View Full Version : GA Apexi Neo and Greddy profec B spec ll for sale.

owned by pandas
05-16-2013, 11:10 AM
The Neo was literally brand new(paid 536 shipped), opened the box, installed in the car got the car home and was taken out. It is practically brand spanking new. Will come with unit and wiring harness. It still has the plastic sealer sheet on the glass part of the neo. It is ready to go be installed in your car and rock out.
Asking price: $375 shipped to your door
Information regarding the item:

The V-AFC features a user-definable, eight-point, adjustable fuel curve that can be set in 500 RPM increments. The range of fuel adjustment is +/- 50% at each of the user-defined setting points.

The Fuel Adjustment function considers wide/narrow throttle and low/high camshaft settings, from which four different fuel maps are created (wide-low, wide-high, narrow-low, narrow-high).

The integrated VTEC Controller adjusts the point at which the engine switches from the Lo to Hi cam during acceleration, as well as when the engine switches from the Hi to Lo cam during deceleration.


- Compact "Piggy-Back" Fuel Management Computer (+50% ~ -50%).

- Unit incorporates both the SAFC and the VAFC.

- NEW "Easy" (8-Point) & "Pro" (16 Point) Modes.

- NEW Color FED Display & Interchangeable Button and Background Colors.

- Inverting "anti-glare" screen allowing view from both angles.

Monitor Mode: - RPM, Throttle, Battery Voltage, Correction %, Air Flow %, Pressure (Kpa), Karmann, VTEC

Setting Mode: Air Map, Air Map Graph, Throttle Point, Deceleration Air, VTEC Control, VTEC Unmatch

Etc. Mode: MOdel Select, Mode Select, Sensor Select, Analog Select, Warning Set, Display Set, Sensor Check
http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/6244/img20130515192940450.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/img20130515192940450.jpg/)
http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4738/img20130515192926430u.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/89/img20130515192926430u.jpg/)


Second item is a full Greddy profec b Spec ll boost controller. This was installed on a 240sx and never gave me problems. It was removed and replaced with a halman controller for personal reason. The boost controller never leaked or spiked, no issues at all. The only flaw with the unit is on the harness it was cut and put back together for lengthening reasons, other than that it is ready to go. Will need only one vacuum line to run from the unit to your wastegate for regulation. Would cost a matter of 2 dollars from any parts store. Comes with everything you see in the picture, the controller, harness, and solenoid.
Asking price: $ 250
http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/3987/photo5bc.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/547/photo5bc.jpg/)

All items can be shipped at the buyers expense. Will offer next day shipping with tracking(if you want insurance for whatever amount add to price sold as.

Contact information:
Name: June
Location: Marietta, Ga 30062
Phone: 470-295-3815
Email: [email protected]
Best means for contact: Phone call or text message.