filed the title away safely somewhere so you wouldn't lose it? Or call him with a different phone number?

Rocket science.

06-20-2013, 02:17 AM
So you can't transfer a title into your name without registration in Ohio, that seems like a pretty stupid way to do things. Anyways why make a new thread and not just PM a few mods, they would see that before they see this anyways.

06-26-2013, 10:25 AM
Why not register it when you had it? Or filed the title away safely somewhere so you wouldn't lose it? Or call him with a different phone number?

Rocket science.

Learn to read. I didn't register it when I had the car because you have to have an IN PERSON out of state inspection. The vehicle did not move. Therefore, I cannot get it there to get inspected.

Go steal someone's wheels.

06-26-2013, 10:26 AM
So you can't transfer a title into your name without registration in Ohio, that seems like a pretty stupid way to do things. Anyways why make a new thread and not just PM a few mods, they would see that before they see this anyways.

I did PM them, I didn't get a response. This thread is also over a month old. The problem has been solved. Thanks for the input

06-29-2013, 01:00 AM
Guy drove 3 hours to pick up the car, I couldn't find the damn title anywhere. Literally anywhere. I had it the day before to show the car to someone else, could never find it after that.

You had the title. You're the one at fault. Any state will allow you to register a car with a bill of sale and a title.

At least all of New England and surrounding states, Georgia, and Texas does seeing as I've lived in New England all my life and was stationed in GA and TX and they all comply.

Like stated, you're at fault. Maybe if you kept your records in order you wouldn't have an issue.

Go steal someone's filing cabinet.

EDIT: Confirmed every state follows the same guidelines. Title + bill of sale + SOMETIMES a past registration = good to go.

up in smoke
06-29-2013, 07:50 AM
I can't read what isn't there. Where did you post anywhere saying that?

/waits for the edit.

It's in the first post...underlined...