View Full Version : Place to stay near willow springs

05-14-2013, 10:57 PM
I am driving out to take photos at top drift on the 25 and 26 with my girlfriend. from ventura. its 2 hours away and i don't want to drive back and forth for two days. I was wondering if anyone is around the area closer that would not mind letting us crash on the floor saturday night.


05-14-2013, 11:08 PM
Best of luck it's being a while since I went to WS post pics when you get back k

05-15-2013, 11:04 AM
look up motels?

05-15-2013, 11:11 AM
what a bum.

dude a two hour drive is fun.

05-15-2013, 11:12 AM
theres a few motels there on the otherside of the freeway from the track but i think id rather drive home and sleep in my own bed instead of sleeping there its only about a hour and 10 min drive in a regular car.... i make it in about a hour and 45 - 2 hours max when towing my car up there

05-15-2013, 11:41 AM
If worse comes to worse just sleep in your car?

05-15-2013, 10:23 PM
i would not mind sleeping in my car. just asking if any fellow enthusiasts have an open floor. might as well check. i don't mind the driving 2 hours smart ass in the comments, its the gas money that i don't have.

Canyon Companion
05-20-2013, 12:13 PM
The Devonshire inn is on on the opposite side of the freeway next to the Chevron gas station. Tell them you are with extremespeed (they are having an event that same weekend) and they will give you a discount. Its not the best hotel but its somewhere to sleep and I think its only 60-80 bucks a night with the discount.

05-20-2013, 09:13 PM
thanks for the tips guys

05-20-2013, 09:16 PM
I camp at the track with most of the other drivers its a gayold time !!!!

05-20-2013, 10:14 PM
Im sleeping in my car. Another reason why i love the hatches. Drop the rear seats. Boom instant bed lol that's what im going to do anyways