View Full Version : S13 Tech questions

05-18-2013, 09:16 AM
Hi zilvians, I have kept my build thread away from this website for your benefit but I have some questions you might know the answer to.

1: Here is my gas pedal. What is it missing? Is it just the pad or is there some type of spring contraption that makes it act the way it should?

2: Also as far as the manual pilot bushing goes, some people religiously say make if flush with the flywheel, while the FSM depicts it to be driven in until it stops.
Here's the FSM depiction (with an old zilvian text overlay)

Thank you for the help.

05-18-2013, 10:08 AM
the posts here are always fast so quick bump I need to know soon.
Searching has been giving me inconsistent answers.